Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2259: ,avalanche!

If it is normal, nothing will happen at all. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

But don’t forget, it’s skiing season. There is a lot of snow on the top of the mountain. It has been snowing in the afternoon, and it’s falling.

Because, those snowy surfaces that were not yet solid, suffered the impact of huge sound fluctuations, instantly launched a landslide.

A large number of snowflakes began to slide, turned into turbulent snow waves, and finally evolved into an unstoppable avalanche!

"Well, now you have only two choices. One is to run away from the students who abandoned you, and the other is to fight with me while saving your students. However, you want you to take it with me. If you drag these oil bottles, never want to get rid of me!" Yanagisawa Katarou's face had an expression of delightful hatred, and he looked in the direction of killing the teacher.

"Damn it, this is just a matter between me and you. Why do you want to involve those students in Class E of the third year!" Teacher Killing moved quickly and wanted to transfer Class E to the third year. Of the students were rescued.

But unfortunately, in order to take into account the limits that the human body can reach, he was always stopped by Yanagazawa Kotaro before he ran out of the avalanche area with them.

"Is it okay? They are the best choice to block your actions now!" Yanagisawa Kataro's figure constantly appeared next to Teacher Kill.

His pair of tentacles with the material to deal with the killing teacher, from time to time, aimed at the killing teacher's heart and shot out.

Even so, they bombarded directly at the three-year E class students.

In this situation, Teacher Killing had to use his tentacles to resist.

With a bang.

One of his tentacles shattered to pieces.

"What are you doing?! You actually want to kill these students?! They are the students that Xuecun cared about most before he died!" Teacher Killing began to show black marks all over his body, and his face became somewhat a little bit. Horrified.

"Yes, so, I will send them down to accompany her!" Yanagisawa Katarou laughed. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

At the moment when the voice fell, one of Kataro Yanagisawa's tentacles shot out and pierced the shoulder of a student in Class E not far away, causing him to scream.

And this kind of attitude of Yanagisawa Kotaro completely angered Teacher Killing at this time.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing this sudden change, Zhang Xiang's brows were also slightly frowned.

Because this is already out of his script.

Moreover, although at the beginning, using the three-year E class students to threaten to kill the teacher was something above the plan.

However, the plan did not say that it would take advantage of an avalanche, which would kill all students if carelessly.

It was not written in the slightest that Kotaro Yanagazawa would truly hurt the students in Class E for three years.

And when he finally saw that a three-year E class student was injured, Zhang Xiang didn't plan to stand by.

He flashed directly and came to the three-year E class gathering.

"Dead octopus, you should mainly deal with him. I will stop the avalanche and prevent him from harming the students." Zhang Xiang suddenly appeared in the field and said to Teacher Killing.

"Okay, then everything is up to you. I'm going to tear him up!" Angrily killed the teacher, the tentacles all over his body began to develop in the dark.

He suddenly turned into a black shadow, and suddenly launched a tide-like attack, encircling Kotaro Yanasawa.

From a distance, it looked like a black tornado was enveloping Kotaro Yanasawa.

And Zhang Xiang also rushed to the side of the injured classmate.

"How's it going?" Zhang Xiang asked the three-year E class students who were undergoing emergency treatment.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that the shoulders were pierced and the bones were not injured. Ah, right, are you?" Shioda Nagisa, who helped the wounded to bandage, replied quickly.

However, when he finished answering, he realized that the guy standing next to him was someone he didn't know.

This made him nervous.

After all, Kataro Yanagisawa attacked them, and most of them were from the Ministry of Defense.

The three-year E class students obviously thought of this and quietly formed a protective circle.

And Zhang Xiang was also taken aback for a while, realizing that he was still in a state of disguise, so he had to remove the disguise.

In an instant, the three-year E class students already recognized him.


"Teacher Dayu?!"

"Why are you here?!"

Various surprise sounds rang, and at the same time their vigilance couldn't help dropping by a level.

"Come here to watch the game, by the way, I will send you to kill the teacher... Forget it, I will say in detail later, I will stop the avalanche first." Zhang Xiang explained to the three-year E class students, and then turned his head. Looking at the student closest to Class E for three years, there was only an avalanche of less than a few hundred meters.

If only a few more seconds, the avalanche will drown everything here.

At this moment, the screams also rang from the forest not far away.

A large number of Ministry of Defense personnel disguised in white cloth were escaping outside.

Obviously, the avalanche was not within their expectations.

And looking at the avalanche that was rolling, roaring like a tsunami, many of the three-year E class students couldn't help turning pale.

"Yes, but how do you stop..."

"It's impossible to rely solely on human resources..."

"Dead, are we going to die?"

All kinds of panic sounds were heard from the students in Class E of the third year.

"Don't worry, I said that if I can stop, I will definitely be able to stop. I panicked, thinking about what it is like. Where have all the things I learned in assassinations gone?!" Zhang Xiang snorted in a low voice. The three-year E class students couldn't help but stop the riots.

At the same time, he stretched out his right hand to face the avalanche.

"Stopping the avalanche, to me, it's like that simple!" Zhang Xiang's right hand pushed forward.

A rush of great power emerged from his right palm, and immediately poured into the avalanche wave that rolled in front of him.

In an instant, it was like hitting a transparent wall.


The unstoppable avalanche was suddenly stopped and hit an invisible wall. Snow flew as high as tens of meters, but it was impossible to cross it at all.

And, after Zhang Xiang's right palm was shot downward.

The whole avalanche was already photographed by Zhang Xiang.

In front of Class E of the third year, a piece of Fenshi rectangular ice and snow quickly formed.

Of course, Zhang Xiang only took care of the avalanche of Class E for three years, and other places ignored it.

Anyway, most of the power was resisted by him, and those guys, relying on their strong physique and skilled escape skills, estimated that not many would die.

And in the distance, the blackened Master Killer was still in the air following Kataro Yanagisawa in a fierce battle, with various tentacles and scales flying around.

If there is blood on both sides, the blood must have stained the snowy ground below them.

But at this time.

A scream rang from not far away.

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