Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2172: , Full of majesty

The result of the game is also self-evident. After Zhang Xiang, a fellow who helped open Class E for three years, they can be said to be invincible.

Although, a few **** were missed in the process, and points were lost.

However, he can't be blamed for this!

After all, why did some guys in Class E of three years get overwhelmed after seeing the score go-ahead, wanting to throw a curve ball forcibly, and then let the ball deviate from the original course for a thousand miles. How can Zhang Xiang help him correct the trajectory of the ball!

If you did it, wouldn't you be saying that there was a ghost in this game?

However, these episodes occurred during the game.

However, the game ended successfully, and Class E for the third year achieved a major reversal of the score and defeated Class E for the third year.

Even though, during the process, the director of this school came to make trouble and almost came to an end.

But it's a pity that the opponent without special power can't see Zhang Xiang's trouble.

Therefore, it just made the game process a bit bumpy, and it didn't affect the result at all.

Rarely, for the first time that the chairman's face with a smile on his face had a green face, it was a rare thing in a century.

However, although the chairman of the board noticed this in a short while, he restored the smile that made ordinary students feel like a spring breeze.

However, his face was still photographed secretly by Zhang Xiang next to him.

Moreover, it was done without the other party's knowledge.

It is conceivable that if the other party knows in the future, there will definitely be a rare battle royale once again.

While watching everyone who had been casted with illusion skills next to them, they didn’t notice Zhang Xiang’s figure at all. Even if they used the flash to take pictures in an upright manner, they didn’t notice the scene. The expression of Teacher Killing becomes as weird as it is. It's weird.

‘It seems that he cannot be offended in the future. If you really offend him, it would be miserable to get circles on his face while sleeping. Teacher Killing whispered with a weird face.

It's just that Teacher Killing seems to have never heard of it, even in broad daylight, you can't talk about things that shouldn't be talked about.

Before he could finish his words, Zhang Xiang's figure appeared in front of him magically.

"What's the matter? I think you seem to be saying something bad about me?" Zhang Xiang suddenly appeared in front of Teacher Killing, and said suspiciously.

And looking at Zhang Xiang, who was fascinated by ghosts, his brain was thinking about some irrelevant things, that is, Teacher Killing who was distracted, and he was almost not surprised!

"Damn, weren't you on that side just now? How do you run..." Teacher Sha was taken aback and couldn't help but patted his chest.

His heart is also on the chest.

However, before he finished speaking, Zhang Xiang had already interrupted him.

It's just that Zhang Xiang did not interrupt with words, but with the camera in his hand.

With the sound of a ‘click’, Mr. Kill’s rare photo full of weirdness and surprise slowly obtained a rare photo from this instant-printable camera.

"Well, a good photo, worth collecting!" Zhang Xiang nodded and said.

Of course, what I got was the "Tic Tac Toe" on the forehead after seeing the photo.

"Dare to shoot me secretly and hand over the negatives and photos to me!!!"

As a result, a gratifying chase battle started again.

Oh, forgot to explain.

From the eyes of the students on the baseball field, Teacher Killing didn't know what was going on, and he started to chase the air.

Many people in Class E of the third year are at a loss!

Of course, more people have a pity look on their faces.

Obviously think that killing the teacher is crazy...

Well, since Zhang Xiang came here, the majesty of the teacher who had been erected by the killing teacher had already collapsed to near the lower limit.

But Teacher Kill, who was in the chase, didn't notice it.

A strong killing intent that is not easy to detect, flashed from the onlookers of the three-year E class team, and the goal was to kill the teacher.

When Teacher Killing noticed a little bit, he projected his gaze in the midst of his busy schedule.

The killing intent that flashed by had already disappeared.

The only thing that came into his eyes was the three-year E class that was full of joy, hugging each other, and even throwing people high.

"Huh? Did I have an illusion?" In Teacher Kill's mind, doubts flashed.

However, this time he did not ignore it.

Instead, he kept the flash of killing intent in his mind.

He believed that if this killing intent appeared again, he would definitely find it in the first place.

And Zhang Xiang, who was escaping, cast his gaze on a certain thin figure behind Chaotianzhu.

"Sure enough, things have become more and more interesting. Moreover, there seems to be a lot of secrets hidden in the body of the killing teacher... It really makes people want to discover the mystery... Kill the teacher, Do you know that one of the reasons why I stayed in this classroom is because of the mysteries hidden in you... But, forget it, the next secrets should be revealed automatically... After all, Some people seem to know what you want to hide..." Zhang Xiang shifted his gaze slightly and looked up to the direction of the teaching building of Junqiu Middle School.

In that direction, a man dressed in white clothing stood on the top of the building and was watching this side.

And just as Zhang Xiang looked over, the other party seemed to have discovered the mystery of his discovery.

However, he did not show the slightest panic.

"Have you been discovered? There really is no way! It seems that if you want to get rid of the killing teacher, you have to count among them!" Wearing all-over white clothes, the guy who claimed to be Mr. Bai before, his eyes followed Zhang Flying hundreds of meters away, looking at each other.

Afterwards, Mr. Bai's eyes slightly narrowed, a red light flashed in his left eye, and he turned and left directly.

Looking at the distant figure of the other party, Zhang Xiang also showed an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Are you machine eyes? It's really beyond my expectation. It seems that the level of technology in this world is not as weak as I imagined. It can produce creatures that kill the teacher, and it can also produce From the eyes of the machine, it seems that it is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, although the point of the science and technology tree is slightly off..." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

As for the evidence that Zhang Xiang said that the science and technology tree is off, it can be seen from the daily life.

Until Zhang Xiang used the technology brought from the academy city to create a smart phone, this world turned out to be an old-fashioned candy bar.

Moreover, most computers still use that kind of bulk.

Is this the technology that can produce precision machine eyes, and compile programs for rigorously operating machine eyes, and create a world with a speed of Mach 20 like the one that kills the teacher?

Therefore, it is no wonder that Zhang Xiang once again complained about the fact that the technology tree of this world was off the mark.

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