Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2220: , A familiar scene!

Because Zhang Xiang's subordinates had already exploded at an unimaginable speed, rushing directly in front of the opponent and knocking him down.

Moreover, they also executed Zhang Xiang's orders 100%, and directly stepped on each of their arms.

Let them scream.

The entire process has not taken two seconds.

It wasn't until this time that the other party had reacted.

"How is it possible? It's just an instant..." The bearded leader showed an unbelievable expression on his face, looking pale at the scene.

And Zhang Xiang's subordinates are still resolutely implementing Zhang Xiang's orders.

They surrounded each other from two directions.

Seeing this scene, the bearded leader couldn't help becoming very flustered.

"No, don't come over. Otherwise, don't blame it, don't blame me for shooting!" The bearded leader was full of panic, until he remembered that he still had a shotgun in his hand, and he held the muzzle nervously. He lifted it up and faced Zhang Xiang and the two men in black, speaking harshly in his voice.

However, his trembling slightly, even if he shoots, he will probably miss the target's muzzle, but it fully exposed his fearful psychology.

And looking at the other side's muzzle facing in his direction.

Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

However, he didn't frown because the opponent's muzzle was pointed at him, feeling that he would be dangerous.

It was because if the other party fired a gun, it would inevitably cause Xiaokong and the others to panic again.

So, in the next moment.

Zhang Xiang's figure appeared directly behind the opponent, and his right hand gently ‘strokes’ over the back of the opponent’s neck. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

The bearded leader collapsed to the ground with a horrified face, and the shotgun in his hand fell to the ground amidst the sound of ‘coughing’.

"Remember, don't go out with the hunter in the future. Especially, don't get close to this place. Otherwise, you won't have a good result." Zhang Xiang directly turned around and walked in the direction where he had just arrived.

However, when Zhang Xiang was halfway there, he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't broken your hand yet!" Zhang Xiang turned his head and smiled at him.

Immediately, in the horrified sight of the opponent, he raised his right foot and stepped on it directly, breaking the opponent's right hand directly in the sound of ‘click’.

The other party's face suddenly turned pale, and his mouth opened wide as if he wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound.

Even the body can't even move.

And in his horrified sight, Zhang Xiang's figure slowly disappeared from his sight.

Then, the bodies of the three of them, like torn sacks, were directly carried on their shoulders by the two men in black clothes under Zhang Xiang, and they were directly thrown into their car parked on the edge of the forest.

During this period, the three of them didn't even have the ability to resist at all. It was as simple as a big man dealing with a child.


After walking a little distance, Xiaokong and others appeared in front of them.

"Why are you coming to this side?" Zhang Xiang asked in a little surprised.

And some anxious chicks answered Zhang Xiang's question.

"Little Xiong Xiong, Little Xiong Xiu walked in this direction, and refused to stay there with us..." Xiao Chi's face was anxious, pointing to the little bear who was walking through the grass not far away and said.

And watching this scene, Xiao Kong next to him also began to explain.

It turned out that not long after Zhang Xiang left, the little bear seemed to have sensed something and ran towards this side with his injured right foot.

Xiao Chi was worried that the injured bear's right foot would be more serious, but trot to follow.

Looking at this action of the young chick, Xiao Kong and others, who were originally afraid of meeting those poachers in the forest, had to follow.

It turned out that they wanted to make a call to Zhang Xiang.

However, it was unexpected that when they wanted to call, Zhang Xiang suddenly appeared in front of them.

And listening to the words of Xiaokong and others, Zhang Xiang's face couldn't help becoming a little serious.

"Is that so? Little chick?!" Zhang Xiang's expression became a little severe.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's stern look, Xiao Xiao couldn't help lowering her head with some guilty conscience and guilt, and her little hands were pinching each other.

"Brother..." Xiaokong quietly pulled Zhang Xiang's sleeve.

And Miss Sa Xia and Mei Yu also gave Zhang Xiang a wink quietly.

Thinking about the corpse of the big bear that he would see later, Zhang Xiang sighed helplessly.

"Let's let it go this time. Let's go and see Big Bear first. However, if you have the next time, you won't have such good luck!" Zhang Xiang said with a stern face.

Immediately, he turned around and led them to the place where the bear fell.

However, it is not right to say that it is a belt, because the little bear with some injured feet is leading the way a little unstable.

After a while, in a relatively empty place, the corpse of that big bear appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the little bear couldn't help but whimpered, and rushed forward with both hands and feet.

And just when Xiao Chi wanted to keep up, she suddenly remembered something, and looked towards Zhang Xiang with a timid look of expectation.

"Okay, let's go. But don't get too close." Zhang Xiang promised Xiao Chi.

"But, Yuta..." Miss Sasha's face beside her was a little disturbed.

"Don't worry, the big bear has been dead for a while. And the little bear will not attack the young..." Zhang Xiang explained to Miss Sha Xia.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, everyone was relieved.

However, Miss Sha Xia and the others hurriedly followed, and stood beside Xiao Chi.

At this time, Xiao Chi was looking at the scene in front of her with a little bewildered.

The little bear was surrounding the big bear at this time, using his body to push the big bear's body from time to time, and licking the big bear's cheek with his tongue, as if he wanted to wake the big bear.

But it's a pity that since Big Bear is already dead, how could he still wake up.

So, Little Bear had to repeat these actions.

Once, twice, three times...

And watching this scene, everyone's faces are all showing different expressions.

Because the scene before him seems very familiar.

It's like when Xiaokong and others knew that his parents had crashed.

That kind of don't know what to do, don't want to believe that this is true, especially so that Xiaokong and Miyu who have experienced it personally have a feeling of being on the scene again.

It's just that they changed from protagonists to spectators.

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