Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2255: , The mere cold wind! Ha Qiu...

"Go, target the snow mountain!" Teacher Sha carried a big backpack and dressed in ordinary doctoral clothes, waving his pointer and pointing towards the big mountain in the distance. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And just after he made his voice, everyone in Class E for three years cheered.

"set off!"


"There are still snowmen!"

The three-year E class students are all cheering.

However, even though they were cheering, they glanced at each other and nodded in a tacit understanding.

Because, this trip to Snow Mountain was a plan to assassinate the teacher as planned by Class E for the third year.

Originally, they felt that if they came to such a tour at the end of the semester, when they were about to take an exam, killing the teacher would definitely refuse to focus on learning.

But to their surprise, killing the teacher agreed.

Moreover, no matter it is preparing various things, there are other things that are exceptionally smooth.

This made them feel that this time the assassination will be successful.

Although, in the past year, they felt that the assassination plan would be successful at least a dozen times, but they all failed.

Of course, just when other classmates moved all kinds of things into the car and stuffed them into the bags to disguise them, Nagisa Chaotian and others, who were closer to the teacher, were responsible for haunting the teacher, so that he had no time to pay attention. To other situations.

"Kill teacher, it doesn't matter if you wear so little? I heard that the environment on the snow-capped mountains is at least four to five degrees colder than here." Chaotian Zhuo looked at the light clothes on the teacher, with some worry To say.

As for Teacher Killing's answer, it was naturally so awful.

"Haha... don't worry, how could the prince of destiny, who is incarnate in the eternal wind, be frozen by the mere cold wind haha...ha Qiu..." Teacher Killing put his hands on his waist and laughed conceitedly. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, before he finished speaking, he already sneezed out a big sneeze.

This made the three-year class E students around who heard his words couldn't help staring in the direction of Teacher Killing with speechless eyes.

"Kill the teacher, if you continue to sneeze, it will prove that you have a cold. In this case, you should not sit with us, it will spread to us." Mao Yefeng stuck in his waist and used one. The deputy said with a menacing look.

In the past six months, Mao Yefeng has completely recovered.

Even the nerve damage caused by the implanted tentacles, under Zhang Xiang's adjuvant treatment, is considered to be pretty good.

Moreover, perhaps because of the resolution of the misunderstanding, Mao Yefeng's character also began to liberate, becoming a little bit savage.

"Um... this one is just an accident. My body is very strong. I must have sneeze just because someone was speaking ill of me behind my back. This time I will never... Ha Qiu ..." Before the words that killed the teacher fell, he sneezed out again.

"Look, I said that I don't have a cold. Go faster. Don't infect me, and classmates of Zhu." Mao Yefeng pointed to the teacher to kill, and said after protecting Chaotian Zhu.

In this way, it was like a hen guarding the chicken, making Chaotian Nagisa show helpless expression.

"That, I said, this is just an accident. Moreover, you have to sneeze three times in a row to be considered a cold... Ha Qiu... Ah, it hurts..." Teacher Sha was still sneezing.

It's just that this time after he finished his sneeze, he was kicked aside by Mao Yefeng before he could explain it.

Then, she took Shio Tian Zhu's arms.

"Okay, Nagisa, let's not stay here. It won't be good if we catch a cold. Let's get in the car first." Mao Yefeng dragged the somewhat stiffened Chaotianzhu, and walked on to the bus.

Well, let's pray for Shioda, who made him have such a savage girlfriend.

Although, the relationship between the two of them is still not so clear.

However, a discerning person can tell at a glance that two people are already in the relationship of lovers.

" hurts, if I were still a human, my waist would have been cut off by you..." Teacher Killing stood up with some complaints.

However, before he finished complaining, a head came out from the window of the bus next to him.

"Kill the teacher, don't you want to leave? If you don't leave yet, we will leave you outside and let you fly to the snowy mountains in this ice world." Akabane industry popped his head and said.

After speaking, he coldly retracted his head.

At this time, killing the teacher is always regarded as finding that all the students were already in the car when he fell.

And almost at the same time, the car door began to close.

"Ah don't..." Teacher Sha looked at the car door that was closing, and rushed out.

In the end, relying on the liquefaction is the only way to squeeze through the crack of the door closed to the size of only three fingers, and squeeze in.

"It's so dangerous. I'm going to brave the cold wind to pass to the snowy mountain in one day. At that time, I will definitely get cold and runny nose..." Teacher Sha said with a shiver, it seems that I have already thought about it. What happened.

I'm afraid, even if there is news the next day, it is possible to find a huge ice block containing a monster near the snow mountain.

"Well, kill the teacher, sit down, we are going to start." Chaotian Zhu turned his head and said to the teacher.

At this moment, the engine quietly turned on.

It's just that, almost at the same time, most of the people took out their guns and fired at the teacher.

Even in the various hidden compartments in the carriage, a large number of firearms emerged, and they scanned under Xiao Li's control.

"Ah sneak attack, this is not right..."

The strange cry of Teacher Killing rang, and the figure quickly changed into an afterimage.

And even though the environment inside the car is airtight enough.

However, it still can't hurt the teacher.

Because, Teacher Killing is in such a good state today, and he has concentrated his energy to the extreme.

In addition, his acceleration response speed and acceleration speed have increased a lot from the beginning.

Therefore, it is expected that the fire is not hit.

After the shooting, Master Kill still appeared intact on the back of a seat in the carriage.

"Haha... I have said that with your trapping skills, it is impossible to kill me! Okay, let's clean up the car quickly. I have to lie down and sleep. "Teacher Killing put his hands on his waist, a green and yellow expression appeared on his face, and said to the three-year E class students in the car.

However, none of his students responded to him.

"No cleaning!"

"Huh, let you be arrogant, we are so bad!"

"Just stand like this and sit over the snow mountain."

The students in Class E of the third year were all speaking in a huff.

"Eh...Don't, I know it was wrong. It takes two hours to get to the snow mountain. In that case, didn't I stand dead? Help!" Teacher Sha made a cry for help.

In secret, the three-year E class students are communicating information to each other.

Because, this time the assassination in the car was only deliberately planned by them to distract the teacher.

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