Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2207: , Gothic house!

It's just that when she understands what Miyu's words mean.

She was a little bit dumbfounded.

Because she really fainted.

However, although the truth is so, she can't explain it.

Because, once explained, with Miyu's very precise gaze, he would definitely ask what Xiao Kong was thinking at the time and why his face was so red.

When the time comes, let her explain.

Could it be that she confessed that she was thinking about something harmonious with Zhang Xiang.

In the end, because he was too shy, he fell into a coma after adding low blood sugar?

Then, she felt that the image of her sister would collapse in Miyu's heart.

In the end, she could only accept this unexplainable helpless ‘fact’.

Then, in the words of Zhang Xiang's concern.

Xiao Kong blushed, not daring to look directly at Zhang Xiang, took the water bottle in his hand, and began to add sugar.

As for the reasons why you dare not look directly?

It's very simple. There are three people sitting in the back seat, which can be said to be quite crowded. The distance between her and Zhang Xiang can be said to be the clothes touching each other.

In this situation, how dare Xiao Kong look and move casually.

What if she fainted again when she recalled some of her previous crazy thoughts?

You know, even if you drink sugar water, it won't work so quickly.

Suddenly, the interior of the car seemed to be plunged into a calm atmosphere. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Fortunately, however.

At this moment, Miss Sasha in front of her spoke.

"Okay, turn this road and you will reach home. When I get home, I will definitely prepare a delicious meal for everyone. Please look forward to it. Especially Xiaokong, you have low blood sugar, but you must Eat more. Oh, by the way, first prepare some simpler traditional foods, and give you a cushion." Miss Sasha said very excitedly.

However, listening to Miss Sa Xia's words, Xiao Kong couldn't help but speak a little embarrassed.

"Ms. Sasha, there is no need to do this. I was just awake before, and I was busy leaving the gate, and it was a little low blood sugar. I ate on the plane before. So, I am not hungry now." Xiaokong Can't help but shook his hands and said.

However, Xiao Kong underestimated Miss Sa Xia's determination.

"No! You come here to travel, how can I be so negligent! You guys, but I am now, and my dearest daughters in the future, I must raise the fat in vain before I can let you go back. I will take you to taste every kind of delicious food," Miss Sasha said with great momentum.

And listening to Miss Sha Xia's declaration, everyone couldn't help laughing at each other.

"Mom, are you raising pigs? We are not little pigs. Or mother wants to turn your cute daughter into a chubby girl, and then **** your uncle over. I won't let this happen. Mom succeeded." Meiyu wrinkled her nose slightly and stared at Miss Sha Xia with a vigilant look.

But, listening to Miyu's words, Miss Sasha couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry, Mommy won't use such tricks. Mom, just by your own charm, your uncle can't escape from the palm of my hand." Ms. Sasha said, while giving back He cast a wink at Zhang Xiang in the rear compartment.

And listening to such'murderous' words, Zhang Xiang was afraid to say a word.

Because, at this time, everything is wrong.

Once there is a bias between the discourses, it will definitely be ‘punished’ by the other side.

So, even though the other party in the discussion is just him.

He was just able to pretend that he hadn't heard anything, and said in general: "Ahem, look at the road ahead. Be careful when driving." This sentence seems normal, but in fact there is nothing to say .

Fortunately, however.

Just as Miss Sasha said, a house quickly appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah, it's so beautiful." Xiao Chi leaned over the car window and let out a marvelous voice at a villa outside the window.

Amidst the exclamation of the young chicks, everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on the villa outside the window.

This is a very large villa, the whole body is basically built with wooden structure, the style is biased towards the Gothic style, with a pointed roof, and a long chimney.

"Yes, it's so big"

"A lot bigger than ours, it must be expensive."

Xiaokong and Miyu also exclaimed.

And Miss Sa Xia, who stopped the car, got out of the car and opened the door of the rear compartment.

"No, it's not expensive at all. Because it's in the suburbs, the temperature is too low in winter and spring, and the house is made of wood and it is not easy to protect against the cold, so the price is relatively low. Not as expensive as you think, but It costs five thousand dollars." Miss Sha Xia said to Zhang Xiang and others while holding the chicks.

However, even after listening to Miss Sasha's explanation, everyone was still surprised.

"Impossible. Even so, it's so cheap. The housing prices in Ikebukuro are so high, ranging from hundreds of thousands of yen to hundreds of thousands of yen per square meter." Xiao Kong's face was full. Surprised. (The exchange rate between Japanese yen and US dollars is about 100 yen and 08001 dollars)

"Yes, our house is not big, and it needs more than 70 million yen (US$567,000) to build." Miyu was also surprised.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang also walked out of the carriage.

"Russia has more land and fewer people, so it's normal for the price to be lower. Moreover, it is so cheap only because it is a suburb. The central area in the big city is still very expensive. Moreover, you compare it with Ikebukuro. There is a famous neon business district and transportation hub. It is natural that the house price will be so expensive. Therefore, it is wrong to compare the holiday in the suburbs of Russia with the commercial center of Ikebukuro." Zhang Xiang said to Xiaokong and others Popularize knowledge.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Kong and others nodded with some understanding.

Although, they still think that the housing prices here are so cheap.

"Okay, let's go in quickly. I bought this place just before you came. It was just right to live here in the summer. By the way, the rooms inside have not been allocated yet. Everyone is free to choose. By the way , There is a lake not far behind the house. There is a room in the house where you can directly see the direction of the lake water. Whoever grabs it will get it." Miss Sha Xia hugged the chick and walked towards the house.

And listening to the view of the big lake from the room in the house, Xiaokong and Miwa couldn't help exclaiming.


"Ah, I want that room"

The girls hurried into the house.

Only Zhang Xiang stayed in place with some helplessness, and walked inside with two big boxes.

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