Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2136: , To kill the teacher fiber

"How is it impossible? Even killing the teacher can blow up the moon. I did this kind of thing, shouldn't it be too unexpected, right?" Zhang Xiang spread his hands, his face showed'you believe' Just believe, don't believe it, forget it's expression.

At this moment, the guy wearing the generous clothes had already calmed down.

"Really? I was taught. So, can we go now?" The man in the generous clothes calmed down and asked Zhang Xiang in the direction.

"Of course, as long as you remember to explain the situation here when you leave, pay the corresponding fees, and ask them to repair it. After all, you should be his guardian, right? He? You have the responsibility to repair the damaged things, right?" Zhang Xiang pointed to the Horibe camp, which was sitting in the same place after losing his tentacles, and said to the man in the generous clothes.

"No problem. I'll take care of these. Then, excuse me, let's go!" The man in the thick clothes said while walking over and carrying the Horibe camp that was sitting in place. Get up and walk in the direction outside the classroom.

Only at this time.

The teacher killing next to him suddenly spoke.

"Wait a minute, you haven't explained where his tentacles came from!" Teacher Killing's figure suddenly moved quickly in front of the other party, and blocked the door, with a serious look and wearing generous clothes. The man questioned.

However, facing the teacher Killing who stood in front of him, the man dressed in generous clothes, with a bag on his head, and his hands wrapped in white gloves, did not stop at all, and turned a man. Wan walked towards the gap made by the Horibe camp, ignoring the teacher's question.

And his way of doing this also angered the teacher a little bit.

"Give me a minute!" Teacher Killing's eyes narrowed slightly, and the tentacle on the right that had just been repaired, but flew out to grab the other's shoulder. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

But in the next moment.

The tentacles resting on the opponent's shoulder suddenly burst open!

This phenomenon not only caused Teacher Killing to widen his eyes, but also looked vigilant in disbelief, and even the students present were a little surprised.

"Kill the teacher, the tentacles that killed the teacher are broken!"

"It looks exactly like it was cut by that special material dagger!"

"How is this possible!"


The sound of exclamation came from the mouths of the students hiding behind the classroom, and their faces looked incredulous.

And at this moment, the man in the generous clothes also stopped his footsteps slightly.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. The clothes I wear are all made of fibers specifically for you. With this clothes, you can't touch me. Besides, one day , I will get rid of your sinful creature!" The man in generous clothes said in a flat voice.

However, Zhang Xiang, who was next to him, was able to listen to the other party's words, and he didn't know why he had the undisguised killing intent to kill the teacher.

"Finally, one more sentence. You, you can call me'Mr. Bai'. Because of your killing teacher, I believe we will meet again soon." Wearing generous clothes, no, it should be called Mr. Bai now. The guy turned his head to look at the students in the classroom, and glanced in a certain direction.

Then he walked out of the classroom without looking back.

However, what the other party may not know is that he thought he was wearing a helmet on his head, and his eyes would not be caught by others, but he was caught by Zhang Xiang next to him.

Even with something similar to sunglasses on the helmet, Zhang Xiang can still feel that the other party's sight is staying there.

‘Is it really her? I felt something was wrong before. It seems that in her body, she really has a lot of things to dig! Zhang Xiang glanced slightly over the students at the back of the classroom, and glanced over Mao Yefeng's body, and then turned his head to look at the other people's defense line when the opponent didn't sense it.

But even so, after Zhang Xiang glanced over, the other party also scanned Zhang Xiang's direction concealed and vigilantly.

As everyone knows, it is her concealed behavior that makes Zhang Xiang feel that the other party has problems even more.

And soon, Mr. Bai, who was wearing a white and generous clothes, disappeared from sight. The teacher who had originally looked at him to leave with a grim look on his face who didn’t know what he was thinking about, also recovered. coming.

Then he returned to his original appearance.

"It’s really not embarrassing for God to let the classmates see me so stern and angry." Teacher Kill’s face was reappeared with the usual cynical expression, and the reborn tentacles of his right hand were scratching. Pointing at the back of his head, he said to everyone in the classroom with an awkward expression on his face.

And watching Teacher Killing return to his original appearance, many students present were relieved.

However, in the next moment, the classmates in the classroom gathered around again aggressively.

"Kill the teacher, is the guy with the tentacles just now really your brother?"

"Kill the teacher, are you really an alien?"

"Kill the teacher, why were you so angry just now after seeing the tentacles?"

A large group of students with curiosity and curiosity gathered around, watching the Killing Teacher standing on the podium forcefully, asking them as if they would not stop without pushing all his secrets out.

In the face of the student who suddenly became enthusiastic, Teacher Killing was also quite unstoppable.

"Um, teacher, I have only one person... When I was a child, I asked my father and mother to want a younger brother, and I was told for a while! So, teacher, I have only one person, no brothers or sisters. Oh..."

"As for the alien matter, I'm guilty! When did I say that I was an alien!!!"

"As for the question of anger, this is a secret..."

Teacher Killing was a little hurriedly dealing with the wave after wave of questions, and the tentacles of both hands were waving, seeming to be a little rushed.

However, even though he was a little rushed, he was cleverly covering up some key things.

At the same time, in his words, he also revealed that he was originally a human being, but it was completely artificially modified.

It's just that when Teacher Killing made up his mind to speak out, what he saw were the expressions of a lot of students below, "It turned out to be like this," without much surprise.

Because of this, Teacher Kill still ran to the side of the circle in depression, while still saying: ‘I’ve made a lot of determination to say it, you are not surprised, I am not alive’.

Well, this volume is being updated again (although it's just a day later)

As for Pirates, it is probably updated every two or three days now. After all, the paper is only submitted for the mid-term, and the later period has not been finalized. It will be reviewed on the 15th and is working hard.

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