Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 11: , The chase in the universe!

Five days later, at the edge of an unknown galaxy. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The two spaceships are constantly chasing one after the other.

However, it is obvious that the speed of the spacecraft behind is faster than the speed of the IKEA spacecraft in front, and the distance is gradually shrinking with the naked eye.

Seeing this, I am afraid that the spaceship behind will be overtaken by the spaceship behind within a day.

In the previous spacecraft, Zhang Xiang's body was floating in the center of the spacecraft, floating quietly.

It's just that, maintaining such a posture, his consumption seems not small.

Gradually, the sweat on his head began to seep out, flowing down his forehead, dripping from his chin onto his body.

The sweat on the body gradually gathered together and dripped onto the ground.

It was only an hour, and Zhang Xiang had already dripped sweat from underneath the Saiyan's body, who seemed to be only about seven years old.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang's body floating in the air became unstable. The body originally floating in the air began to gradually fall down and sat on the ground.

"It seems that it can only last for an hour?" Zhang Xiang opened his eyes, and a trace of exhaustion flashed in those black eyes.

"However, it should be enough now." Zhang Xiang took out a combat power detection table from the side and pressed the combat power detection button in his direction.

Soon, with the sound of ‘Didi’, the numbers on the combat strength detection meter began to jump quickly.

In the end, Zhang Xiang's combat effectiveness rested on the combat effectiveness figure of nine hundred and fifty.

Looking at this number, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but show a smile on his face. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Yes! It seems that after a few days of development, this body's potential has been basically developed." Zhang Xiang said to himself.

This is because the original combat power setting range of this group of Saiyan clones will reach the level of about 1,000 combat power after maturity.

That's why Zhang Xiang said that he had already tapped out all his potential in a special way.

Of course, the potential here does not refer to the level of potential that Zhang Xiang's body can eventually reach.

It means that when it was originally manufactured, it was already contained in it, but because of the limitations of physical strength and other things, there was no power developed.

As for the ultimate potential, Zhang Xiang is not quite clear about it.

Because he was lucky this time, and he descended into a body with superior Saiyan blood.

If he was given a certain amount of time to grow, then it would be no problem at all to break through ten thousand points of combat power.

Even if it breaks through to one million combat power, Zhang Xiang is confident to achieve it.

As for breaking through to the Super Saiyan level, it takes a bit of luck.

However, thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but shook his head.

"Don't even think about it, let's solve the chasing soldiers after falling behind! Otherwise, even thinking of Super Saiyan Five is nothing!" Zhang Xiang said slightly, shaking his head.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also stood up from the ground.

Is it worth saying that it is a Saiyan body?

Even if the power in the body is basically exhausted, when he thinks about these things, the fatigue has already recovered two or three points.

After standing up, Zhang Xiang cast his gaze in the direction behind him.

Behind him, there are a total of eleven Saiyan bodies floating.

However, they all floated in the orange liquid in the eleven petri dishes behind them.

Perhaps it is because of the rebellious heart that has long existed, but the Zvru people have configured a rough scientific research environment on this spacecraft.

They should be thinking that if there is an accident, new Saiyan replicas can be cultivated on the spaceship to provide them with this point of fighting.

However, all of this is now cheaper than Zhang Xiang.

With this rough environment, Zhang Xiang can do the things that Zvru didn't finish.

That is, continue to nurture the bodies of these Saiyan clones, so that they are mature enough to cope with the current crisis.

"Let me take a look. After five days of cultivation, the combat effectiveness has reached that point." Zhang Xiang was the device that pressed the combat effectiveness detection button in his hand again.

And soon, the combat power of those Saiyan replicas trapped in the petri dish was already in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Nine hundred, one thousand two hundred, one thousand, one thousand three hundred fifty, nine hundred fifty, nine hundred..." Zhang Xiang read out the floating in the petri dish one by one, the Saiyan copied Physical combat effectiveness.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Xiang used mental power to help them remove some of the poisonous cells in their bodies in order to prevent the bodies of these Saiyan clones from collapsing too quickly.

The combat effectiveness of these mature Saiyan clones was cultivated, but a guy with a combat effectiveness of 1,350 appeared.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but project his gaze on the Saiyan who had a combat power of 1,350.

It was a sturdy man, his age seemed to be a full thirty years old.

That is the year of the humanoid creature with the strongest combat effectiveness and strength!

Seeing this scene in front of him, Zhang Xiang did not feel surprised, but sighed instead.

"The way to increase combat effectiveness by squeezing the body and forcing growth is really too expensive..." Zhang Xiang sighed.

Because, although he was already unable to distinguish the identities of the Saiyan replicas by appearance.

However, he can be distinguished by the battle costumes on their bodies.

If Zhang Xiang had not admitted wrong, this Saiyan replica floating in the orange liquid was just a teenager who looked about sixteen years ago five days ago.

It's only five days, and it's aging to this degree for convenience.

Although it is due to the promotion of genetic drugs, his own aging speed is also an important factor in it.

After all, they are just replicas.

Moreover, it is forced to'production' by strengthening and promoting drugs, and there must be physical defects.

And the reason why Zhang Xiang didn't go into the petri dish and let his current body with insufficient combat power grow, but instead developed his potential through arduous exercise, is because of this.

Although he himself has corrected some deficiencies through mental force.

But the body he occupies is a duplicate, has some defects, and is more prone to ageing than ordinary people, he knows.

I’ve made a recommendation, so please help me. If anyone asks about any other people’s beauty in Jun Yang, please recommend the next book.

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