Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2159: , Circle the earth three times!

"I promised that the speed of the baseball that you threw will not exceed 500 kilometers per second, and I did it too! The first half of the speed I threw was only 400 kilometers per hour, in the last two meters. It suddenly appeared in front of you. Looking at the 1 woollen 3 Chinese website, it is only 499 kilometers per hour. Therefore, I did not violate the agreement at all! Right?" Zhang Xiang looked innocent. , Said to Teacher Killing.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the whole person who killed the teacher was already dull.

"That's okay?!" Teacher Killing was full of disbelief.

"Yes, I have completely kept the promise! So, I am still a good teacher who keeps the promise. I hope that Teacher Killing can also keep the promise!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and patted on the shoulder of Teacher Killing. Said with a serious face.

However, everyone could see the unconcealable smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then, Zhang Xiang quietly used a special technique to break free of the two tentacles that killed the teacher and walked secretly outside.

Because, he knew this reason, at best it could only coax the teacher to kill for a while.

Then he will react.

But just as Zhang Xiang guessed, after Zhang Xiang quietly stepped away for several meters, Teacher Killing finally reacted.

"Kill! I never promised that I would be a good teacher. My attributes have always been funny! Also, you are not my student now. There is no stipulation on whether I can be merciful to the teachers who did the right thing. Kill!" Before the voice of Teacher Killing fell, he rushed out at the speed of Mach 20.

And of course, Zhang Xiang wouldn't stand by and wait, and he had disappeared from Teacher Killing's sight in a straightforward way.

Next, the familiar daily chase scene unfolded. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net


And when Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha carried out the daily pursuit-after going around the earth three times, they finally returned to Junqiu Middle School in an unbeatable manner.

The way they landed is also very powerful.

Like two meteors, they landed directly on the baseball field of Class E at supersonic speed, splashing a lot of dust.

"Whirring ...... you, you run, run really fast ......" a pair of tentacles drooping slightly, was breathing heavily to kill the teacher, facing the front of Zhang Xiang she said.

As for Zhang Xiang, he splashed his somewhat long, short, broken hair with a confident smile at Teacher Killing.

"As for speed and stamina, I am very confident! So, as promised, if I win, I won't chase me anymore! If a girl chases me, I will be very happy, but if it is a middle-aged uncle You know"

Of course, if you ignore him with his hands on his knees before, he is also panting.

After all, they circle the earth three times, not ordinary circles!

Only the two of them knew how many roads were detoured during this process, and how many mutual attacks there were.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, on the head of Teacher Killing, there was a very conspicuous "Tic Tac Toe".

"You are the uncle, and your whole family are uncles!" The teacher killed when it comes to being handsome or not, he really minded Zhang Xiang calling him an uncle, and he couldn't help refuting angrily.

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

"On the contrary, except for me, all of us are soft girls." Zhang Xiang showed his white teeth. The bright light reflected under the sun almost didn't kill the extremely small pair of titanium Alloy dog ​​eyes are bright and blind.

Of course, the bright light mentioned here is really bright light.

Well, in addition to the sunlight reflected from Zhang Xiang's teeth, Zhang Xiang also prepared a large concave mirror, and at the moment when the envy and hatred gaze of Killing Teacher could not help being projected, it was taken out to reflect the sunlight.

Therefore, one can imagine how strong the intensity of that bright light is.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is definitely brighter than the flash of light.

And after suffering from Zhang Xiang's handsome attack (fog), Teacher Kill couldn't help but shout with a pair of tentacles covering his eyes.

"Oh... my eyes!" Teacher Sha's eyes were shot like that, and she couldn't help but jump up, and the eight feet that touched her feet were running around the entire playground!

And after performing the daily handsome show with Teacher Killing, Zhang Xiang also turned his head around.

"Okay, classmates, let's start baseball practice..." Zhang Xiang saw that he had successfully killed the teacher and turned his head with satisfaction. He wanted to start training three-year E class students. .

However, before he could finish his words, he discovered that it was supposed to be a playground with many people, but now there is not even a bird.

A spring and summer wind blew in from a distance, raising a wave of dust caused by Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha's just landing, and whirling out towards the distance.

And Zhang Xiang's face was full of embarrassment.

As for returning from three laps in the playground, his eyes were already returning to the original killer teacher. Looking at this scene, he couldn't help but put a pair of tentacles on his abdomen and laughed.

It even rolled to the ground and rolled

"Awesome, amazing, even the students weren't on the playground, and didn't find them, they were just looking to be handsome. Funny, really funny..." Teacher Killing said this, he couldn't help but punch the ground with his tentacles. , Almost no tears came out of laughter.

Listening to Teacher Killing's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help coughing slightly, and looked up at the sky pretending not to see it.

"Ah, the weather is really good. Well, although the sun is a bit bigger. They must be too hot, so go back to the classroom. Uh, it seems that this class is my Mandarin class, I have to go back to class quickly, It’s impossible for students to wait.” Zhang Xiang made a judgment, but on the one hand he wanted to walk towards the classroom with his feet, trying to get rid of the current embarrassment.

Only at this time.

A figure passed by on the playground, and said the words that made Zhang Xiang's raised right foot stand in place.

"The students in Class E for three years are all taking physical education classes. It's just that they are on the other side of the forest." Uma Weichen, who always looked cold, said with a cool look, let Zhang Xiang felt that the other party was really cold words, and successfully destroyed Zhang Xiang's thin layer of glass covering his embarrassment.

Another whirling wind blew past, bringing up a touch of dust.

It's just that this time, there was an additional withered leaf, printed on Zhang Xiang's face that didn't know whether it was heartbreak or sluggish.

Well, it is inevitable to suffer two heavy blows one after another...

Well, everyone thinks that the assassination classroom should be written in the animation, or should we continue to write down and write some of the content in the comics and some original content?

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