Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2286: , Get together again!

"How about it, do you think the hope is great?"

"I don't know, after all, killing the teacher blew himself up in front of everyone."

"Although it is possible according to the habit of killing the teacher. However, even if he wants to hide it, he should not be able to hide it from so many people, right?"

"Yes, if he is really alive. Then, the major countries will not allow him to continue to live."

"However, we still saw the name of Teacher Kill on the board. Moreover, there is also the name of Teacher Xuecun..."

Speaking of this, the analysis can't help but enter a dead end.

However, just when they want to continue discussing.

The class bell rang.

Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

Familiar class sounds rang from the corridors, and the students in each class also began to file in and take their seats.

In the experimental class, Nagisa Shioda and others sat in the same seats as Class E for the past three years.

They didn't make a sound anymore, they all looked in the direction of the door.

Finally, two footsteps began to ring from the corridor.

‘A sound is the sound of leather shoes, it should be a man’s. The other voice was from high heels, which should be a female. This is very similar to the combination of Teacher Killing and Teacher Xuecun described. "Chaotian thought this in his heart, and his heart suddenly became excited.

However, he is also somewhat skeptical.

Because when Teacher Killing was in Class E for three years, he didn't wear leather shoes because of his tentacles.

But looking forward to the return of Teacher Killing, and all the evidence that had been revealed before, he still ignored this doubt.

Soon, the footsteps stopped at the door of the experimental class.

This made the three-year E class students feel even more nervous, staring at that direction.

Finally, with the sound of the somewhat difficult classroom door, the first figure appeared in front of everyone.

However, everyone was taken aback.

It was a handsome man with a height of about 1.78 meters, with a short black hair and a very handsome appearance. He was about 26 or 7 years old.

However, the smile on his face and the look he looked at the three-year E class students made the three-year E class students feel familiar.

'who is this? Didn't you kill the teacher? But how can there be a familiar feeling. ’

‘Are we guessing wrong? However, besides killing the teacher in this world, who else would use the name of killing the teacher? ’


All kinds of thoughts are turning in everyone's hearts.

But in the next moment, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, and nearly half of them had already stood up.

"Xue, Teacher Xuecun..."

"Yes, it's the real Xuecun teacher!"

"Since Mr. Xuecun is real, if you kill the teacher..."

With the sound of this voice, everyone couldn't help but look at the direction of Teacher Killing who had transformed into a human state.

"Oh, are you calling me? Are you doing well this spring break? Did the things I ordered have been done properly?! If not, we will have to do another exercise for strengthening the shadow clone!" Teacher Killing, who was an adult, spoke for the first time.

The familiar tone of ridicule, the familiar smile, and the intensive practice of shadow clones that only the three-year E class would know, all of a sudden stunned the three-year E class students.

"Yes, is it true?"

"Are you really killing the teacher?!"

The words of Nagisa Chaotian and Mao Yefeng asked tremblingly.

But Teacher Killing answered with a natural voice.

"Of course, who else is there besides me? Otherwise, I will change into this state!" As Teacher Sha said, he had a big transformation on the spot, and it became that. The yellow octopus is here.

"Hey, in this case, the students should be able to recognize it? However, you have to change me into this form to recognize me. It really disappoints me. If it were me, even I can recognize any changes in any of you. So, you should learn more from me..." Teacher Killer’s tentacles supported his waist, and he started to be proud of him again. Come on laughing.

However, it is at this time.

A figure suddenly jumped into his arms.

"Kill the teacher... we miss you so much!"

"Yeah, we miss you so much!"

Next, it was the second one, and the third students rushed into his arms.

The excitement of the collision made Teacher Killing feel caught off guard.

"Don't, don't, there are too many people..."

However, before he finished speaking, his figure was already overwhelmed by the three-year E class students.

Even the teacher Xuecun on the side received the same treatment.

However, since most of the people around were girls, it was a little gentle.

They just surrounded it, and quizzically asked what had happened before.

Of course, some people cried while holding Teacher Xuecun, while Teacher Xuecun gently patted the other's back to comfort him.

All kinds of cheers and tears of joy surrounded this classroom.

However, at this moment, the door of the classroom was opened again.

"Hey, say yes, it's our turn to play after you play. But you are so excited now, how can we play afterwards. Also, you guys with no conscience, my old lady has paid you so long. Time, none of you remembered that I hadn't appeared yet." Teacher Biqi suddenly opened the door, pulling on Teacher Wujian with a vein on her forehead and she already appeared in the field.

However, when she saw Teacher Killing being pressed down by a dozen classmates one after another, only a tentacle was left to ask her for help somewhat weakly.

And Mr. Xuecun was surrounded by babbled girls and asked about blushing and blushing.

She already regretted opening the door and coming in.

However, her regret was a little late.

"Ah, it's Teacher Biqi and Teacher Wujian!"

"But, didn't Teacher Peach end the assassination and went back to her own country? And Teacher Wujian also returned to the defense and saved it?!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, since Teacher Biqi and Teacher Wujian have appeared. It means that they are going to teach us again."

"Bring in Teacher Biqi and Teacher Wujian to celebrate together!"

So, under this voice.

Teacher Biqi, who has not yet reacted, and Teacher Wujian, who still has a cold face, has already been pulled in by Class E for three years.

Teacher Biqi only had time to yell: "No, I regret...", the voice was already surrounded by the chirping voices surrounded by girls.

If she wants to come out, I'm afraid it will be possible to explain certain things between her and Teacher Wujian clearly.

On the other hand, Teacher Wujian was submerged in the crowd like killing a teacher.

In the panic, an appointment in his chest pocket fell out, revealing the writing on it.

——Appoint Uma Yuchen to investigate the whereabouts of the creature from hell—the **** of death (killing teacher) and specific ways to deal with it.

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