Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2267: , The human heart is not enough!

Faced with such a scene, the five Chaotianzhu people selected by Zhang Xiang were not afraid at all. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Under Zhang Xiang's leadership, they directly drew out their guns and started shooting.

As for Zhang Xiang, he is even more powerful and uses burst shooting directly.

He took out two pistols from his waist, one shot with a tentacle monster, and each bullet hit the opponent's tentacle connection, causing the opponent to die on the spot.

After all, after being parasitized by the tentacles, the parasitized human is already dead because the nutrients are absorbed.

Controlling their physical actions are just the tentacles that connect the nerves to their bodies.

Killing those tentacles would have killed them all.

Of course, the five people in the other three-year E class, although some people have such good marksmanship.

But in such a tense moment, they still used strafing out of fear of accidents. Each tentacle monster suffered at least five or six bullets, and as many as a dozen bullets.

In this case, although there were many tentacle monsters in the hall, they were cleared in less than two minutes.

"Well, yes, in one minute and thirty-five seconds, about sixty-two tentacle monsters were killed. This one achieved a good result." Zhang Xiang nodded and said.

After that, he ignored that the entire hall was full of broken limbs and was covered with all kinds of greasy tentacle mucus and blood, and walked directly in the direction of the elevator.

"Let's go, the elevator should be fine, it can still be used." Zhang Xiang said directly.

Although looking at this scene, there is a feeling of vomiting in his chest, but Nagisa Shioda and others followed.

But unlike the scene in the movie, in the sound of a ‘ding’, when the elevator door opened, there were no tentacle monsters inside.

This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"I thought I would encounter a scene like a movie."

"Yeah, I thought so just now."

"Fortunately not..."

"It's just that I don't know if I will encounter such a scene in the above. Look at the 1 mao 2 line 3 Chinese website."

"Bah, better not to have!"

In the conversation between the five people in Class E in the third year, they all got on the elevator.

The fourth, tenth, fifteenth, twenty-first floor...

In the end, the number stayed on the 32nd floor.

"Alright, get ready." Zhang Xiang said.

With the sound of ‘ding’, the elevator door could not help but opened.

It's just that as soon as the elevator door opened, several human figures appeared in front of everyone.

This made the three-year E class students couldn't help feeling nervous, and wanted to shoot after raising their guns.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang stopped them in time.

"No, stop! They are human beings." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and stopped them from moving.

At this moment, everyone can be regarded as seeing clearly that the person standing at the elevator gate is a few humans holding high chairs and various other common weapons.

This discovery made the three-year E class students couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, with a cold sweat on their foreheads.

Naturally, I didn't meet those tentacle monsters with a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, it is not easy for them to avoid the attack of each other in such a narrow space as the elevator.

Who knows if some tentacle monsters have evolved the ability to attack from a distance.

As for the fear, they almost shot.

Shots were fired at living humans.

"You, are you here to save us?"

"Is it from the Self-Defense Forces?"

The people standing at the door of the elevator couldn't help but get excited.

However, at this moment, Okuda-san suddenly rushed out.

"Dad, you have nothing to do, so good..." Okuda-san tightly hugged a middle-aged man standing not far away.

"You, are you Okuda?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Why are you here? Where are your mother and brothers?"

The middle-aged man also appeared very excited, and quickly asked about the situation of other family members.

"Don't worry, they are all fine. They have already been rescued."

However, the meeting of Okuda and his son seemed very excited, while the others were excited from the beginning, toward disappointment, and even some emotions out of control.

"He is Okuda, that is, President Okuda's third year child. In other words, you are all kids."

It was only when someone saw clearly that the few people behind Zhang Xiang were all middle school students.

"What use is there for middle school students to come here!"

"Yeah, we thought it was the Self-Defense Force!"

"Can these little kids know what guns are?"


Speaking of this, some people have already started thinking about it.

"Little classmate, let's discuss it. Give us the gun in your hand. I'll take you to escape."

"Yeah, give us your guns. Anyway, you shouldn't have much effect. At least I have shot a few times before."

However, listening to the words of these guys, Nagisa Shioda and others looked at each other but were a little indifferent.

And their attitude somewhat angered those adults who had lost their minds.

"Ignore us! You nasty little children, let me teach you a lesson in place of your elders!"

"Yeah, don't respect the elders at all, please kneel down for me!"

Two adult men rushed up with some excitement, and wanted to grab them.

"Everyone, don't..." Okuda-san, who had just reunited with his father, quickly wanted to persuade.

However, at this moment, a sharp light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.


Zhang Xiang fired a shot, lasing directly in front of the two guys, and shot a crater on the ground.

"If you step back and go one step further, you won't have to live anymore!" Zhang Xiang said coldly.

This sudden gunshot shocked everyone.

The two guys who were stunned were also shocked.

However, the results of the two guys being taken aback are somewhat different.

One guy was so frightened that he backed back again and again, and another guy was shocked, but became angry.

"You guy, you dare to shoot and scare me. You shoot me if you have the kind! Do you know who I am? Do you know my relationship with senior government officials and SDF officers? Go ahead. Die!" The other party rushed to Zhang Xiang while cursing.

And Zhang Xiang's eyes didn't even fluctuate, so he pulled the trigger directly.


Another gunshot rang out, and the opponent's fist waved from Zhang Xiang's side, and the whole person fell to the side.

A hole was opened directly on the opponent's thigh.

"You're lucky this time. I don't want to kill in front of my students. Let's go, don't stay here anymore, there is a big guy coming over. Okuda, take whoever you know, and ignore him. In addition, this one was shot, and the other guy who just dared to walk up. If anyone wants to take it away, then he doesn’t have to go. I only give you ten seconds." Zhang Xiang coldly Said.

Then he walked into the elevator again.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Chaotianzhu and the others couldn't help but clenched their guns.

In the end, Okuda-san, who was not very good at rejecting others, let everyone except those two guys take away.

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