Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2187: , Cheating people are cheating!

"Oh, thank me, does this mean you finally admit it?" Zhang Xiang showed a smile that was not a smile. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, Zhang Xiang still underestimated the former genius children.

After actually thanking Zhang Xiang directly, Mao Yefeng said goodbye to Zhang Xiang and rushed towards the third E class outside the forest.

Moreover, while she ran out of the forest, she waved her hand and said a word.

"Although I don't understand what you say, Teacher Dayu. But thank you."

Looking at Mao Yefeng's actions, Zhang Xiang showed a helpless smile on his face.

Because he knew he was pitted again.

And as expected, in Mao Yefeng's waving and shouting to this side, everyone knew that Zhang Xiang had arrived.

"Ah... Teacher Dayu was secretly watching by the side!"

"Yeah, we are fighting here!"

"Almost injured!"

The constant condemnation came from the three-year E classmates standing in the river.

Zhang Xiang feels a little annoyed.

After all, he continued to stay in Class E for a period of time.

If it is hated, it is not good.

However, Zhang Xiang's adaptability is good.

"No! I just came here. It's just that when I came, I found that you were about to comeback. Therefore, in order not to let you say that I robbed you of your credit, I didn't make a move. And, I too I have been watching by the side, if you are in danger, I will definitely take action.

Besides, if no one monitors this one Mr. Bai and lets him not play tricks, do you think you can complete the plan so smoothly? Otherwise, you ask Shimo Chino, is this? If I had come early, I would have been pushed by Chiye to help. Watch 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net" Zhang Xiang walked out of the forest, and his acting skills broke out 100%, pretending to look like I have worked hard.

In the end, he retaliated slightly, and pulled Mao Yefeng who had betrayed him.

If the other party refutes Zhang Xiang's words, then she herself will fall into the pit, explaining why she didn't pull Zhang Xiang out to save people.

Sure enough, listening to Zhang Xiang's topic touched on himself, the smile on Mao Yefeng's face was a bit stiff.

‘Despicable! Mao Yefeng poked Zhang Xiang's doll in his heart.

However, she made the most correct choice on the surface.

"Yes, Teacher Dayou is just here." Mao Yefeng nodded towards everyone.

After listening to Mao Yefeng's words, everyone's expressions were suddenly realized.

"So it's like this!"

"It's fine to say it early, so you don't need to arouse people's suspicion."

"And classmate Mao Ye, let us rest assured if there are reinforcements coming!"

With a little complaint, it rang out, and Mao Yefeng couldn't help but apologize with his hands together, which calmed everyone's emotions.

And of course, after apologizing and comforting, Mao Yefeng gave Zhang Xiang a sharp glance.

'you are vicious! "Mao Yefeng's eyes showed such a meaning.

And of course, Zhang Xiang responded with a smile on his face: "No thanks, only courtesy."

Without exception, Mao Yefeng was imitated by Zhang Xiang's expression just now. It was so angry that he grabbed the hand of Shioda Zhu next to him and bit it down.

It wasn't until the innocent classmate Nagisa Shioda uttered: " hurts, it hurts, what are you doing, classmate Mao Ye!" It was the scream that made Mao Yefeng recover.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..." Mao Yefeng quickly apologized to Chaotian Nagisa.

The actions of the two of them naturally caused another storm.

For example, some classmates started to tease that Mao Yefeng wanted to leave a mark of love on Chaotian Nagisa; some students said that Nagisa Chaotian ignored Mao Yefeng just now, but only cared about other classmates, so they took a bite when they were jealous. .

In short, because of this bite, the two of them are still inseparable from the previous two.

It was caught in the turmoil of being ridiculed, and the topic was concentrated in the blushing and heart-beating words such as ‘in love’, ‘jealous’, and ‘together’.

Even Mao Yefeng, whose acting skills were so impressive, could not help but blush.

However, when she was finally able to deal with it and wanted to find Zhang Xiang for revenge, Zhang Xiang's figure had disappeared.

Because, he was already in front of the escaped Mr. Bai and Horibe camp.

"Two, what are you doing running so fast?" Zhang Xiang's face was smiling, and his figure appeared on the running path of the other two.

And as soon as he saw Zhang Xiang, the Horibe Camp, which was running fast, immediately stopped.

Last time, Zhang Xiang subdued the memory of him in one fell swoop, but he still remembers it!

"It's you!" Horibe Camp stared at Zhang Xiang like a wolf on the grassland.

He was born with wolf nature, and although he was very afraid of Zhang Xiang's control of him, he did not have any cowardice.

If he finds a chance, even if all the tentacles on his head are already severed by the teacher, he will rush up to Zhang Xiang.

But it is a pity that Zhang Xiang just stood there casually.

However, he didn't feel the slightest gap in his eyes.

This made him feel some regrets.

But at the same time, it also made him more concentrated, his eyes fixed on Zhang Xiang.

The other Mr. Bai looked very calm.

"Oh, why is it expensive?" Mr. Bai stopped in front of Zhang Xiang and said in a flat tone.

It's like, they haven't had any conflicts before.

And looking at the other person's calm look, the smile on Zhang Xiang's face couldn't help being more exciting.

"Nothing. It's just that you broke through my seal, allowing his tentacles to be used again. It surprised me a little bit. So, it is inevitable that I was a little bit curious, so I ran to take a look. However, let's see now Come on, it seems that the method you used is really not a good one." Zhang Xiang cast his gaze on Horibe Camp and said to Mr. Bai.

But this time, Zhang Xiang's words finally caused Mr. Bai's mood swings.

"Oh, do you see what technique I used?" Mr. Bai said with surprise.

"Of course, you just removed the originally sealed tentacles and reinstalled them with new tentacles. This method is really not a good method, the damage to the body is really too great. "Zhang Xiang didn't mean anything, and directly said that he broke the other party's method.

However, Mr. Bai shook his head.

"It doesn't matter whether the method is good or not, the important thing is that it works. Right, Horibe Camp." Mr. Bai said calmly.

Unsurprisingly, the Horibe camp, who was searching for power and thinking about not considering other things, naturally agreed.

"Of course, as long as there is power, enough to be the first power!"

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