Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2076: , Invade Gensokyo!

"Gensokyo!" Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked at the place where the meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers disappeared.

The huge void that was impacted by the aftermath of the meteorite has not been compensated for yet!

But immediately, Zhang Xiang came back to his senses.

After pacifying the family, Zhang Xiang left a shadow clone to act as a guard, while his real body moved directly and instantaneously in the direction of Gensokyo.

Because he was in Gensokyo, he had already set up spatial coordinates in the Red Devil Hall.

This time, he didn't need to spend much time.

Of course, even if he didn't set the space coordinates, he wanted to rush into Gensokyo with his current strength, but it was just a means to spend a little more.

After moving to the outside of the Red Devil Hall in an instant, Zhang Xiang rushed out of the Red Devil Hall and cast his gaze in the direction of the sky.

I saw that Gensokyo, which was supposed to be in the sun at this time, had already become gloomy.

In the sky, a super-large meteorite floats in the air. From time to time, there are some unstable meteorite fragments that fall from this super-large meteorite and fall onto the ground, causing A lot of riots came.

But fortunately, these meteorite fragments are almost all small pieces. It seems that when it landed on the earth, when the super-large meteorite resisted the gravitational force, it caused the instability of its own structure to loosen, which led to the present situation. It fell loose from this super large meteorite.

Therefore, although it caused a riot, it did not cause any harm to Gensokyo.

After all, those falling meteorites fell from the edge of that super-large meteorite.

Therefore, it seems that no injuries have been caused to personnel.

However, at this moment, a groan came from behind Zhang Xiang. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

" hurts...555, stop hitting me, I'm not sleeping lazily..."

Accompanied by this painful cry, a girl with long pink hair, a hat inlaid with stars on her head, pink underwear, and a light green waistcoat and skirt can't help but cry out. He got up, covered his head with his hands and started running around.

And where she was sleeping by the door, a small stone fell to the ground.

Uh... well, someone is still injured!

Although it is Hong Meiling who is always on guard, the unqualified Baga guard who will fall asleep by the door is right...

However, at this moment, figures began to rise from all corners of Gensokyo.

However, in Gensokyo, it is possible to ascend into the air, not with the help of wings or the like, almost all of them come from big monsters.

From where Zhang Xiang can see, he has already seen it, and he also knows the monsters, such as Hakuli Reimu, Yakumo Zi, Yoshiki Eigin, Siji Yingji, Kazejian Youxiang, Demon Risa, Kami Shirasawa Keiyin, Fujiwara Meihong, and so on, are about ten people I know.

As for the monsters that you don't know, there are more.

It's hard to imagine that there are so many big monsters in Gensokyo, which occupies a small area.

You know, even in the Warring States period more than a thousand years ago, the frequency of appearance of big monsters was not so high.

Because big monsters usually occupy one place, it is absolutely impossible to let other big monsters coexist in the territory for too long.

However, in Gensokyo, these rules have been broken.

But Zhang Xiang can also understand the reason for this situation.

The reason is that it is now a modern society, and the outside world is basically not suitable for the survival of big monsters.

Therefore, when these big monsters perceive that they can accommodate abnormalities, or that Gensokyo specializes in attracting abnormalities, they usually enter Gensokyo.

Therefore, during this period of accumulation of hundreds of years, Gensokyo has accumulated so many big monsters.

And watching so many big monsters and a small number of strong human beings ascend into the sky, after thinking for a while, Zhang Xiang still moved in that direction.

However, at this moment, two figures rose from behind Zhang Xiang.

Specifically, it rose from the Red Devil Hall, and moved towards the super-giant meteorite together.

And there are only two big monsters that can emerge from the Crimson Devil Hall.

That is undoubtedly the eldest lady of the Red Devil Mansion-Remilia Scarlett, and the second lady of the Red Devil Mansion-Flandreus Carrett!

When she saw Zhang Xiang, Remilia was undoubtedly surprised.

However, before Remilia could speak, Fran next to Remilia was already exclaiming.

"Ah...It's the big bad guy!!!" Fran exclaimed, pointing her little finger in the direction she imagined.

But after she exclaimed, she hurriedly hid behind Remilia, with a timid expression on her face.

"Sister, he is the big bad guy! Don't let him bully Fran..." Fran shouted with a timid expression on her face, hiding behind Remilia.

And listening to Fran's exclamation, a series of eyes that I don't know how many, they paid attention to Zhang Xiang's body at the same time.

Because, long before Fran exclaimed, the big monster floating in the air had already projected its sight.

After all, the person who can make the second lady of the Red Devil Mansion exclaim must not be a simple guy.

You know, the second lady of the Crimson Devil Mansion's destructive ability, but has a certain name in Gensokyo.

Although people at the bottom do not necessarily know, but people at the top must know it.

Because, Fran's ability is the ability to directly destroy everything, including the rules in it!

Plus she would never control this ability before.

Therefore, there is a trace of fear in the voice that makes others jealous. You can imagine how incredible it is.

However, when they projected their gazes, they saw that the person Fran was pointing at was a guy whom only a few of them knew, and they were still a man, and then they heard Fran’s words, their eyes looked a little strange. .

Curiosity, strange, contempt, doubt...

It can be said that this is most of the feelings in the world and can be seen in these sights.

Of course, among these people, those who despise and are curious are the most.

But Zhang Xiang, who stopped Fran’s shouting, raised his hand and wanted to say hello to Remilia, but froze in awkward position.

Because the sights from behind him really made him feel the pressure!

You know, the strong people in Gensokyo are almost all women!

Being stared at by a dozen women at the same time, especially when these girls are strong, you can imagine how much the pressure should be.

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