Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2073: , Uncle, why are you lying on the ground?

However, Zhang Xiang had no idea about these things.

No, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care about it at all.

They worry that it is their business, what is my business.

——This is the words that Zhang Xiang is most likely to answer.

For Zhang Xiang, there is a more important thing at this time.

That is to pick up the young chicks back.

The coordinate point that Zhang Xiang directly fixed was not far away from the kindergarten of Xiaochun.

In just a few minutes, Zhang Xiang has already arrived outside the kindergarten.

At this time, it just happened to be time for school.

Not far away, Xiao Chi was obediently standing behind the nursery teacher, waiting for someone to pick him up.

"Little Chick" Zhang Xiang waved his hand with a smile on his face, and shouted in the direction of Little Chick.

At the same time, hearing Zhang Xiang's voice, Xiao Chi suddenly became lively.

"Uncle, you are here," Xiao Chi yelled, but at the same time she ran out from behind the nursery teacher and ran towards Zhang Xiang's direction.

Seeing the little chick running towards him with small steps, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but squat down and stretched out his hands.

"Yes, my uncle is here..." With a smile on Zhang Xiang's face, he wanted to hug the chick into his arms.

However, at this moment.

Xiao Chi's face suddenly let out a cry of surprise, showing a happier smile, and ran from Zhang Xiang's side... and fell into another embrace!

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang, who hadn't finished speaking, stood frozen in place in an instant. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

‘What, what’s going on? ! Zhang Xiang said that his brain did not turn around.

But at this moment, Xiao Chi's happy voice came from behind Zhang Xiang.

"Ah, Xia Xia and Xiangxiang come together to pick up the young chick. The young chick is so happy." The tender and happy voice of the young chick passed from behind Zhang Xiang.

At the same time, it also made Zhang Xiang sober.

"Xia Xia and Xiang Xiang...Miss Sha Xia Night Lai Xiang-senpai?!" Zhang Xiang turned his head abruptly and looked behind him.

Xiao Chun was in the arms of Miss Sha Xia and Lai Xiang-senpai, with a happy expression on his small faces.

And under the teasing of Miss Sa Xia and Lexiang-senpai, Xiao Chi couldn't help but show a "chuckle" smile.

However, I don't know why.

Zhang Xiang has a sense of loss.

Uh, for the specific feeling, you can refer to the feeling of the father whose daughter was taken away by a man.

Although, it was Miss Sha Xia and Lai Xiang-senpai who made love to Xiao Chi.

But I don't know why, Zhang Xiang has this feeling.

"555, Xiao Chi ignored me..." Zhang Xiang almost didn't make a frustrated body bending forward.

Fortunately, at this time.

Xiao Chi turned her head again.

"Ah, uncle, let's go home? Uncle, what's wrong with you, why are you lying on the ground?" Xiao Chi happily shouted in this direction of Zhang Xiang.

However, she found that Zhang Xiang's movements were a little strange, and a question mark could not help appearing above her little head, and she asked Zhang Xiang with some confusion.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but immediately returned to the original state.

"Cough cough... Little uncle just fell down accidentally. Don't worry, Xiao Chin." Zhang Xiang coughed slightly and said to Xiao Chi with an excuse.

He wouldn't say that he just made an arrogant move because Xiao Chi didn't throw him into his arms for the first time, but instead cast into the arms of Miss Sa Xia and Sister Raixiang.

In this case, he will lose a lot of points in Xiao Chi's heart.

Well, the frustrated body bending forward is also one of the ways the otaku expresses arrogance.

Although it's a bit far-fetched...

And listening to Zhang Xiang's fall, Xiao Chi's face couldn't help showing a small nervous look.

"Ah, did my uncle fall? Is there any injury? The last time the young chick fell, it was very painful," Xiao Chi asked with a nervous look on his face, and asked Zhang Xiang.

And listening to Xiao Chi's concern, even if he was really hurt, Zhang Xiang's heart was already warm, how could he still feel pain.

Not to mention, the fall he said was just an excuse.

"Don't worry, my younger uncle is very strong. There is nothing at all." Zhang Xiang patted his chest and said.

It's just that, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, behind Zhang Xiang, not only Miss Sha Xia, but even Senior Sister Lai Xiang laughed.

Especially Miss Sa Xia's face showed a dumbfounding expression.

Not just the two of them, the nursery lady who has been coming into the kindergarten since childhood has a smile on her face, covering her mouth with her hands, and even let out a laugh.

However, after she laughed, she felt something wrong again.

"No, I'm sorry. This smile of mine is not malicious. It's just that I just feel a little happy. Your family is really much happier than other families..." The nursery lady hurriedly toward Zhang Xiang Waiting for someone to apologize.

And before Zhang Xiang could speak, Miss Sha Xia had already walked past by herself.

"It's okay. What you want to say is that our family has so much fun. Uh, there is no need to explain... This is not a bad word. After all, an interesting family can be happier. , Let the children grow up healthily. Although, some of the fun in our family is often created by someone..." Miss Sasha prevented the childcare worker from apologizing again, with a smile on her face Said.

Moreover, at the end of the words, he glanced at Zhang Xiang.

However, listening to Miss Sa Xia's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help rolling his eyes.

‘You’ve just lived at home for a while. How do you know what I really look like? And, what do you mean to make fun? Although from the wording, there is no problem. But why did I hear the deep malice from your words! Zhang Xiang complained in his heart.

Of course, because he wanted to play the role of a good dad in front of Hina, he didn't say anything about it at this time.

However, just when this Zhang Xiang complained in his heart.

Miss Sa Xia didn't know what to use, she became familiar with the childcare teacher.

The two began to talk and laugh, and even Laixiang-senpai, who had never been able to communicate before and was basically cold-faced, started to say something to each other from time to time.

After a while, the three of them looked like best friends for many years.

This made Zhang Xiang had to complain in his heart.

‘How fast you women build friendships! Did you become such a good friend in just a few sentences? Zhang Xiang picked up the chick and complained in his heart.

Of course, he still maintains a happy expression on the surface, and is making affection with Xiao Chi.

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