Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2154: , A surprise lunch

In the morning, the bird wandered outside the gate of his home. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Then, brother, I will leave it to you." Xiaokong waved his hand to Zhang Xiang at the door of Xiaoniaoyou's house.

"Yeah, uncle, I'll leave it to you. Don't forget to bring Xiao Chi's notebook!" Mei Yu also waved her right hand towards Zhang Xiang.

"Understand, understand, you have to be careful when you go to school." Zhang Xiang also raised his right hand and said to them.

Because Zhang Xiang had no classes all day today, he decided to take the young children to the kindergarten a little later.

And by Zhang Xiang's side, the young chick also stood on tiptoes.

"Go well, sisters." Xiao Chi said goodbye to Xiaokong and the others.

However, looking at the tiptoe figure of Xiao Chi, Zhang Xiang seemed to have suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, by the way, Xiaokong, wait a minute, I almost forgot!" Zhang Xiang said as he quickly ran back to Xiaoniaoyou's house and ran directly in the direction of the kitchen.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Kong and others couldn't help but wait.

"What the **** did Uncle forget?" Meiyu wandered around with her big eyes, guessing.

"I don't know, we probably didn't take any less." After checking his belongings, the cautious Xiao Kong said with some confusion.

And before they finished speaking, Zhang Xiang's figure emerged from Xiaoniaoyoujia again.

"Okay, here you are!" Zhang Xiang walked out quickly, putting his hands one by one into the hands of Xiaokong and others.

"This is?" Xiao Kong raised the napkin wrapped in his hand and asked with some confusion.

And Miyu, who is very capable of hands-on skills, started to untie the knot on the napkin.

"Let me see." As Miyu said, she squatted down, put the napkin wrapped things on her thighs, and planned to open it.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand to stop it.

"Wait a minute, don't open it first. This one, you have to wait until lunch before you can open it." Zhang Xiang stopped Mei Yu from continuing his movements and said to Xiao Kong and the others.

"Ah? Why?" Meiyu asked with eyes wide open, somewhat puzzled.

"Because oh, this is a secret and a surprise. If you open it before noon, there will be no surprises, right?" Zhang Xiang said to Mei Yu.

"But, this is just a bento..." Miyu murmured.

Because she had already seen from the unwrapped napkins that there was a bento box inside.

Of course, the most important thing is what is in the bento box, but I haven't seen it yet.

However, even though she felt like a kitten was scratching in her heart, she wanted to untie all the napkins and open the lunch box as soon as possible.

However, for Zhang Xiang's surprise, she tied the napkin again and put the things in her schoolbag, which looked like she cherished it.

"Okay, hurry up and go to school. Otherwise you will have to run again later. It's like where you were in Ikebukuro before." Zhang Xiang said to Xiaokong and Miyu.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiaokong and Miyu couldn't help but recall the time when they were in the Hachioji area before.

Because I have to go to school across regions, I come in a hurry every morning, and I can’t help but look at each other and show a smile that only each other can understand.

Regardless, they recovered quickly.

"It's not that Uncle asked us to wait. If we have to trot again, it's all Uncle's fault." Meiyu gestured towards Zhang Xiang with teeth.

As for Xiao Kong, he directly took Miyu's hand.

"Okay, don't act like a baby to your brother, let's go quickly." Xiaokong took Meiyu's hand and ran out towards the distance.

And Xiaokong, who was dragged away by Miyu, heard Xiaokong say these words, and a blush appeared on his face.

"Sister, how can you say that? I didn't act like a baby to my uncle!" Meiyu said to Xiao Kong with an angry expression on her face or a shy expression.

It's just that, looking at Miyu who was dragged away by Xiaokong, there was a voice that gradually decreased.

Zhang Xiang is doomed to get no answer.

Seeing Xiaokong pulling Meiyu away, Zhang Xiang also turned his head.

"Okay, Little Chicks, let's go in and sleep a little longer. You probably didn't sleep well last night. It won't be easy to get up this morning." Zhang Xiang took Chicks' little hand and walked inside.

But the chick who followed Zhang Xiang in, used his little hand to pull Zhang Xiang's trousers.

"Uncle, uncle, what is the thing that uncle gave to sisters just now?" Xiao Chi grabbed Zhang Xiang's trousers, raised her head, and looked at Zhang Xiang with those **** and bright eyes.

There was a curious look in her big eyes.

Looking at Xiao Chi's curious look, Zhang Xiang also squatted down and hugged her in one fell swoop.

"I will know about these at noon. Because, I have a portion too!" Zhang Xiang explained to Xiaoniao, closing the door of Xiaoniaoyoujia, walked in and took Little chick went to sleep together.

Today he intends to take the little chicks later, for this reason.

As time passed, Zhang Xiang quickly coaxed the young bird to sleep.

After all, she was really tired from playing last night.

Today she is still as usual, getting up early.

Then, after the time was up, Zhang Xiang re-woke Xiao Chi and led her towards the kindergarten.

After two more hours of rest time, the young chick's spirit recovered very well, and immediately after arriving in the kindergarten, he immediately started playing with other children. (Neon’s kindergartens are divided into many types, including hourly, half-day, full-day, and even boarding. There are two hours here, except for the time when the school bus picks up students. , Zhang Xiang also took a class off.)

Seeing that the young youngster was full of vitality today, Zhang Xiang finally headed towards Junqiu Middle School with confidence.

Don't forget that although he doesn't have a university course today, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have a course in Junqiu Middle School.

Although relatively speaking, junior high school courses are less and more relaxed.

However, the course of Mandarin is still available for three days in the five-day normal course.

"Um, if you go now, it should be a physical education class today. I just don't know if it was the rope climbing training of Uma Weichen or the bayonet training..." Zhang Xiang said, while his figure was in a hidden place. Disappeared in the alley and appeared on the stadium opened by Teacher Killing in Junqiu Middle School.

It's just that when Zhang Xiang just appeared and planned to say hello to the three-year E classmates present, he just said: "Hello, today everyone is still..." The word ‘good’ has not yet been exported.

An object with a speed of 500 kilometers per hour turned into an afterimage and attacked Zhang Xiang's face!

In addition, enter the plot of the assassination classroom, um, I hope you like it

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