Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2196: , Is the teacher Doraemon? !

However, they are now being pointed at by a pistol, how could they not feel scared?

Seeing that they were being pointed at by a pistol, they couldn't help but dodge to one side quickly. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, before they were able to complete their avoidance, successive gunshots had already sounded.

Bang bang bang!

Three consecutive gunshots rang out, causing many girls in Class E for the third year to scream and evade behind the seats near the entrance of the Grand Theatre.

Fortunately, these three shots did not hit anyone.

Instead, he shot at the gate behind Zhang Xiang in a character, using the power of the bullet to close the gate.

"Look, I'm not arrogant, am I?" Gastro said with his pistol still hot, spreading his hands.

"Next, it's you." A smiling Gastro pointed the pistol in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiang's face showed a somewhat disgusting expression.

"Don't use such a dirty pistol at me." Zhang Xiang raised his brow slightly and said.

The scene where the opponent's pistol was stained with unknown serous, stuffed the muzzle into his mouth and licked the serous, made Zhang Xiang feel sick and shivering.

"What? You said my pistol is dirty?!" A trace of anger flashed across Gastro's face, and he was about to pull the trigger.

In the next moment, several familiar gunfire sounded.

However, Zhang Xiang still stood in place, and GASTRO, who was supposed to be holding a pistol at Zhang Xiang, disappeared on the stage and rolled back into the background.

Because, in the air, a silver-white pistol was spinning in circles.

Then, in the sound of ‘Pala’, it fell directly onto the big stage. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

It's just that the muzzle of this pistol has exploded, and even the trigger has disappeared.

In Zhang Xiang's hand, a pistol's muzzle was emitting a trace of smoke.

That's right, at that moment.

Zhang Xiang turned out to imitate the movie's bridge section and directly drew his pistol.

Before the opponent pulled the trigger, he directly hit the opponent's pistol, knocking the opponent's pistol into the air.

"That's all, don't point a pistol at me." Zhang Xiang said with a faint pretentious tone.

However, the three-year E class student who had been shutting his eyes tightly by a few successive gunshots was almost the same as the third-year E class student who hadn’t screamed loudly. It was only when Zhang Xiang was standing still intact to find out what happened. .

"Teacher Dayou, are you okay?" Chao Tianzhu, who was dumbfounded, asked Zhang Xiang.

"Of course, do you think I have something to do?" Zhang Xiang said somewhat irritably.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words like this, Chao Tianzhu shrank his head back a little embarrassedly.

However, the others still have many questions.

"Teacher Dayu, how can you own a gun?" Nakamura asked his own question on behalf of everyone.

"When I just called, I found it from a room where I was trading weapons. Not only pistols, but also machine guns. By the way, I also prepared a copy for you." Zhang Xiangzhang drew directly into his pocket, like a small ding-dong, continuously pulling out various ordnance from his pocket.

And looking at Zhang Xiang's incredible behavior, even though the lights in the big theater were a little dim, you could see their stunned look.

"Teacher Dayou, are you Xiaodingdong?!" Nagisa Chaotian, who was in charge of making complaints, spoke out what he wanted to complain in a timely manner instead of everyone.

Of course, Zhang Xiang naturally denied it.

"No, it's just that I have something similar to Tinkerbell's four-dimensional pocket. Don't say it, let's give these things a point. The things I choose are all things that you can use. .You just need to shoot according to the original practice.

The opponent's right hand had been shot by me, and it was no longer usable. As for the left pistol, the opponent is not good at it. Moreover, there is only one pistol with only six bullets left. As long as you have consumed his six bullets, as long as you don't foolishly follow each other in hand-to-hand combat, you will have won. "Zhang Xiang said to them naturally.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, everyone in Class E for the third year couldn't help forgetting how could there be something similar to a four-dimensional pocket in reality, but became a little dumbfounded.

"Teacher Dayu, do you mean, let us deal with that killer?" Nagisa Chaotian, instead of everyone, spoke out his own questions.

Zhang Xiang gave him a positive answer.

"Of course, don't you want to fight with the killer? Now, I have helped you reduce his strength to a level similar to yours. I also provided you with guns like that. Could it be that you can't solve him? Is it?" Zhang Xiang said with a natural expression.

"But, he uses a gun..."

"Once we are hit, would we or would we just..."

Many students in Class E of the third year showed hesitation and worry.

And listening to their words, Zhang Xiang knew that they had misunderstood.

"Don't worry, as long as you are not so unlucky, depending on the accuracy level of the opponent's pistol, at most serious injuries.

Moreover, I did not intend to force you, this time the duel is voluntary. Those who do not want to participate can not participate.

I just provide such an opportunity to give some of you who want to prove themselves an opportunity to express themselves. If I don't want it, I can solve it directly and there is no problem. "Zhang Xiang turned his attention to several people from Akabane Industry.

From before, Zhang Xiang had already seen their eager expressions.

In addition, Zhang Xiang's shadow avatar has been passed back, and the dinner of Xiaoniaoyoujia is over, and the opportunity to take a bath with the young chicks was robbed by Xiaozhuan who came to Xiaoniaoyoujia.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang, who is full of resentment, has no plans to end this boring invasion so soon.

Instead, I wanted to extend it a bit, and let Akabane Industry as the representative of these bear children who didn't know the sky and earth would suffer.

After all, it is better to suffer a small loss under his care now than to lose his life arrogantly in the future.

Of course, Zhang Xiang would never admit it.

It was because these bear children dragged him back to eat dinner and the opportunity to take a bath was taken away, so he released his grievances on these bear children.

Well, absolutely not!

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, although he was originally startled by the sudden appearance of the pistol.

However, the Akabane people who were still eager to try, after listening to Zhang Xiang's words, couldn't help thinking for a while before making a decision.

"Okay, let me take care of him!" Akabane Industry with a confident smile on his face picked up a pistol on the ground and said.

As he made a decision, Terasaka Ryoma and the other three also picked up pistols.

For them, it was the first time to be able to use a real pistol.

And then, even after hesitating, Nagisa Shioda picked up the pistol.

However, he explained: "Pick it up, even if it's a bodyguard. Otherwise, it won't be good if you don't fight back."

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