Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2228: , The traps are well arranged, but useless!

Although, he had already said that he would do this before. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The other party had indeed agreed before.

However, reasoning with women is often fruitless.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang wisely chose not to continue the conversation.

"Well, I have stayed with you long enough. I have to find the classmates in the group. As for the idea of ​​back-to-back defense that you just had, it is not bad. But, you guys The executive power is still too poor. Moreover, as long as you are just looking for something to interfere with you, you will inevitably be distracted. In this case, as long as you distract for a moment, I can Your blind spot of vision is close to you. The difference is just the length of the waiting time." Zhang Xiang explained the shortcomings of the other party's plan and the shortcomings of implementation.

And listening to Zhang Xiang’s words, Kurahashi Yang Naina curled her lips and complained in a low voice: "You are only approaching at a fast speed. If you are slower, we will be able to found……"

However, before the other party had finished speaking, Zhang Xiang turned around with a smile.

"By the way, I used to walk at the speed of a walk before. If you count it, I walked for about four seconds for a distance of about six meters. This speed should not be considered as fast. . Although, for you, it’s already a trot."

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the other party's cheeks turned red.

This is the embarrassment of being discovered when he said his words behind Zhang Xiang.

It is also embarrassing that I have misunderstood Zhang Xiang because of my wrong judgment.

However, before she apologized, Zhang Xiang had already walked deep into the forest.

Then, Zhang Xiang eliminated all the teams that entered the forest to the right.

I have to say that the tricks they use are a bit too simple, and one group uses the same tricks as Kanzaki Yukiko. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, they just looked at each other's back face to face.

The other group held that kind of inkjet air gun to deal with Zhang Xiang.

But unfortunately, they didn't even see Zhang Xiang's figure, and they were already eliminated.

After knocking out the team on the right, Zhang Xiang took the opportunity to clear the past from the right to the left.

Along the way, Zhang Xiang can be said to be invincible. He didn't even use any other tricks. Just using the dark step alone has already solved everyone.

Just like the fallen leaves under his feet, there would be no sound at all under his trampling.

In the process of cleaning up like this, Zhang Xiang finally encountered a group of teams that made Zhang Xiang feel brighter.

"The traps are well arranged. Basically, the retreat that might approach them is blocked. Moreover, the cover is okay. It should not be arranged within half an hour, but should be arranged before. Is it used to deal with the trap that kills the teacher? Now it has been re-adjusted and used on my body, not bad." Zhang Xiang carefully evaluated the trap that stayed in the forest and nodded.

As far as the students are concerned, they are already well arranged.

And after a few steps closer, Zhang Xiang also discovered something even more incredible.

It seemed that he discovered that Zhang Xiang could not be dealt with by the strength of his own group alone. Except for the eliminated students, all the other students gathered together.

In the forest ahead, Zhang Xiang unexpectedly found a total of sixteen breathing sounds.

Moreover, many people are still holding the air gun that hurts when hitting people but does not cause much harm.

"Since you are all gathered together. Moreover, traps have been set up. Then, I will assume that you are in the same group. Then, the game has started, I have to get serious, you should be careful." Zhang Xiang took advantage of it. The special vocalization skills allowed his voice to pass from all directions.

This sudden sound undoubtedly made many people in the audience feel pressure.

Because, relying on the monitoring route they set up, they haven't even caught Zhang Xiang's trace.

"Xiao Lu, didn't you catch Teacher Dayou's figure?" Mao Yefeng nervously turned to Xiao Lu next to him.

However, Xiao Lu shook his head.

"Well, the surveillance network I set up did not catch the teacher at all. He had already noticed my surveillance and deliberately avoided my surveillance range. Therefore, it was not monitored. It was all my fault The monitoring equipment coming down is too obvious." Xiaolu's face showed a bit of depression.

After listening to Xiao Lu's words, before Mao Yefeng comforted the other party, another voice rang.

"You have done a good job. The monitoring device is set up very well, almost covering this area. It is not covering all the places, just because of the lack of monitoring equipment and the limitation of objective factors. By the way, I'm sorry, the two of you have already been eliminated." Zhang Xiang's mysterious figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

And his hands pressed on their shoulders almost at the same time the sound rang.

This made Mao Yefeng who clenched the pistol tightly and couldn't help feeling disappointed, who had not had time to take it out.

"Teacher, how can you be like this? I haven't fired a shot yet. How can you eliminate me like this!" Mao Yefeng said angrily to Zhang Xiang.

"That one, no way. My get out of class is about to end. The next class is not mine, so I have to speed up the progress. Also, you deliberately pretended to be angry and talk loudly, trying to delay me with words When the other people surrounded me, I had already seen through it. So, goodbye." Zhang Xiang said directly.

Then, his figure flashed into the forest.

At almost the same time, several successive paint bullets hit the place where Zhang Xiang had just stood.

As long as Mao Yefeng delays for another second, it will hit Zhang Xiang.

And almost at the same time that the paint bullet hit the ground, six or seven people ran out of the surrounding forest.

"Well, did he go to that side? I'll go after it right away!" Ryoma, who was a bit irritable, said directly to Mao Yefeng.

"Go to that side. However, I think it is better for everyone to gather together and stay in the open space. Otherwise, with your strength, in such a complicated deep forest, it will definitely be eliminated quickly. "Mao Yefeng pointed out the route and kindly persuaded him.

However, Ryoma shook his head.

"I don't believe that he can catch a bullet faster. What he said just now is definitely not evading at a speed faster than ordinary people can achieve. With so many of us, he can definitely be killed."

And then, he ignored Mao Yefeng's persuasion and led five or six classmates directly into the forest.

As for the result, it is of course needless to say.

Zhang Xiang just took them for a round and eliminated them.

After all, the sound of their feet on the ground is too loud.

Even if they launched a bait and planned to hunt Zhang Xiang, it was of no use.

After eating the bait, Zhang Xiang easily dodged behind a big tree and disappeared without a trace.

The encirclement of the opponent is too loose.

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