Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2226: , Want to learn assassination techniques? !

The next morning, Chinese class time.

After finishing the predetermined things at a faster speed, Zhang Xiang put the copy in his hand on the desktop.

"Everyone, do you really want to kill the teacher?" Zhang Xiang said suddenly.

And listening to Zhang Xiang, who had always joined the fun, but was rarely involved in the assassination, suddenly talked about the assassination of the teacher.

Everyone can't help but feel a little strange, everyone in the classroom is looking at each other, and some don't know how to answer.

"Don't worry, just tell your thoughts. Whether you want to kill the teacher, or you don't want to kill him, there is no problem. After all, you have been with him for so long. "Zhang Xiang put his hands on the podium and said after the people below.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, everyone in the room finally spoke.

"Well, during our time with Teacher Killing this period of time, we feel very fulfilled. Moreover, Teacher Killing will not be like some teachers, because we are poor students and we can't afford it. Provided relevant counseling for each of us. But..."

After talking about this, another person took his words.

"However, killing the teacher is the one who will destroy the earth after all. In addition to killing the teacher, we have other teachers, family members, and friends. Therefore,..."

"Although we are a little reluctant, we still intend to kill the teacher."

"Let the teacher kill die in the hands of others, it would be better to die in our hands, he will be happier."

"These are our views!"

Several representative students of Class E in the third year stood up and said to Zhang Xiang.

After speaking, all the other students in Class E for three years were silent. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because the words they said were basically what they thought.

However, at this moment.

It seemed that the atmosphere in the room was a little dull, but Nagisa Chaotian couldn't help but speak.

"However, it seems that we are not good enough now. With our current strength, we can't assassinate the teacher at all. Just like the last time, we obviously have a good opportunity, but we finally failed. So, For now, it is very difficult for us to kill the teacher. Therefore, everyone does not need to think about these things. Although, we must be able to kill the teacher in the end." Nagisa Chaotian tried Recalling the lively atmosphere in the field, he smiled and said to everyone.

And listening to Chaotian Zhu's words, everyone finally cheered up.

"Yes, with our current strength, it is still difficult to kill the teacher. Therefore, we must work harder!"

"Yes, try to kill the teacher before graduation next year."

"Come on, everyone!"

Everyone can't help but regain the active atmosphere.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly spoke.

"If you want, I can teach you real assassination techniques. Assassination techniques that can pose a real threat to the teacher. Do you want to learn?" Zhang Xiang suddenly began to speak.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's explosive words, the students in Class E of the next three years couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"It can cause harm to kill the teacher."

"Assassination techniques that can pose a real threat to the teacher?!"

"Yes, do you want to learn?!" Zhang Xiang emphasized again.

And just after a while, everyone couldn't help raising their hands.

"Learn, we want to learn!"

"We want to learn the skills to assassinate teachers!"

The three-year class E students raised their hands enthusiastically and signed up for Zhang Xiang.

"Okay, then let's start learning now." Zhang Xiang put his hands back and said to the people below.

"just now?"


Listening to Zhang Xiang's clean words, the three-year E classmates looked at each other, saying that they could not accept Zhang Xiang's quick move.

"Yeah, now, the playground. Otherwise, when do you think you want to start!" Zhang Xiang said as he walked out.

Seeing Zhang Xiang's actions, the three-year class E students couldn't help but put down the books in their hands and followed him to the playground.

And should it be said that Wujian is well trained, or should it be said that the collective training can indeed train the team that travels collectively.

After coming to the playground, the three-year E class students have consciously stood in three rows.

"Well, today I want to give you the most basic assassination technique. The name is called'Dark Step'. This is an assassination technique that makes no sound and moves quickly. It's like this." Zhang Xiang 'S figure walked behind them, and quickly walked from one side to the other using a semicircle as a line.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's movements, the three-year Class E students were a little confused.

And Zhang Xiang's voice also rang at the right time.

"Perhaps, you will think it's no big deal. I thought I just walked gently behind your back. However, in fact, it is not that simple. I can let you experience the specific experience. Come on, come with me into the woods. Divide into teams of two people each and walk into the woods. Then, I will approach you one by one and press your hands on your shoulders when you are not aware. Because there is no wind interference in the woods, and there are places where falling leaves, something that is very easy to make noise, I believe you will know more about the assassination technique." Zhang Xiang said, On one side they took them into the forest.

And the moment you stepped into the forest, unlike the wind on the city grass, the sound here suddenly seemed much quieter.

There are only a few insects, which occasionally rang in the forest.

However, at this moment, Akabane industry suddenly raised his hand.

"Um, teacher, can we use the assassination skills we have learned to deal with you? It's a training battle to kill the teacher." Akabaye's face was smiling, but his eyes flashed The fierce fighting spirit.

And listening to his words, everyone in the three-year E class in the room couldn't help but get excited.

"Yes, can you? Teacher Dayu!"

Mao Yefeng opened his eyes wide and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

The other three-year class E students also looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

And Zhang Xiang nodded after thinking about it.

"No problem. However, correspondingly, I will also use some assassination techniques that you will learn in the future, so that you can learn and familiarize yourself in advance. Of course, I will not hurt you. So, is it okay? "Zhang Xiang groped his chin, and said to the three-year E classmate.

And listening to Zhang Xiang would not hurt them, how could they oppose it!

"no problem!"

"set off!"

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