Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2156: , The big killer? !

It's just that some people are very interested, but some people can't help but shudder.

Because, they couldn't help but remember that Zhang Xiang's last friendship with Teacher Sha was in a ‘football’ match.

Uh, the word football is in quotation marks because it doesn't seem to be a football game at all, but a mutual attacking battle scene incarnate as a weapon of "football".

"You said, will the scene evolve like the last football match?" Nagisa Chaotian couldn't help but weakly express his guess.

And hearing the voice of Nagisa Chaotian, many of the people present changed their faces.

"No, no... this is just one or one baseball game. It's not football... the game..." The speaker couldn't help but become quieter when he said the last one. Is a little guilty.

After all, it was supposed to be an ordinary football game, with tornadoes and shots penetrating mountain peaks.

So, it seems not surprising that these scenes appeared in baseball games... right?

Therefore, after listening to the explanation with such a guilty conscience, I listened to someone next to him weakly continuing to say: "There are also teachers who say that there is some danger. The last football match did not say..."

Most of the three-year class E students in the audience rushed to the back.

Especially the weak and thin girls represented by Mao Yefeng are running fast!

You know, the last time they had personally experienced the experience of being almost blown away by a tornado.

That kind of experience, they don't want to experience it again!

So, in an instant, the entire teacher who was killed changed from a football field to a baseball field, and in that instant, even one person was not found.

The nearest person is also from the edge of the baseball field.

And more people ran directly into the forest and hugged the big tree with their hands.

Some people even embraced the tree face to face, and tied themselves to the tree with a rope.

Watching this scene, not only Zhang Xiang, but even killing the teacher is already full of black lines.

Is the game between them so scary?

And, to put it bluntly, it's just one goal.

But anyway, the game, or simply a revenge for killing the teacher, has already begun.

"Are you ready? Kill the teacher?" Zhang Xiang didn't know what he had already changed into a baseball player's suit, and it was a perfect fit.

"Of course...!" Teacher Sha replied.

And the reason why the ellipsis appeared in the middle was that the killing teacher was also within the time of the ellipsis, and he was already using his Mach twenty speed to change his clothes.

Although Zhang Xiang was very suspicious of changing clothes at a speed of Mach 20, it was right to see whether these clothes could bear it.

As soon as the two of them spoke, Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha were already in their respective positions.

Zhang Xiang is standing at the pitcher's position, and the killer is standing at home plate.

Obviously, Zhang Xiang's identity is a pitcher, and the killer is a batsman.

However, due to the agreement between the two people, the goal of the baseball that Zhang Xiang is about to project is not the glove of the catcher, which does not exist, but to kill the teacher's round yellow cheeks.

"Then, give it to me! My Phantom Invincible Flame Ball!" Zhang Xiang stood on the ground with his right foot, his left foot was too up, his body leaned back slightly, and the muscles on his right arm were slightly bulging. Up.

And it was the next moment he made this posture, a powerful force was transmitted from his waist, driving his right hand to project forward.

And at the moment that the baseball was projected from his hand, it was like a real flame appeared. The crimson flame exploded vigorously from the baseball, turning it into something hard to catch with the naked eye. A crimson line of fire shot out.

"Then, what's that?" A baseball team member standing next to the field, someone stretched out his hand in surprise and pointed in the direction of the baseball.

As for the other three-year E class baseball team members, they are already staring at them.

Because they all know how fast flames will ignite above the projected baseball!

That is a phenomenon that can only occur if the baseball itself has enough friction with the air.

However, the corners of Zhang Xiang's mouth twitched slightly at the moment it was projected.

"Oops, too much effort..." This thought flashed through Zhang Xiang's thoughts.

Because, he was just like the last football game, forgetting that the baseball in his hand is just an ordinary baseball, not something that can withstand his tremendous strength.

You know, Zhang Xiang can only use his own power to cut through the raging tornadoes and monstrous waves in the hunter's world, sweeping at least hundreds of kilometers away.

Although, this had something to do with his state at the time and the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ of the artifact level he used.

However, it can also be seen that his power is huge.

And now even if he had only one point of strength, there would not be many ordinary things that could bear it.

Not to mention, he just used two points of power.

Therefore, it was fine when he was restrained by force and aura in his hands.

However, the next moment the baseball shot out of his hand, he knew it was bad.

And as expected, the baseball shot out of his hand, less than five meters away.

The surface of the entire baseball was completely burned to ashes by super-high-speed friction, and the pressure inside could no longer bear it.

Therefore, right in front of his eyes.

The whole baseball burning with crimson flames swelled up suddenly, turned into countless debris and exploded.


The powerful shock wave visible to the naked eye rushed towards all directions.

And, Zhang Xiang was swept in first.

Then, it turned into an extremely powerful hurricane, rushing in all directions.

"Ah... It's a big wind... No way..."

"Ahhhhh... to be blown away!!!"

"Climb down, get down quickly!"

The above are the members of the baseball teams close to the baseball field, and some bold students screamed.

In addition to them, the students hiding in the forest were also baptized next.

"Ah... what a strong wind!"

"Skirt, my skirt is floating, don't look at it!!!"

" really is like this again! Huoo...Mom, I want to go home, school is too dangerous...!"

When the wind dissipated, the whole scene had become a little embarrassing.

At least, on the ground between Zhang Xiang and Teacher Kill, there was a pit with a depth of half a meter.

Moreover, from the front of Zhang Xiang to the distance of the pothole, a gully appeared.

But fortunately, because the students in Class E for three years all withdrew from a certain distance, although they were also a little embarrassed, such as being blown to the ground by the strong wind, or fascinated by the eyes, they did not Suffer other injuries.

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