Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2091: , Not hungry, we really are not hungry!

And after groping for a while, the missile tail flame that was originally spitting flames finally ceased to be so ferocious. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And Zhang Xiang, like the unknown yellow octopus, quickly sorted out an octopus ball, a teppanyaki octopus, and an octopus soup.

During that process, the students in the audience frowned.

Some people want to complain about Zhang Xiang, have you used the classroom as a kitchen?

As for how the teppanyaki octopus and octopus soup are made?

This point is very simple. Zhang Xiang tore off the shell of the missile like a piece of paper, and then used an unknown technique to melt it into an iron plate, then it could not be made into iron. Is it grilled octopus?

The same is true for the utensils that cook takoyaki soup.

But what shocked the students present was that what Zhang Xiang tore apart was the steel skin of the missile!

The exposed line structure, as well as the light that was activated in the center part, made the students present panicked, for fear that Zhang Xiang would tear it, and the "rose flower" would suddenly burst out. The entire classroom, no, it means to erase the entire Mingaoka Academy and half of Tokyo.

From the words Zhang Xiang just said, they have no doubt that this ‘rose flower’ can do this!

Fortunately, during the period from Zhang Xiang's beginning to the completion of production, no accidents occurred.

It's just that the students under high pressure, after the pressure was suddenly released, almost did not collapse, but even so, the back of the classroom was full of people lying on the floor.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang is still cheering on the fire.

"Oh, didn’t everyone eat breakfast? Why are you looking very tired? Would you like to make one for you too. Ah, but it seems that the utensils are not enough. By the way, I will tear out a little more iron sheet. Let’s make some plates and cups. Look at 1 Woolen 3 Chinese Net." Zhang Xiang’s face showed a sudden expression of enlightenment, and he was about to start working again.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, where did everyone dare to continue to limp on the ground.

"No, no, we are already resting. Right, Nagisa?" Isabel Yuma, who was next to Nagata Shioda, said reluctantly.

And Nagisa Chaotian also understood his meaning after a moment of stunned.

"Uh, um, yeah! Yes, we are all well rested. Moreover, we are full for breakfast." Chaotian Zhuo nodded like a soldier.

And the others are already reacting now.

"Yes, our breakfast today was very rich, and we almost had to eat. So, we are not hungry at all."

"Yeah, we are neither hungry nor hungry."


Other students also responded.

It's just that the expressions on their faces are a bit awkward and reluctant, and cold sweat is still on their foreheads.

But listening to their words, Zhang Xiang's face was pretending to show regret.

"Really? It's a pity that I wanted you to try my craft. Because, I have the tentacles of a super big octopus from another world. It seems that the taste is still very good." Zhang Xiang said When he got here, he shook his head slightly, with an aftertaste expression on his face, as if he was reminiscing about the deliciousness of the past.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, many students present had their lips twitched.

Some people are still complaining in their hearts: ‘A octopus tentacles, can one of us in the classroom eat it? ’, ‘An octopus in another world, who knows if it is poisonous! ", "The other world, the other world looks very interesting, I don’t know if there is anything delicious..."

Uh, well, the last voice from the heart of an unknown foodie, we will temporarily ignore it.

"Uh... we know it. Then, can we start the class?" Chao Tian asked with embarrassment and helplessness on his face, raising his hands and leaning back.

After listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang converged slightly.

"Um, I know it's class time now. However, I didn't say it temporarily when I watched everyone having fun so much. Well, I believe the teacher would not mind, right?" Zhang Xiang turned his head and looked at the yellow octopus Unknown creature's direction.

And looking at Zhang Xiang's gaze, the yellow octopus unknown creature's face also pretended to show embarrassment.

"Don't mind, why would you mind because everyone is having fun," said a tentacle of the unknown yellow octopus, scratching the back of his head.

"Ah, is it? I knew that the teacher would not mind." Zhang Xiang also laughed.

Just listening to the conversation between Zhang Xiang and the unknown creature of the yellow octopus.

The souls of the students below are already burning.

‘Happy, happy to the birds! You guys are happy, right! ’

‘A ghost will be happy! We were so worried that we almost didn't jump out of our hearts! ’

"Ma Dan, if I have another happy "play" or two for you, I am afraid I will die of heart failure! ’

‘Can you still play happily? ’

Complaints such as this appeared in the hearts of those students.

Um, Zhang Xiang didn't need to use illusion to read their hearts, just from the expressions on their faces.

It's just that Zhang Xiang, who is still playing, didn't expose them.

"Ah, since it's already fun to play. Let's go to class." Zhang Xiang made this suggestion.

After all, if you play too much and force these guys out of Class E for three years, it's actually not difficult to find such an interesting class.

"Okay, the vocation of the students is to study? Now please open page 32 of the textbook. It seems that if I remember correctly, you should have learned here." The yellow octopus is unknown creature. I don't know where to get it. After I came out with a textbook, I wanted to give a serious lecture.

And Zhang Xiang also helped the floating tables and chairs behind him, came to the back of the classroom by the window, and sat down.

Well, the reason why I chose the position by the window is because it seems that in all anime and many movies, the protagonist is sitting there.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang also wants to enjoy the treatment of the protagonist.

After all, from kindergarten to university, he has never enjoyed the treatment of the protagonist!

However, shortly after Zhang Xiang sat down, he saw an interesting scene.

Many students quietly began to say that their right hand reached into the cabinet of the table and held something.

It was at the next moment, when the third bell sounded suddenly.

All the students present, eh, excluding Zhang Xiang, all stood up suddenly, and took out a pistol, even a submachine gun, from under the table, directly shooting in the direction of an unknown creature like a yellow octopus .

In an instant, hundreds of bullets were already lasing towards the unknown yellow octopus.

This scene made Zhang Xiang's eyes bright.

In addition, thank you [kkzikkziaa] for the reward of 1000vip points!

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