Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2167: , Stare at you to death!

However, Zhang Xiang glanced at him.

"There is no question of qualification, but it is a question of perseverance!"

"There are two ways to cultivate the ability of mind. One is to practice through'burning'. The so-called'burning' is to burn the mind. It is gradually sublimated through four methods of tapping, tongue, practicing, and hair. Mind, exercise the mind. So as to enhance self-awareness, in order to gradually contact the life force emanating from the body, and gradually open and control the vital hole in the body that emits life force. It is so complicated, but the summary is Through continuous meditation, you can come into contact with the mysteries of the human body. If the time is counted, if you are a person with a little aptitude and perseverance, you can usually do it within ten years. But if you don’t have the aptitude and perseverance, then I'm afraid I won't have access to the so-called life force."

"So, do you think that with the irritable mentality of modern people, how many people will sit and sit for more than ten or twenty years in exchange for such strength? And, if such strength is not trained for a long time, I am afraid that it will even resist. There is no capital for the pistol. Now, how many people do you think will learn and succeed?" Zhang Xiang glanced at Wu Jian Yuchen again.

And of course, Zhang Xiang also hid a very important thing inside.

That is, if you want to practice chanting successfully quickly, you need a strong body.

If the body is not strong and the life force contained in the body is not much, how can you quickly feel it?

As for the aptitude problem that Zhang Xiang deliberately ignored, it is even more problematic.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Wujian Weichen couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

"That's really..."

However, at this moment, the killing teacher on the side suddenly interrupted. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"By the way, Teacher Dayu, what is the other way you said? Also, Nagisa Shioda shouldn’t have done what you said before, right? If this is the case, why is he suddenly able to use Nian? , Has such a powerful force burst out?" Teacher Sha said sharply.

As for Uma Weichen, he is also reacting now.

"Yes, how do you explain this one?" Wujian Weichen asked.

And Zhang Xiang answered their questions with very indifferent words.

"It's very simple. As for the second method. It is to find someone who has learned to read, and forcibly open the whole body of the guy who wants to learn to read, so that his life force can be poured out in a large amount. So as to think that the ground creates lethargy. The environment in which the other party feels the essence of life. However, this one is a great risk. If the hole is opened, unless you have learned the way to control the essence of life. Otherwise, the hole cannot be closed. .If you can’t learn it before the essence of life is poured out, then that person will die at the moment when the essence of life loses its light. As for that time, let me count... Ordinary people’s words are about two. Minute!" Zhang Xiang counted, and gave the other party an answer.

"Two minutes..." Wu Jian Weichen felt a bit bitter in his tongue.

At this time, he knew what Zhang Xiang said, even if they knew the way, the success rate was extremely low. Even if one or two succeeded, it was the reason for the question of luck.

In two minutes, I want to learn to control an existence I have never touched before. How can I do it easily!

However, Wu Jian Weichen quickly thought of another aspect.

"No, since that's the case. So, how did Nagisa Shioda do it? It's been two minutes now, right? Didn't you say that once the pores of the human body are opened, unless he learns to control the life force, Otherwise, he can't stop. Then, if he says that, does he have such a strong aptitude?" Uma Weichen said brightly.

It's just that he enjoyed Zhang Xiang's contemptuous eyes just after he finished speaking.

"Are you really stupid, or pretend to be stupid?! Can I be the same as others? Others can't help others to open the hole and close it again. But it doesn't mean I can't do it! On the contrary, I You can also stuff a lot of life essence...cough cough, life force enters his body, so that he doesn't have to consume his life force!" Zhang Xiang cast a contempt at Wujian Weichen and said.

As for the pause in the middle, it is to avoid making some licentious people think of something harmonious, thus forcibly changing the statement.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Wu Jian Weichen was almost choked to death by his own saliva!

But don't get me wrong, it's anger, not that the saliva is poisonous.

It wasn't until Wu Jian Weichen kept in his heart, repeatedly chanting: "If the heart is clear, the sky will not be alarmed", it is considered that he has calmed down again.

Only at this time.

Takaoka, who was barely knocked out by Nagisa Shioda's punch, finally struggled to stand up.

"Impossible, impossible, it is impossible for you to have such a great power... Moreover, your killing intent is so powerful that my body cannot bear it. This is not the limit that humans can reach." Takaoka struggling to stand up with his hands on his stomach, staring savagely in the direction of Nagisa Shioda.

And listening to Takaoka's roar and the celebration of Class E for the third year, he couldn't help but stop.

Then, he fixed his gaze in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"It's you, you must be the one who made the ghost. It must be you who did it secretly. Otherwise, it is impossible for humans to reach this point!" Ying Gang stared at Zhang Xiang's direction with a grimace.

But, listening to his words, Zhang Xiang's face showed a sneer.

"It's really amazing to blame others if you lose! Moreover, how do you know that humans are impossible to reach this level? It is really a frog at the bottom of the well! Finally, I will tell you if I secretly shot. With my killing intent, nothing else is needed. As long as I look in my eyes, your ending will only be this one. Death!" Zhang Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly, and a terrifying killing intent came from his body. Above it flashed.

And before they waited until the surrounding three-year class E students felt the bone-chilling cold, and did not even react, the killing intent had already disappeared.

However, in a scratch that was tens of meters long, it was directly divided from the ground in front of Zhang Xiang to a distance of tens of meters, passing by the Eagle Gang.

If it is a little bit further, Takaoka's body will become two halves.

Looking at the scratches that I don’t know how deep, and what seeps from the scratches, even if you look at it with your eyes, you can feel the dazzling killing intent. Everyone knows that Zhang Xiang’s words just now are not a joke. , But the reality.

He can really kill people with his eyes!

As for Takaoka, who was still full of hideous faces, his eyes were blank at this time, and his feet collapsed on the ground and passed out into a coma.

Even if Zhang Xiang's killing intent is wiped from his side, it is not something a guy without any strength to protect his body can bear.

Even if it is a special soldier who has undergone severe training!

In addition, I thank someone for voting for 20 reminders, but I can’t eat it. I’m not feeling well recently. I’ve been squatting at home for too long and I’ve got an occupational disease. My spine is a bit sore. I don’t know if I should go to the hospital. Take a look.

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