Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2089: ,

"Oops, are you going to be late? Look at my teleportation!" Zhang Xiang suddenly looked in the direction of Junqiu Middle School, but with a teleportation, he returned to the outside of Class E of the third year. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, when Zhang Xiang opened the door, he saw that the yellow octopus was already standing on the podium.

However, the atmosphere in the classroom is very solemn.

Because, on the podium, I don't know when there was an octopus nailed to the podium by a dagger.

‘Oh, are some students already in the state and start a demonstration? This thought flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

But his face did not change in the slightest.

"Hello, I'm not late~" Zhang Xiang smiled, but pushed open the door of the classroom and walked in.

And behind him, there is just a set of tables and chairs floating unscientifically.

And with the arrival of Zhang Xiang, the sinking seemed to be broken.

Especially when those students saw the tables and chairs floating behind Zhang Xiang, they showed a somewhat strange expression.

After all, Zhang Xiang admitted yesterday that if it were true, it would make people horrified.

Although they have no way to verify the authenticity, they already know a lot from the reaction of Uma Yuchen.

Of course, they are still in doubt.

Just like the unknown yellow octopus, everyone didn't believe that convenience was the culprit in blowing up the moon.

After all, in everyone's imagination, the guy who will blow up the moon must be a hideous-looking alien monster.

It is not that although it seems unnatural at first glance, but after a long time, it is not terrible. On the contrary, it is some cute octopus with round head and yellow body, which looks very cartoon, and the speech is pure neon. Rainbow language, and the yellow octopus unknown creature that didn't show how terrifying.

Therefore, in the dubious, and after contact, many people do not believe that it is the creature that blows up the earth for convenience.

Even the unidentified yellow octopus that has been certified by the Ministry of Defense, the students present were a little dubious.

Let alone Zhang Xiang.

Even some students still disdain Zhang Xiang and the unknown yellow octopus.

Well, about this point, Zhang Xiang can't understand it.

I don't know where the other party's disdain came from.

But looking at the other party's scumbag, Zhang Xiang knew that the other party was either kicked in the head by the donkey, or that he had watched too many underworld movies and his head was pretty funny.

The yellow octopus unknown creature ended that short sinking.

"Yo Xi, of course I'm not late, please come in," the yellow octopus unknown creature said with a smile on Zhang Xiang.

"Thank you, then." Zhang Xiang walked into the classroom.

However, he deliberately stopped in front of the octopus crucified on the table.

"Oh teacher, why do you have the hobby of killing your own kind" Zhang Xiang pretended to be surprised, and said to the unknown yellow octopus.

Don't forget, Zhang Xiang intends to block the opponent, not to help him.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the other party's face did not show the same angry expression as last time, but showed a slightly funny expression.

"Ah, this one, this one is the breakfast that an unknown classmate in the classroom gave to the teacher. It's so sweet. Knowing that the teacher got up late in the morning, he came without breakfast, so he prepared breakfast for me. Oh, by the way, this is not a teacher of the same kind, because, the teacher is a human, now it’s just a special form. It’s a pity that when this unknown student gave it to the teacher, I haven't cooked it yet" said the yellow octopus with a smile on the face of the unknown creature.

"Oh, is it?" Zhang Xiang raised his brow slightly.

Although Zhang Xiang had guessed that the other party was a laboratory product, he had also guessed that the other party was a human.

However, Zhang Xiang was slightly surprised when the other party admitted.

Because the strength of the other party is not like what a laboratory on the earth can produce.

You must know that the opponent's speed is as fast as twenty times Mach, and you can also carry the incarnation as a meteorite to bake up to thousands of degrees during the landing process, as well as the bombardment of missiles.

Obviously, this kind of strength is impossible even if the genes of several of the most powerful animals on the planet are extracted and cultivated together in one organism.

Therefore, there is only one explanation.

That is, the birth of the other party was only accidental.

Moreover, the black technology was used to make the other party born.

When Zhang Xiang raised his eyebrows, the other party answered in time.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter. This is quite simple to me. It's just fire, it's very simple." The yellow octopus suddenly exploded with a Mach close to twenty times. Speed, a gust of wind blew in the classroom, and his figure disappeared on the circular edge of the sky.

But in the next second, it hadn't waited until the gust of wind would blow the entire classroom.

The figure of the unknown creature of the yellow octopus suddenly reappeared in the original position.

However, there was only one more thing in his two tentacles.

And this thing caused panic among many people in the classroom, and they leaned toward the back half of the classroom.

Some people even shouted out.

"Guide, missile!"

A girl screamed.

However, listening to the screams in the classroom and the commotion, the face of the unknown yellow octopus showed an embarrassing smile, and the tentacles of the other hand scratched his round yellow head. .

"Hey, it seems too ostentatious. But don’t worry, classmates. This is a Patriot missile that I went to the navy base some time ago and brought back by the way. Although the explosion is powerful enough A school building blasted into the sky. But don’t worry, the detonator inside has been dismantled by me. Now it has become my special barbecue. Well, the missile uses solid fuel, which is very true. Durable. Otherwise, look at it." The yellow octopus unknown creature didn't know which button was pressed, and the raging flames had already been ejected from the back half of the missile.

At the same time, the body shape of the unknown yellow octopus just suddenly changed into an afterimage.

This is not the other party's tricks, but simply too fast to produce afterimages.

Seeing the other party incarnate as a dozen, the stuffing, stirring, etc. work were completed in an instant, and half of the octopus was processed into octopus balls.

After a while, in the second half of the missile flamethrower, the yellow octopus unknown creature just put the octopus **** chopped into meatballs and bake them in front of the fire.

Moreover, it is the same technique that bakes the octopus **** back and forth super fast to ensure that the octopus **** are not scorched by the temperature of the missile jet flame with a temperature of thousands of degrees, and the octopus **** can be cooked.

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