Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2217: , What is responsibility? !

"Uncle, uncle..." Xiao Chi suddenly ran to Zhang Xiang's side and grabbed Zhang Xiang's trousers.

"What is it?" Zhang Xiang was curious.

However, Zhang Xiang looked at the little bear not far away, already guessing what Xiao Chi was trying to say.

"Um, that... can we take the little bear back..." Xiao Chi came with an expression of expectation on his face, and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, before Zhang Xiang could speak, Xiaokong and others were already opposed.

"No way, little chicks. That's the bear, not the puppy. It's dangerous to adopt it. You saw it just now, it's very wary of humans. Therefore, we can't adopt it. it

of. "Xiao Kong squatted down and said to Xiao Chi.

"Yeah, yeah, it's bears. Even if you want to adopt it, the law doesn't allow it. Therefore, you should dispel this idea, Xiao Hina." Miyu also went to the battle to persuade Xiao Xiao.

The young are here.

And listening to Xiaokong and Miyu's words, Xiao Hina couldn't help showing a reluctant expression on his face, and mist began to accumulate in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, everyone can't help but feel a little headache.

After all, although Xiaochun is usually behaved, it makes sense.

But at the same time, everyone has also seen the unyielding and grievances when the young chicks were stubborn.

Watching this scene, Miss Sa Xia couldn't help but squat down, putting her hands on Xiao Chi's shoulders.

"Little chick, the bear lives in the forest. If you bring him back, he will definitely be uncomfortable. Moreover, even if you can take care of him for a while, you will not be able to take care of him for long. Summer vacation

After that, you also have to go back to study. Look. Yarn, Chinese Net. So, what about that little bear? In addition, Xiaokong and Miwa just said that if you adopt bears, you are not allowed to adopt them. Plus, it can still

Can hurt others. So, I don’t want to adopt a bear cub, okay? "Ms. Sha Xia slowly explained to Xiao Chi with a serious look.

It's just that, for Xiao Hina, Miss Sha Xia, who speaks very usefully, did not play a role this time.

The young bird still looks stubborn.

Seeing Xiao Chi's appearance, everyone couldn't help but fall into anxiety.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly spoke.

"Xiao Chi, can you tell me why you want to adopt this little bear so much?" Zhang Xiang squatted down, looking squarely at Xiao Chi's stubborn eyes that were already full of tears.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the tears accumulated in Xiao Chi's eyes seemed to suddenly encounter a pouring channel.

"Mom... My uncle just said that Little Bear has no mother..." Xiao Chi started sobbing while saying.

Big tears flowed from her face.

Looking at the way Xiao Chi was crying, Xiao Kong and the others couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Okay, don't cry, Xiao Chi..."

"Yes, sisters are wrong, don't cry..."

Xiaokong and Miyu hurriedly coaxed the chicks.

But listening to Xiao Chi's reasons, Zhang Xiang couldn't help being stunned.

He didn't expect that Xiaochun would be so stubborn now, it turned out to be caused by a word of him.

And just when Zhang Xiang was startled, Xiao Chi spoke again.

"Little Hina... Little Hina also has Sister Xiaokong, Sister Miyu, Uncle, and Xia Xia... But, there is only one Little Bear left... Little Bear, Little Bear is really pitiful... So, so small

Hina will be its family..." Hina sobbed, using the back of her delicate little hands, wiped away the golden peas from the corners of her eyes, and said intermittently to Zhang Xiang and others.

And listening to Xiao Hina's words, everyone can't help but feel a little tricky.

Because everyone feels that if this topic continues to go deeper, it is likely to involve that taboo topic.

Only at this time.

However, Zhang Xiang suddenly spoke after Shen Ning for a while.

"First, Little Chi’s mother is not necessarily dead. Just now, Little Uncle was just a guess. If Little Bear’s mother is not dead, Little Little cannot take Little Bear home, okay. Second, even if it’s Little Uncle answer

Ying Xiaochu took the bear to go back. But, do you really have enough mental preparation to take care of the bear? You know, it is not so easy to raise a bear. That's worse than raising ten guards

A lot of troubles. You know, usually the ten guards have everyone's care, so the little chicks will be so relaxed. If you insist on bringing it back, then you have to take care of it yourself. We can

It won't help..." Zhang Xiang suddenly put on a serious look and said to Xiao Chi.

Seeing Zhang Xiang's serious appearance, everyone couldn't help but be a little stunned for a while.

This is especially true for Xiaokong and Miss Sasha.

Because they had already thought that Zhang Xiang might use various methods to reject the young chick's request, or just agree to the young chick's condition with one bite.

However, they did not expect that Zhang Xiang would talk to Xiao Chi with such a serious expression.

Which kind of conversation is like dividing responsibilities, which makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

However, they quickly reacted.

"Brother... how can you assume that you agree to Xiao Chi... If Xiao Chi is serious..." Xiao Kong couldn't help but interject.

However, Zhang Xiang raised his hand.

"Don't worry, Xiaokong, I have a sense of measure. Now I am talking to Xiaoxiao as the chief of the family. You can mention it later when you have any comments." Zhang Xiang said to Xiaokong somewhat seriously.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Kong couldn't help being a little stunned.

Even Miyu and Miss Sasha are dumbfounded.

However, immediately, Miss Sha Xia's eyes flashed with a sudden light, and she glanced at Zhang Xiang in amazement.

Because she had already seen that Zhang Xiang was already educating the little chicks about responsibility and how to become a reliable person.

And then, Zhang Xiang continued to watch Xiao Chi carefully and said the third point.

"Third, it's like Xiaokong and they all talk about it. The law does not allow private raising of cubs, especially free-range breeding is impossible. And you are just here to play, you absolutely can not take care of the cubs

How long is it. When you go back, you have only one choice, and that is to put the little bear back into the forest. At that time, are you willing? "Zhang Xiang seriously one by one

Analyze it to Xiao Chi.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi's crying stopped unconsciously.

Zhang Xiang treated her like an adult, and she couldn't help feeling that she had grown up a lot.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's serious look, Xiao Chi also understood Zhang Xiang's three points, and also knew that some of the things were inevitable.

She couldn't help but start thinking along what Zhang Xiang said.

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