Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2204: , One or two things about getting on the plane!

On the high-speed road, Zhang Xiang was driving the car at a constant speed. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Ah, there are only thirty minutes left. When it's time to find a place to check the visa and suitcases, is it time? Uncle, hurry up." Miyu looked at her watch and said with some worry.

However, her words were refuted by Xiao Kong.

"No, brother, even if we can't catch the plane, we still ask for stability. You can't drive too fast." Xiaokong said, he couldn't help but glared at Miyu.

But Miyu couldn't help but spit out her small tongue and retracted her head.

In the back seat, the little chick sitting on a special car seat for children under five years old is holding an airplane model and playing with a look of excitement on his face.

She has a strong interest in getting on an airplane for the first time in her life.

Looking at Xiao Chi's cheerful look through the rear seat mirror, Zhang Xiang also smiled and answered.

"Don't worry, it will definitely be in time. Moreover, even if it is not in time, I have a back hand." Zhang Xiang pretended to be a little mysterious, Xiaokong and others said.

Then, Zhang Xiang gently stepped on the accelerator and began to speed up quietly.

Of course, even if it accelerates, this one is not fast.

After all, Zhang Xiang has already fully calculated the time required for this speed.

He has completely detected the road conditions ahead.

In less than five minutes, Zhang Xiang's car was already outside the plane's terminal.

"Quick, quick, brother, let's move things in first. You should go and park the car first." Xiaokong helped Xiaochun untie the belt and said to Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head at him. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"No, this car will be driven away next. Moreover, you and Meiyu are the only things that can't be moved by the two of you." Zhang Xiang took the two from the trunk and added up to seven. The ten-odd catty box was taken out.

Looking at the big box above Zhang Xiang's hands, Xiao Kong couldn't help but spit out his little tongue, and embarrassedly hugged Xiao Chi and walked inside.

As for Miyu, one of the culprits responsible for the two large boxes, she already quietly carried the two small boxes and walked inside.

Looking at the two of them, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but shook his head somewhat helplessly, lifted the two large boxes easily and walked inside.

Under Zhang Xiang's leadership, they quickly completed the verification of visas and luggage inspections.

In the gate, Xiao Kong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw ten minutes remaining.

"Fortunately, I caught up." Xiaokong patted his already curvy breast and said.

"So, I said that there is no need to worry. If you are too anxious, sweating, and if the air-conditioning is strong on the plane, you should catch a cold when you arrive in Russia." Zhang Xiang said to Xiaokong and the others.

At this time, a notice about the plane boarding also sounded in the terminal.

"Okay, it's time for us to board the plane, let's get in quickly. I just don't know, which plane is our boarding." Miyu puts her hands on the glass behind her, looking in front of her Behind the big floor-to-ceiling windows, a large number of planes took off and landed.

Because, outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, is where the plane landed and took off.

A lot of planes are parked outside.

"Ah, another big plane is flying." Xiao Chi suddenly shouted with excitement, pointing to a slowly taking off white plane outside the window, and flying towards the sky.

Looking at Xiao Chi's excited look, Zhang Xiang and others couldn't help but glance at each other, with a smile on their faces.

They brought the chicks out during the summer vacation, and it was not because they did not avoid reminding them of their father and mother.

After all, Zhang Xiang's sister and brother-in-law wrecked around this time.

Although Zhang Xiang and others hadn't told Xiao Chu the truth yet, Zhang Xiang and others had already felt it, and Xiao Chu seemed to know the truth vaguely.

The reason why Xiao Chin didn't show it was just that there was a hope in her heart, hoping that her mother and father would return as promised, and she was afraid that her emotions would affect everyone.

How to put it, children’s psychology is really delicate sometimes.

"Okay, Xiao Chi, let's go board the plane together. Flying high," Zhang Xiang squatted down and said to Xiao Chi.

"Ah, really? Does it fly higher than the big birds?" Xiao Hina asked with his eyes full of expectation, clenching his fists in front of him.

"Well, really. Let's go." Zhang Xiang hugged the chick and said to her.

"Well, let's go!" Xiao Chi said excitedly.

Afterwards, they passed the gate and came directly to the boarding gate.

However, when they started to board the plane, Xiaokong and Miyu suddenly became a little nervous.

And Zhang Xiang, who walked behind them with the young chicks, keenly felt this.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously.

"Uncle, do you think we are like..." Meiyu's face was very strange, and she looked at the plane in front of her with a hint of tension and complicated emotions.

However, before she finished speaking, Xiao Sora grabbed Miyu's hand.

"Brother, let's talk about these later. You can take the little chicks up first." Xiao Kong turned around and smiled reluctantly, and said to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the words of the two of them, Zhang Xiang already knew what was going on.

‘It seems that I just care about whether Xiaoxiao will know this, but I have not cared about Xiaokong and their mood. Zhang Xiang thought with a sigh in his heart.

After that, he nodded, and took the chick directly onto the plane first, and put her on the seat.

"Little chick, just stay in your seat and don't run around." Zhang Xiang said to the little chick who was looking left and right, especially lying on the window and looking outside.

"Yeah." Xiao Chi nodded with excitement on her face.

Seeing Xiao Chi didn't seem to notice anything, Zhang Xiang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After that, he turned his head back and came to the boarding stairs.

"All right?" Zhang Xiang stood in front of the two of them.

And it seems that through Xiaokong's comfort, Miyu's expression has improved a little.

"It's okay, just when I just walked on the boarding aisle. Suddenly I wondered if Dad and Aunt Yuli boarded the plane happily like us, and then..." Meiyu's expression was a little strange, her face flowing. There was sadness, but it was full of memories.

Looking at Mei Yu's strange expression, Zhang Xiang knew that Mei Yu's mood was a little wrong.

Because the emotion she showed was already close to self-destruction.

Sad but with memories, it means that in her heart, she is looking forward to something like Zhang Xiang's brother-in-law and sister.

Although, she might not know it yet.

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