Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2193: , This is not necessarily

And after playing handsome, Zhang Xiang turned his attention to the direction of Teacher Wujian. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"But, Teacher Wujian, why did you become like this? Could it be that you can't deal with a little guy who uses poison. You shouldn't." Zhang Xiang said to Teacher Wujian in a spitting tone.

It's just that Zhang Xiang really wronged Teacher Wujian this time.

If it were not for the protection of the two students who were walking in the front, relying on his vigilance would really be unlikely to be recruited.

I'm afraid that the other party was knocked over to the ground with a punch when he first started it.

Of course, if there is no reminder from the next female classmate, there is a high possibility that he will be recruited.

However, again, if he were to invade with Teacher Peach alone, he might not be discovered so quickly.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the three-year E classmates who followed Wujian naturally began to explain.

However, after listening to the explanations of class E students for three years, Zhang Xiang still shook his head.

"In this case, it is still Wujian's fault. Who told him to bring you and a group of junior high school students here. If something happens, what should he do!" Zhang Xiang's tone gradually became severe.

"But..." The three-year class E students seemed to want to refute.

However, before he could speak, Wu Jian Weichen was already speaking.

"Don't say it, this time, maybe I was really wrong. I shouldn't have brought you into such a dangerous situation. However, since I have brought you in. I have an obligation to take you safely. Leave." Wu Jian Weichen reluctantly stood up.

But listening to the conversation between Zhang Xiang and Wu, the fat man who released the poison gas on the opposite side laughed.

"Haha... the little guys who release poisonous gas?! Then, let you **** power!" The fat man suddenly rushed forward, and drew two unknown poisonous gas sprays from his sleeve. Here, he rushed towards Zhang Xiang directly.

However, what he might not have thought was that Uma Yuchen, who had been poisoned by the gas he had enough to numb the elephant, walked towards him staggeringly.

Moreover, while walking, he was still talking words that made him laugh.

"Don't try to attack them, your opponent is me!"

Uma Weichen walked to the forefront a little shaky.

"Haha...Really? But, looking at your swaying look, can you still take two more steps? I'm afraid it won't work?! Then, you might as well fall down forever..." Fatty directly Prying open the caps of the two bottles of poison gas spray, he directly wanted to spray Uma Weichen's face.

However, at the moment he just wanted to press the poison gas spray.

The Wujian Weichen who was in front of him had disappeared.

Yes, it disappeared before his eyes.

Then, what appeared on his face was the sole of a foot that rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes.


The fat man holding two cans of poison gas flew upside down like a sandbag and directly hit the wall behind.

Because of the wooden structure, it was directly sunken into a shallow pit.

Then, he fell to the ground and passed out in a coma.

From this, we can see that Wujian Weichen's kick is powerful.

At this time, Wujian Weichen's figure appeared in front of everyone.

It turned out that at the moment when the fat man who used the poison gas attack pressed the poison gas spray, Uma Yuchen forcibly controlled his body with steel-like willpower, and directly tilted the upper body of his body downward.

However, he relied on his left foot as a pillar, and the front part of his body as a lever for turning. With the help of the front part of the body to fall freely downwards, he made his right foot explode with powerful force, directly pushing the opponent Kicked out.

The whole process is clean and neat!

Even the class E classmates of three years were dumbfounded.

"Ah... so awesome."

"It turned out to be solved all at once."

"It really deserves to be Teacher Wujian..."

Even Zhang Xiang clapped his hands and felt his eyes shine.

"But, Teacher Wujian, willpower can be comparable to steel. It is possible to use willpower forcibly to control the body, I am afraid that not many ordinary humans in this world can do this. How about it? Go ahead and do things? Recently, I just started a small company, and I still need someone to help organize it." Zhang Xiang said with some appreciation.

Because the opponent's willpower is very rare.

It can be said that if he hadn't experienced so many things before, he wouldn't be sure whether his willpower was stronger than the opponent.

However, Uma Weichen seemed to be unable to help but praise.

After listening to Zhang Xiang’s words, he hadn’t waited until he could say a complete sentence. He only said: "Don’t think about it, don’t do..." Just like this, he fell to the ground and lost all his masculinity.

Looking at the other party's end, even though Zhang Xiang let Wujian Weichen speak with his own words, and vented his breath, he still couldn't help but joke.

" seems that Teacher Wujian can't help but praise. Or, in fact, teacher Wujian is thirty, is it a three-second man?" Zhang Xiang teased the other party with some revenge.

"Teacher Dayou, you are not allowed to say that about Teacher Wujian!"

"Yeah... Most of us here are girls! Is it really good to use such jokes?"

And seeing many girls in Class E of the third year defending Wu Jian Weichen, Zhang Xiang let them go.

After all, the other party just rejected his solicitation, not a deep hatred.

"However, Teacher Wujian, this one I'm talking about is not a joke. Doing things under my hands will give you more freedom." Zhang Xiang rarely solicited a second time at Wujian Weichen.

Although, he knew that the chance of the other party's promise was minimal.

And the result is exactly what he imagined.

"I'm a soldier with a constitution, and I won't enter private companies casually..." Uma Yuchen, who fell on the ground, said in a very principled expression with a serious expression.

"Yes, soldiers in service are not allowed to enter private companies."

"Moreover, isn't Teacher Dayu a teacher? Why is there a company again?"

"Even if it's a company, it should be small, right..."

The students in Class E of the third year didn't know whether they were whispering or should they discuss it in an open manner.

However, Zhang Xiang smiled.

"Oh, do you think it's impossible? It's not necessarily..." Zhang Xiang smiled at Wujian Weichen with a subtle expression.

With that expression, Wu Jian Weichen was seeing an ominous premonition in his heart.

However, he has not waited until he wants to understand.

Zhang Xiang had already spoken.

"Okay, let's not talk about other things. You hurry up and help Teacher Wujian, we should go back." Zhang Xiang said directly.

"But, the classmates haven't got the antidote yet."

Listening to this, Zhang Xiang slapped his head directly.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Three years of class E poisoned the students, I have already cured. So, it's okay, you group of junior high school students, don't run around in such a dangerous gang, you should follow I'm going back." Zhang Xiang waved at them in the same way as a child.

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