Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 4: , Saiyan annihilation plan!

The so-called "Saiyan annihilation plan", although the name is very proud.

The plan itself is also very proud.

That is, by adding special genetic controls to their batch of Saiyan copies manufactured in batches, allowing them to specifically target the orthodox Saiyans to carry out suicide-level attacks.

Then, after regaining control of the planet Vegeta, the Saiyans, who controlled the replica, wiped out the entire race of Saiyans.

However, the plan itself sounds very tempting.

However, the Zvru people know that this plan has huge flaws.

That is, after the genes of the lower-level fighters and the middle-level fighters they used were mixed with each other, they created Saiyan clones.

Although most of them have the potential of mid-level fighters and even advanced fighters.

But because it is a copy of humans, it has huge flaws in some respects.

If this is okay, what's more important is that even if they control this batch of Saiyan clones, they are simply not strong enough to overthrow the entire Saiyan race, and it will be impossible for their own race to escape.

After all, what they copied was not an adult, Saiyan warrior with strong combat effectiveness after a long period of training and fighting.

Reproduced, they are just Saiyan toddlers who have the potential of intermediate fighters and superior fighters on top of their natural potential.

Therefore, the Zvru people are always looking for an opportunity.

Looking for an opportunity to use gene-stimulating drugs to forcefully induce these Saiyans to replicate all the vitality in their bodies, so that they can instantly have the highest level of combat effectiveness.

Of course, it usually triggers combat effectiveness through genetic stimulation drugs. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

At most, it is a battle, and this Saiyan copy will collapse and die.

However, this is nothing in the eyes of the Zfru people.

In these few years of Saiyan slavery, the Zvru people who have suffered so much have completely abandoned the concept of kindness.

They now only have a heart-to-heart hatred towards the Saiyans.

Even, in order to have this opportunity to add gene-stimulating drugs, this batch of Saiyan replicas can grow to the limit, so that they have the possibility of implementing the plan.

They also took a gamble.

That is, they deliberately pretended that they could not mix the genes of the intermediate and low-level fighters to create usable intermediate and high-level ones, so that King Vegeta allowed them to add special genetic medicine.

You know, all the raw materials they used to make Saiyan replicas were passed by King Vegeta.

Therefore, although they can make a fuss about genes.

But without the relevant raw materials, it is still difficult for them to produce a potion that compulsorily replicates the combat power of the Saiyans and grows to the peak.

So, when they just came to inspect Vegeta.

That one seems to be among the Zvru people, an old scientist with a high status, and he will use the gene bomb he set in these Saiyan replicas to forcibly create the so-called'failure product'. of.

The purpose is to obtain some raw materials that can make special gene-stimulating drugs.

However, it seems that the Zvru who died are blessing the remaining Zvru.

Under Frieza's occasional oppression, King Vegeta finally made up his mind to completely oppose Frieza.

Therefore, he originally decided to clone a Saiyan with sufficient potential, and then cultivated for several years, and then his plan to attack was finally shelved.

Instead, they frantically wanted to use these Saiyan clones as cannon fodder and consume part of Frieza's power.

Even the gene stimulating drugs that the Zvru people wanted to use secretly, Vegeta King also automatically proposed.

Isn't this the pillow when you doze off?

After listening to the old man's words, after the other Zvru's faces were blue and purple thinking for a while, finally there was a trace of bitterness in their eyes, and they made up their minds.

"That's it! Even if it fails, at least it will make the Saiyans feel bad!" The second leader among the Zvru people seems to have made up his mind.

After he made up his mind, other Zvru who hated Saiyans to the bone, naturally had no opinion.

As for asking the opinions of the remaining Zfru people, they completely ignored them.

Because they fully knew that the remaining generation of Zfru people were born under the high pressure of Saiyans, and they were all a bit servile under pressure. They would not agree with this opinion at all!

As for the other Zfru people who they thought were bloody, they had been wiped out under King Vegeta's qigong gun half a year ago.

Don't think that King Vegeta's qigong cannons are randomly set, he is also a king.

He also knew exactly which guys were resisting.

After reaching a consensus, the only remaining top scientists of the Zvru people began a series of plans.

They were quietly adding another gene chain to the drugs that stimulated physical growth, and they began to strengthen their control over these Saiyan replicas.

Even this kind of reinforcement has begun to destroy the ontological genes of these duplicate Saiyans.

After all, in their original plan, this kind of control was continuously strengthened with the continuous growth of these Saiyan clones.

But now, with the stimulation of the illegal stimulant drugs, they have no extra time to take it slowly.

Only such a crude and simple method can be adopted.

But fortunately, such a brutal method, which was easily discovered by King Vegeta, was not discovered because King Vegeta was busy arranging and informing the remaining Saiyans to jointly kill Frieza.

During this process, Zhang Xiang was also watching coldly.

Moreover, in addition to the genetic chain that controls one's will, in addition to the original ones, other newly added genetic chains with control functions are all rejected by him, which are extremely destructive to the body. The gene-stimulating drugs of China were accepted without reservation.

Because he knew very clearly that what he needed now was combat power and nothing else.

After all, since King Vegeta has a rebellious mind.

So, the destruction of the planet Vegeta is just a matter of sight.

If there is no strength, let alone when Frieza bombed the planet Vegeta, or ran away before.

Even if it is, it is very difficult to survive independently!

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