Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 32: , Million combat power!

It's just that Darius didn't know.

If there are other people in the room, they will see.

After Zhang Xiang wiped out the Kaiya star with a qigong cannon, Darius flew directly towards the mid-air, still looking like he wanted to bite something crazily.

In the end, Zhang Xiang, who was freed from the shackles of the white bandage, wiped out his hands with a powerful qigong cannon and passed through his chest.

No matter it was before or after that, Darius never fired any super-powered qigong cannon.

Zhang Xiang just flashed his figure, turning the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hand into a jet of black light and submerged outside Darius' chest, and did nothing else.

That is, everything Darius sees is just an illusion.

"It's a pity... I originally wanted to save your life. However, it seems that even if you save your life, it will only become a hidden danger in the end." Zhang Xiang will hold the'Shadow Demon Blade' 'Pull out from the chest of Darius, who has become skinny, and with one of his feet, he will use the falling Darius as the pedal, and after jumping several times in the air by himself , Fell on the branches of the spirit tree again.

And Zhang Xiang's light landing could not even shake the branches of the spiritual tree.

After all, the branches of the spiritual tree branch out, but most of them are thicker than the branches of any towering ancient tree on the earth!

But after Zhang Xiang fell on this branch, he walked a few steps forward, bent down, and picked up a spiritual tree fruit on the ground.

"It's really stupid! Do you really think that the fruit of the spiritual tree that is so far away from you will so easily follow the branches that will fall below at any time, and fall in front of you?" Zhang Xiang Wipe the spirit tree fruit in his hand with his clothes and send it to his mouth. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Accompanied by the sound of a "click" that seemed to bite into an apple, a massive amount of vitality in the fragrance was poured into Zhang Xiang's body.


A powerful qi burst out from Zhang Xiang's body, causing the thick branches around him to start shaking.

"It's really fascinating! This kind of power!" Zhang Xiang felt like a volcanic eruption in his body, and the power continuously emerging from him couldn't help letting the tumbling air leak out.

But it was just the breath that leaked out, and it turned out that the branches that were so thick that they were tens of meters wide began to sway.

Even the branches under his feet were sunken into a shallow pit.

"Now, my combat power should be close to one million, right?!" Zhang Xiang's mouth cracked with a smile, but suddenly he stretched out a hand.

Suddenly, a part of the qi tumbling from his body gathered on his right hand.

"Let me take a look, just how strong a one-million combat power strike is!" As soon as Zhang Xiang's words fell, a dazzling orange-yellow light was already lasing out, directly penetrating Several large mountains fell into a certain mountain range ten kilometers away.

In the abdomen of that mountain range, the orange-yellow qigong cannon was emitting a not weak light and began to burst out.

Then, strands of dazzling light burst out from the abdomen of that mountain range, piercing through the heavy sand and blasting directly into the sky.

Then, the familiar dazzling orange-yellow hemispherical area appeared in Zhang Xiang's field of vision.

The entire mountain range was all wrapped in the hemispherical orange-yellow energy, and everything was twisted into incomparable fragments in the violent qi rush, exploding towards the surroundings.

The violent wind with sand and gravel came officially ten seconds after the explosion broke out, and the surrounding area was swept into a grayish yellow.

However, when the violent wind with sand and gravel swept in front of Zhang Xiang, it was completely blocked a few meters away.

The gravel that was enough to penetrate the trees could not penetrate Zhang Xiang's protective shield made of Qi.

"Haha... the power is really good! It's just that these sandstones are really annoying, let me drive!" Zhang Xiang laughed with excitement on his face, and stretched out his hands to the sides.

An explosive gas erupted from Zhang Xiang's body, and instantly swept across an area of ​​several thousand meters, clearing out all the dust in this area.

Even the aftermath dissipated the large amount of sand and gravel in the distance.

When the violent winds spread by the violent gas disappeared, the scene that was originally covered by sand and dust gradually revealed.

As far as he could see, the mountains that had originally straddled Zhang Xiang had already been nearly flattened.

The mountain range that was directly hit by the qigong artillery directly turned into a basin covering an area of ​​several kilometers.

It's just that the whole sea should be nearly dry now.

Otherwise, if such a huge basin appears near the sea.

Maybe, the sea water has already begun to emerge into the basin through the seepage effect.

In a few years, a large Aral Lake will appear on this place.

But unfortunately, all of this is impossible to become a reality.

After venting the surging qi in his body and the strong desire to attack, Zhang Xiang also returned his sight to the spiritual tree.

His gaze was a little hot and looked at the whole spiritual tree, the large number of spiritual tree fruits hanging under the canopy.

Feeling the skyrocketing power in his body, he has a desire to eat another spiritual tree fruit.

However, reason stopped him.

"It's better to collect it first, and wait for it to be eaten later. I don't know if there will be any sequelae if you eat too much of the fruit of the mental tree. Moreover, at least your body strength must keep up. Otherwise, because the body is too strong, I burst my body. Or in battle, it is not good if I can't exert my full combat power due to physical strength limitations..." Zhang Xiang whispered.

Afterwards, he controlled his body to fly upwards, and began to collect the fruits of the spirit tree growing on the canopy.

Of course, he didn't pick it one by one with his hands, but instead used his mental power to take it off and surround him when his body was flying by.

In this case, it is only a few minutes.

All the fruits on the Spirit Tree were collected by Zhang Xiang.

When Zhang Xiang picked the last fruit of the spiritual tree, a faint light emerged from the spiritual tree.

The entire spiritual tree that occupies the surface of a small part of the planet is actually in a faint light, as if it has experienced tens of thousands of years of history.

The whole mental tree began to die quickly, turning into a pile of ashes and crashing down toward the ground.

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