Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2146: , Above the moon!

"It's big, round, and beautiful." Little Chin put his hands on the transparent glass and looked at the beautiful planet below. She couldn't help but widen her black and bright eyes, and said to Zhang Xiang. .

"Yes, it's very beautiful. This is the planet we live on." Zhang Xiang explained to Xiao Chi.

"Ah, this is the planet where Little Chin lives." Little Chin didn't know what he had thought of. The smile on his face became brighter, and he looked at the earth below more closely.

And after waiting for Xiao Chi to watch enough, Zhang Xiang could say again.

"Sit down. This time, we have to go to the moon in one breath." Zhang Xiang said to the young chick next to him.

"Yes." Xiao Chi raised her right hand and said.

Then, her hands hugged the safety belt of the rabbit seat.

However, there is no tension on her face, all she has is expectation.

She is looking forward to going to the moon and making rice cakes with the rabbit above.

"Okay, let's go!" Zhang Xiang also raised his right hand and said.

At the same time, this big white rabbit spacecraft also adjusted its direction and flew directly forward.

In front of it, a dark passage appeared at some point.

However, this spacecraft did not stop, and rushed in under Zhang Xiang's control.

A burst of dark light struck in an instant.

But in the next instant, countless bright star clusters appeared outside the windows of the spacecraft.

But, strangely, those bright star clusters that were far away were quickly thrown behind him and disappeared. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

And such a scene only lasted for a moment.

Then, not far from the moon.

First, the head of a big white rabbit rushed out of the void, then one of the forelimbs raised by it, then the body, and finally a pair of jumping hind limbs.

And just in front of this big white rabbit spacecraft, is the moon reflecting orange-yellow moonlight.

Above this distance, the hills and mountains above the moon can be seen clearly.

It was just a moment, and this spacecraft had already crossed hundreds of thousands of kilometers and came to the moon.

"Oh moon, such a big moon" Xiao Chi opened her mouth wide, looking at the moon in front of her that had been magnified by an unknown number of times, she couldn't help exclaiming.

"Yeah, sit down, we are going to land." Zhang Xiang smiled and said to the young bird.

Then, under his control, the entire white rabbit spacecraft turned one way and landed downwards with its feet down.

And with the slow landing, the moon exposed in front of the young chick got closer and closer, and everything became bigger, which made the young chick exclaimed.

After a while, the White Rabbit spacecraft controlled by Zhang Xiang had already landed on the surface of the moon.

As the white rabbit spacecraft's feet fell on the surface of the moon, a layer of dust was splashed, and the entire spacecraft steadily docked on it.

In the cockpit, Zhang Xiang untied the safety belt for the young chicks.

"Okay, Xiaochun, let's go down together. Let's go find the rabbit on the moon to make rice cakes." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand to Xiaochun.

"Okay on the bright big moon, let's look for rabbits making rice cakes together, and follow them to make rice cakes together." The young girl put her little hand on Zhang Xiang's big hand and jumped excitedly. On one side, he hummed a song he had composed only after a long absence, and happily followed Zhang Xiang to the place where the spacecraft descended.

After a while, Zhang Xiang was already holding Xiao Chi's right hand and came to the exit above the feet of the big rabbit spaceship.

With the sound of a mechanical sound, the door in front of them slowly opened, and the scene above the moon finally appeared in front of them.

And the very excited young chick dragged Zhang Xiang to the outside of the gate.

Suddenly, an extremely clean starry sky, and an endless sea of ​​sand appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and Xiao Chi.

"Ah, a lot of sand" Little Chin was very excited to see the farthest place of vision, and jumped up with her small body, let her feet step on the sand that is unique to the moon.

But what she didn't know was.

The gravity of the moon is only one-sixth that of the earth.

Therefore, when she jumped up her small body, she was not like on the earth, just jumped up to ten centimeters and then fell down, but jumped up to a height of more than one meter.


At the beginning, she was really taken aback by this phenomenon.

However, when she found out that she would not fly into the air without falling down, but would jump higher, stay in the air for more time, and be able to see farther places. She got excited, started to jump up and down, and let out a sweet laugh.

Of course, Xiao Chi did not forget to hold Zhang Xiang's right hand tightly.

When she jumped too hard and drifted outside, Zhang Xiang always pulled her back in time.

This is the reason why Xiao Chi dared to jump so much.

However, this kind of play only attracted the chicks for less than ten minutes.

Then, she remembered the business of coming here.

"Ah, uncle, uncle, where are the rabbits on the moon? Why is there only sand here. Where did the rabbits go?" Xiao Chi looked at the deserted surface of the moon with big puzzled eyes. Asked somewhat puzzledly.

After watching the little chicks playing, he finally remembered that he came to the moon to find a rabbit who made rice cakes.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry, they are already waiting for Little Chicks. However, on this side, they are not used to living. Therefore, they live in a deeper place. Come on, Little Chicks, let's find them together. "Zhang Xiang took the young chick up and held it in his arms.

"Ah look for the moon rabbit, let's set off" Xiao Chi was in Zhang Xiang's arms, waving his right hand and exclaimed.

Then, Zhang Xiang jumped gently, and the whole person jumped out directly with a streamlined line, and quickly moved forward in one direction.

Even though the gravity of the moon is different from that of the earth, it is easy to get familiar with Zhang Xiang's muscle control ability quickly.

Of course, the air that was bound by his abilities also surrounded his body with his movements and went away.

And with the help of the moon's only one-sixth of the earth's gravity.

Zhang Xiang's speed is very fast.

In just a few minutes, they had already climbed a high mountain, and ran through several craters along the edge of the crater, and arrived in front of another lunar mountain.

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