Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2097: , As long as there is enough money!

And Uma Yuchen is also worthy of being an official of the Secret Service of the Ministry of Defense. He did not forget his purpose because of all this. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

He walked directly in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

"I want to ask, what range of the troubles you mentioned before are in the scope of the force. Does it refer to the scope of force or other aspects?" Uma Weichen asked Zhang Xiang directly.

But listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang felt a little curious.

"Oh, why do you ask?" Zhang Xiang asked, leaning his back on the chair.

"Because, didn't you say before that you came here to find fun because you are bored? Since you are looking for fun, how can you find fun without setting yourself a limit? For someone like you Humanly speaking, a game with no limits is not challenging, isn't it?" Uma Weichen lowered his head slightly, and his eyes were facing Zhang Xiang's direction.

Listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, I want to use this method to temporarily minimize my harm. I took the lead in dealing with the famous saying that I would destroy the earth. Then I used the rules I set to find an opportunity to kill. Me?" Zhang Xiang's right finger tapped on the desktop, making a crisp sound.

However, the expression on his face became more and more cold.

An atmosphere like low air pressure instantly enveloped a whole room.

Let the students in the classroom dare not even make any movements.

However, the expression on Uma Weichen's face did not change the slightest, just like a person with no change in expression.

"Interesting, then, I will agree to your request. Look at'Mao Xian, Chinese, Chinese, and Internet, as long as no one uses force, but uses other things that comply with laws and regulations to make me surrender, I will not Do things that hurt other people. In this case, Uma Weichen, you are satisfied." Zhang Xiang suddenly showed a smile on his face and said to Uma Weichen.

Then he stood up and walked outside.

However, when he passed by Wujian Weichen, he suddenly spoke.

"Oh, by the way, let me give you a piece of advice. If you want to continue to be handsome next time, it's best to control your heartbeat. Just now, I heard your heartbeat "boom!" The loud sound of jumping! Okay, I'm going to take a break between classes, I hope you can come up with a plan to make me flat. Recently, I was a little panicked." Zhang Xiang put his hands behind his head, Go to the outside of the classroom.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Wu Jian Weichen's forehead couldn't help but a layer of cold sweat broke out.

However, just when Zhang Xiang was about to walk out of the classroom.

But Wu Jian Weichen gritted his teeth abruptly and turned his body.

"Wait a minute!" Wu Jian Weichen shouted in Zhang Xiang's direction.

And listening to the other party's voice, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but stop.

"Oh, is there anything else?" Zhang Xiang turned his head.

"What you said is in line with the laws and rules, that is, you have to obey as a normal person, no, is it something a student has to obey?" Uma Yuichen's heart was beating, and he resisted. Fear asked Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help raising his brows.

"Of course, in this case, it is more challenging and more in line with your hopes, doesn't it?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and said with a shrug.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Wu Jian Weichen's fear gradually faded, and his heart no longer beat so excited.

Even the emotions gradually calmed down.

"So good, now please abide by the rules of being a student. Oh, no, it is the laws and rules that a normal person needs to follow. You have not officially registered at Junqiu Middle School. So, please register officially After that, come to class E for three years!" Wu Jian Weichen said to Zhang Xiang with a serious face.

But listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang turned around in surprise.

"That's it. Are you planning to use this to prevent me from being able to enter Class E for three years? Give you time to deal with and kill the teacher first?" Zhang Xiang revealed as if he had encountered something very interesting. expression.

That expression, although the other person’s expression has not changed, but the heart beats faster!

But the other party was not affected much in the end.

"So, do you accept or not? You just promised to abide by the rules." Wujian Weichen continued to ask Zhang Xiang.

And Zhang Xiang answered the other party quickly.

"Comply, how could I not comply! I just said, how can I go back on it so quickly?" Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Wu Jian Weichen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Since you obey the words, then please go back first and wait until you have registered..." Uma Weichen stretched out his right hand and made a gesture of'please'.

However, before he finished speaking, Zhang Xiang's words had already been interrupted.

"Wait a minute..." Zhang Xiang said suddenly.

In an instant, Uma Weichen's heartbeat could not help speeding up again, and his right hand had already started to involuntarily touch the gun behind him.

‘Sure enough, wanting to make them obey the rules is too weird! It seems that I have to stay here. Uma Weichen couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

Seeing the bitterness on Wujian Weichen's face, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but speak again.

"Mr. Wujian, looking at your nervous look, it seems that I am going to repent and kill you. Don’t worry, I’m going to repent of the words I just said. What I want to remind you is, maybe You haven’t had time to check on your desk in the morning. I, I officially enrolled this morning and the class I entered is the third year E. So, I didn’t break the rules at all." Zhang Xiang is like He said something lightly, smiling and said to Uma Weichen.

It's just that, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Wu Jian Weichen's expression couldn't help changing, and his eyes showed unbelievable eyes.

"How could it be..." Wujian Weichen's expression was full of shock and unbelief.

Just before grabbing the door, I went to find the transfer report on his desk.

It's just that the little sensibility that he has temporarily kept prevents him from running out so rudely.

"It's really good. This is a private school. As long as you have enough money, you can enter whenever you want." Zhang Xiang's mouth was slightly tilted, and he walked outside with a happy smile. .

Only Wu Jian Weichen, whose face was a little darkened in the same place, seemed to be always cold.

Of course, at this time, his expression is no longer cold, but decadent...

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