Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2150: , Let's make rice cakes together!

After all, when he fell into the underground room of the Red Devil Mansion earlier. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

With Fran's crazy look, Zhang Xiang still has lingering fears.

After the words "Brother, let's play together", she squeezed the little bear in her hand into a scene of a celestial flower scattering, which Zhang Xiang still remembers.

Therefore, he will be so nervous.

However, to Zhang Xiang's surprise, Fran seemed to be back to normal.

Facing the rice cake on top of the little hand extended by the young girl, Fran unexpectedly stretched out her head with a cap after an ‘en’, and took a small bite on the rice cake.

"Well, it's really delicious." After taking a bite, Fran's face turned out to show a surprise expression, and said to Xiao Chi.

Looking at Fran's performance, Zhang Xiang almost didn't stare out his eyes!

Isn't this the second lady I know?

Isn't it the eldest lady disguised?

No, Missy can't be like this.

Therefore, there is only one truth.

That is, you are already on the wrong set, Miss Two!

After going through the similar fierce ‘quarrel’ in Zhang Xiang’s head, he finally came to the idea that ‘everything in front of him is not scientific’ and ‘this is all an illusion’.

However, no matter what, Zhang Xiang relaxed his vigilance slightly.

Of course, if Zhang Xiang heard Fran say:'Well, it's really delicious', after this sentence, he still muttered in a voice that no one can hear: "But if it can be like Like Sakuya, it would be better to add blood type A to it. Look. Woolen thread, Chinese website.

Then, his vigilance will definitely rise to the highest level.

Even directly Biao went over, and directly took the young chick away from Fran, who showed his vampire nature.

And at this moment, Emperor Inaba who stole the rice cakes was finally the runaway Lingxian who grabbed the cotton candy bunny ears on his head and caught it back.

Then, they started to become familiar with each other gradually.

Seeing that the pounded rice cakes were transformed into pieces of rice cakes in Lingxian's hands, Xiao Chi's small face also showed a very excited expression.

Even after getting permission from Ling Xian and others, he started to help.

Of course, it's a help.

But in fact it was just playing.

However, Xiao Hina is not without results, at least she succeeded in squeezing out a very cute little white rabbit with rice cakes.

This craft was highly praised by Ling Xian, and the young chick couldn't help holding Zhang Xiang's heel in both hands. Zhang Xiang also praised him and gave out a happy laugh.

And watching Xiao Chi make such a cute thing.

Next to Emperor Inaba, who is very playful, and seeing such a funny Fran, he has also begun to make all kinds of special rice cakes with strange shapes.

If Suzusen found out in time and stopped them, God knows how many rice cakes would be wasted if Emperor Inaba's whimsical idea of ​​using rice cakes to make eternal pavilions to eat.

Of course, before finishing the model of Forever Pavilion with rice cakes.

Zhang Xiang felt that the rice cakes that had just been mashed and didn't have much would be used up.

In addition to the fact that there is not much rice cake, it is also thanks to the little hand that the five pairs secretly put that piece of rice cake into the mouth from time to time.

Well, the reason for the extra pair is that Remilia, who was originally standing next to Zhang Xiang, also found it interesting and participated in it.

However, although Remilia is deliberately involved in making rice cakes.

But helplessly, her artistic talent is really lacking.

Even Fran, who has the worst craftsmanship among the few people, can do it decently, and even Emperor Inaba dared to challenge the challenge of building an eternal pavilion with rice cakes.

However, Remilia didn't make even ordinary rice cakes very well.

Because of this, Remilia almost didn't turn her grief and anger into appetite, and ate all the rice cakes. It didn't show that vampires actually seldom eat ordinary food, but only drink blood.

Of course, this is also because the raw materials for making rice cakes are all cultivated by Zhang Xiang on the moon with a strong spiritual energy, which can also be said to be cultivated by things like vitality.

And under the fiddling of five pairs of small hands and the movement of five small mouths from time to time.

The rice cakes in the large stone bowl quickly ran out.

As a result, we had to start a new round of making rice cakes.

As for the previous steps, the eldest lady of Shiliuyebaye, who has the power of time, was brought along, indicating that everything was covered by her.

Uh, as for how to wrap her body, she naturally used a special ability to cheat.

And then, the four people started vying for the right to step on the pedal that waved the sledge hammer.

The reason why there are four people is because the weak Lingxian has already run aside at the beginning of the fight.

In her words, the aura of the eldest lady and the second lady is terrible.

As for Emperor Inaba, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and the young chick who has the protective ground set up by Zhang Xiang to resist the momentum, they have successfully joined the ranks of the competition.

In the end, Xiao Chi successfully won this right by virtue of his young age.

But it’s a pity that the young chick’s age is still too young, and he doesn’t have the strength to step on the sledgehammer that weighs tens of kilograms. Even if he has an extended pedal to act as a lever, he can push his whole person up. No way.

After discovering this, Xiao Chi flattened her mouth on the spot, and her eyes were foggy.

But in the end, Xiao Chi still held back his grievances and crying. After sobbing a few times and wiping the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, he stretched out his hands.

"Uncle...Hold Xiao Chi down." Xiao Chi stretched out his hands towards Zhang Xiang.

It seems that Xiao Chi knows that he can't fiddle with it.

Although very sad, she still plans to give up her position.

And seeing Xiao Chi so sad and sensible, how could Zhang Xiang endure it!

"Don't worry, this smasher is not good. My little uncle will help you teach him a lesson." Zhang Xiang hugged the young chick, but at the same time he gave this smasher with one hand. Seriously, by the way, there was a small modification.

That is, a slate was turned directly behind the pedal, which increased the quality of the pedal. (The principle of leverage)

"Okay, my uncle has already taught him a lesson for you. You can try again." Zhang Xiang said as he put the chick on the pedal again.

"Really, really?" Xiao Chi asked with a little nasal voice.

"Of course it's true! Has the little uncle fooled you?" Zhang Xiang said, scraping the little chick's nose.

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