Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2180: , Powerless

A few minutes later, when Zhang Xiang finally broke free from the crowd, his clothes were already wrinkled. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

What's even more exaggerated is that there was a pair of lipstick marks on his collar.

This made Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling very speechless.

Looking up at the entrance of the stadium in the distance, it was supposed to be a scene where new students filed out at this time, but at this time it already seemed chaotic like a vegetable market.

The students in the clubs are like wolves gathering together. When they see the new students who are closing their eyes, they will go forward and grab them.

If you encounter some suitable students who have agreed with other clubs, they will use many tricks, such as all kinds of beauty tricks, handsome men's tricks, and so on, making Zhang Xiang mistakenly think that this is a battlefield. Up.

"As for, it really is..." Zhang Xiang couldn't find a word to describe it for a while.

However, looking at the battlefield that seemed to require at least tens of minutes to compete, Zhang Xiang really didn't want to go in and mix.

What if he has a few more lipsticks on his collar? !

You should know that since the last video call, both Xiaokong and Miyu have been staring at Zhang Xiang.

The lipstick on the collar was already difficult for him to explain, if there were a few more lines.

Well, in the evening, Xiao Chin probably blinked his eyes in confusion and asked: "Uncle, why are you kneeling on the washboard?" This sentence came.

At that time, where do you want Zhang Xiang to put the face of the guy who is a ‘daddy’? !

You know, in Neon, the dignity of parents is very important.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang finally made up his mind.

"Brothers, it's not that I don't want to go in anymore. It's that there is nothing I can do!" Zhang Xiang pretended to face the direction of the chaotic ‘battlefield’, and then ran towards the quiet part of the school.

I can’t see that I’m not far away, I’m being surrounded by a group of girls who are not at the level of dinosaurs, but they are definitely not beautiful. With the excuse of being grabbed and wiping oil, Rencun, who was stretching out his hands to seek help from Zhang Xiang.

Even the voice in his mouth: "Help, Yuta...I'm going to be dragged away soon!" Such a voice is ‘inaudible’.

Keke, okay, Zhang Xiang saw and heard it.

However, who told the other party to always change a girlfriend every few days!

So, now that the other party has so many juniors who want to ‘play’ with him, isn’t it possible that it is just what the other party wants?

Maybe, the other party's call for help was just a fake.

Well, Zhang Xiang is absolutely not jealous, he is not jealous of the other party even without hooking his hands, there are so many girls entangled, but he is a girl who has not been entangled, and has been squeezed out.

Ahem, okay, too much talk, this is revealed.

However, Zhang Xiang's choice to leave at this time was not considered an act of fleeing.

Because, many seniors, even senior sisters, are dragging the younger brothers and younger sisters who have been targeted by them, toward the cafeteria, or the KFC outside the school, or even KTV and other places to contact them. .

Of course, it is not clear whether it is to contact the relationship or to take the opportunity to let them sign the application form for joining the group in a daze.

And Zhang Xiang's being among these crowds was quite inconspicuous.

A few minutes later.

"Okay, it's finally mixed up. Wait for an hour or two, then go back and report," Zhang Xiang stretched his body and said lightly.

After all, after an hour or two, he can dispense with the fact that he had ‘caught’ one or two juniors.

But it's a pity that when people heard the name Lu Research Society, they already repented.

In the end, although he was ‘exhausting all his tricks’, he couldn’t save the minds of his junior and younger sisters. ,

Therefore, he can only come back alone.

This is an excuse to let myself get away successfully.

However, this is also true.

There are only two or three big cats and kittens in the Road Research Society, and the point is that the significance of club activities is simply unknown. No one really wants to participate.

Last year, if it wasn't for Senior Sister Laixiang, he might not have joined.

Of course, this does not mean that no one has joined the Road Research Society this year.

Last year, Zhang Xiang joined the group under the circumstances of ‘incomprehensible mistakes’, and this year there will definitely be people joining the group under ‘unexplainable’ situations.

Zhang Xiang had seen the methods of studying club leaders on the road, and they were unsatisfactory when used on some of the fresh freshmen.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but pray for those freshmen.

However, it might be possible to trick a group of students into coming in without the commander's big killer.

After all, there is a handsome guy Rencun as a sign, isn't it?

"Forget it, I'll be fine in the process of walking. They are busy with the rest. Let's find a toilet to wash the collar." Zhang Xiang looked at the collar that was very conspicuous, and there were people walking on the road. Staring at the lipstick mark, I can't help but feel some trouble.

However, fortunately, Zhang Xiang has lived for a long time even though he often skips classes in Tamawen College.

Therefore, in a short while, Zhang Xiang had already found the toilet.

And, go inside to clean the marks on your collar.

In the end, although it is not completely cleared, there are still some traces, but if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

"Forget it, I'll buy one secretly later." Zhang Xiang said with a headache.

After all, Xiaokong and Miyu recently didn't know whether it was a woman's nature that began to show, or was under the guidance of Miss Sasha.

In short, those eyes are comparable to fiery eyes, and a pair of noses is what Zhang Xiang eats after training. You can smell it if you are close to a girl.

It made him even sneak out to meet Xunzi, he needed to squeeze on the tram to make the smell a little more complicated.

In short, Zhang Xiang has a feeling of guilty conscience recently.

Who told him to provoke so many people and things before? Although most of them are in other worlds, they often use time in different worlds to wait for this one, and ran to see them, but think about it, I feel a little sorry for them.

Only at this time.

Zhang Xiang suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Because, before he knew it, he had already walked into a remote wood.

However, there are still two sights falling on him.

This is almost impossible!

After all, it is normal to be stared at when walking on the road, but it is not normal to be stared at in such a remote place.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help turning back abruptly.

At the same time, seeing Zhang Xiang's head back, the bush of low trees behind him couldn't help but screamed, and two figures hid in.

However, with the look in Zhang Xiang's eyes, he had already seen clearly who it was.

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