Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2184: ,gift

The results of the rampage with closed eyes are self-evident. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Zhang Xiang didn't even move at all, she rushed forward directly, and then tripped directly onto the ground and was struggling to stand up.

Then, the tragedy happened.

After exclaiming, the two people rolled directly into a ball.


"Ah, it hurts!"

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Zhang Xiang really almost couldn't help laughing.

However, in order to maintain the demeanor of an expert, he did not laugh.

At this moment, the two of them also sat up from the grass.

"It hurts, my forehead..." Little Bird You Liuhua said with tears in his eyes.

Because, when she was rolling with Tomigashi Yuta, her forehead couldn't help but hit the back of Tomigashi's head.

"What are you talking about... Why did you step on my waist just now... Also, the back of my head..." Tomigashi Yuta covered his waist with one hand, while holding the back of his head with the other, struggling from the grass. Sat up.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Little Bird You Liuhua said with embarrassment on his face.

It's just that they haven't waited until their words are finished.

Zhang Xiang's voice already rang.

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore. This point, as compensation for you..."

As soon as Zhang Xiang's voice fell, a little dark light and a little golden light were already rapidly magnified in front of the eyes of Tomiyuki Yuta and Toriyu Liuhua.

Seeing this, both of them couldn't help showing a look of horror on their faces, trying to avoid them. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Unfortunately, their reaction speed is far from enough.

So in the next moment.

The black light and the golden light had already shot into Tomiyuki Yuta's right hand, and the right eye of Toriyu Liuhua.

Then, the two of them who chose to dodge left and right respectively, their heads bumped together, and a muffled noise came out.

"Hurts ah ah ...... ...... hum ... already three times, do not they, my forehead is life today guilty of Jupiter yet ......" Takanashi six flower clutching his own that is already swelling up of the forehead, a Said with tears on his face.

But Tomigashi Yuta who was next to her paid more attention.

"Did you see it just now? A little, a little dark light shot into my right hand?" Tomigashiyong grabbed his right hand too hastily and began to check.

He even untied the Wannian bandage tied to his right hand.

However, he did not feel any strangeness.

And after Tomi Kashi Yuta's reminder, Little Bird Yu Liuhua has already reacted.

"Yeah, I seemed to see a little golden light shining into my right eye just now. Could it be that my right eye is going to be blind?" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua couldn't help being taken aback, and quickly brought it along. The blindfold was pulled down and opened his eyes to let Tomigashi Yuta take a look.

And this opening of his eyes really frightened Tomigashi Yu.

"Why did you, your eyes and pupils become golden?" Tomigashi was too scared that he almost didn't sit on the ground again.

Although both of them are deep patients with secondary disease, it does not mean that they are more likely to accept unusual changes.

However, Little Bird You Liuhua was also taken aback, and hurriedly took out a small mirror from the pocket of his skirt, and he was relieved after taking a look.

"That one is from my colored pupils..." Little Bird You Liuhua said with a sigh of relief.

And listening to Yu Liuhua's explanation, Tomigashi was finally relieved.

However, Little Bird Tour Liuhua is still a little nervous.

"I'll take off the color pupils, you can take a look for me." Xiaoniaouyou Liuhua said, but he started to take the color pupils off.

As for Tomogashi Yuta also discovered Zhang Xiang's figure, which had already disappeared in this forest.

"Strange, why is it missing..." With a trace of fear on Togakura's face, he scanned the surroundings, afraid of where Zhang Xiang would jump out in the next instant.

At this time, the voice of the bird swimming in Liuhua also rang.

"Okay, help me take a look." Little Bird You Liuhua's voice rang with a hint of worry.

And listening to her voice, Tomigashi also turned around.

However, in the next moment, a smile appeared on his face.

"Don't scare me, get the colored pupils down quickly, or how can I help you?" Tomiyoshi looked at the golden pupil in the right eye of Yuliuhua, and said to her.

However, listening to Tomigashi Yuta's voice, Yuliuhua's face became a little stiff, and she stretched out her right hand, and placed a piece of golden pupil in the box in her right hand.

"I, I have already taken it down..." Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua whispered.

So, in the next moment, a series of panic sounds already rang.

" could my glasses become like this!!!" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua ran up in panic, running back and forth around a big tree.

It wasn't until Tomigashi Yutoo calmed down a little bit that he was able to hold Yuliuhua, who was running around in a circle in panic.

"Since your eyes have changed after shooting into the golden light, then my right hand..." After taking a deep breath, Tomigashi looked at his right hand and swam Liuhua towards the bird. Said.

And listening to his words, Xiaoniaouyou Liuhua couldn't help but swallowed.

"In other words..." Yu Liuhua cast his gaze on Tomigashi Yuta's right hand.

But at the next moment, with the gaze of the two of them, a dark flame suddenly burned from the right hand of Tomigashi Yuta.

This change made both people exclaim in exclamation.

This time, it was Tomigashi's turn to run around in panic.

It's just that he was looking for water to put out the fire.

But it was a pity that it was impossible for him to get out of Zhang Xiang's enchantment that had not been completely revoked.

Not to mention, found water.

Fortunately, after a few minutes, he finally calmed down.

Because he found that the pitch black flame above his right hand was only burning silently, and he could not hurt himself at all.

This calmed him down a bit.

Next, the two people thought of Zhang Xiang's words before leaving.

"Do you remember the words he said before leaving?" Tomiyoshi took a deep breath and said solemnly.

As for the ‘him’ in his words, it naturally refers to Zhang Xiang.

"You mean, what he called'compensation'?" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua also remembered.

Then, both of them felt a sense of sudden realization at the same time.

"In other words, this is not something that hurt us?!" The two looked at each other and said almost in unison.

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