Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 49: , Carry the battleship alone!

Looking at the transfer armor shining with a special light, and the super battleship that is so huge as a mountain range, it has already accelerated to a speed close to hundreds of meters per second. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Zhang Xiang knew why the man who had surpassed his limit died so quietly.

Because, as far as common sense is concerned.

When the super battleship accelerates to more than 100 meters per second, and activates the two internal laser nuclear fusion power furnaces to supply energy to the external transfer armor, unless it is Genesis or Soul Rejuvenation, a weapon that can destroy the hemisphere Take action, otherwise it would be impossible to stop this level of super warship loaded with transfer armor.

You know, transfer armor is one of the ultimate special defensive weapons manufactured by the new and old humans after thousands of years of research.

As long as the energy is sufficient, and the scope of the transfer armor distribution is large enough, in theory, it can withstand any energy attack.

Because this is a defensive weapon capable of distributing the attack on a single point to all faces loaded with transfer armor.

Imagine that you can easily pierce a balloon with a needle.

However, if you use the same strength to press the balloon with the plane of the cardboard, it will be difficult to crush.

The transfer armor is the ultimate weapon that can distribute the power of the attacked point to the surface infinitely as long as the energy supply is sufficient.

According to legend, in the hands of the old humans there is a super warship that is several times larger than the current super warship, which can carry millions of people and can resist the next generation.

Of course, in the legend, this warship was built by the old mankind for 800 years and exhausted the resources of the old mankind.

It can be said that it is the final weapon besides the new planet.

When this warship appeared, it was not when the new planets of the old humans were defeated by the new humans and had to flee, or when the battle was about to determine the outcome.

To return to the subject, in addition to the transfer of armor, what is more important is that the opponent believes in the power of the super warship!

Don’t talk about anything else, just the impact of the super battleship, which is about 7,000 meters long and about 2,000 meters high, is hitting at a speed of hundreds of meters per second, which is enough to knock any mountain on the earth. Shattered into pieces. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Taken together, the dead Gundam male driver would die with peace of mind.

"But it's still a pity. It's still impossible for such defensive measures to stop me!" Zhang Xiang said as he slowly rose up, and powerful qi circulated in his body.

In the next moment, his body was wrapped in Qi, turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

A figure that was ten times faster than the super battleship, wrapped in a turbulent air package, directly caught up with the super battleship and stopped in front of it.

In the battleship, that watched Zhang Xiang rush to the super battleship he was driving.

The white-haired scientist who had just woke up was shocked.

"He, how dare he stop in front of us?!" The white-haired doctor said with some fear.

After watching the video of the scene that happened just now, he no longer dared to clamor to catch Zhang Xiang for research.

On the contrary, looking at the behavior that did not look like a human at all, and was even more monster than a monster, he was already extremely scared.

Not just him, even the many soldiers in the command bridge, before they saw Zhang Xiang appear in front of the super battleship, they all showed expressions of horror.

"What to do, Captain?" The adjutant of the super warship asked the captain who was sitting in the command position of the super warship.

However, the middle-aged captain, who was sitting above the captain's position, as if it was a symbol of the existence of a medal, from the left of his forehead to the left eye to the scar near the nose, gave a very correct order.

"What are you afraid of? Since the door is already fully opened, then just hit it at full speed! It is considered to be an asteroid, and if it is hit by a super battleship like this, it will shake, let alone a mere person! Even a monster! How about it, as long as it is alive, it is also going to die!" The middle-aged captain with a scar in his left eye gave orders coldly.

For him, who has experienced more than a dozen battles on the verge of death, and three super battles in 50 years, he will not be frightened by Zhang Xiang's non-human monster behavior.

As far as he is concerned, he is not afraid of death anymore, will he be afraid of other things?

And under the cold command of this captain, the personnel present could not help being infected by his calmness.

"Yes, go ahead at full speed!" The adjutant repeated the captain's order.

Under his order, everyone in the bridge began to get busy.

"Set the main engine input power..."

"Change the gravitational setting..."

"Correct the angle..."

Although this captain ignored Zhang Xiang strategically, he did not care.

"If the order goes on, the main engine will gradually increase its output by 2% of the power!"

"Increase the energy input for the transfer armor, so that the two laser nuclear fusion power furnaces output 80% of the power!"

"Also, order the whole ship to board and board, ready to accept the impact!"

The middle-aged captain with a scar in his left eye, calmly gave orders.

And these orders were completely issued in less than two seconds.

Moreover, under the manipulation of his elite men, it took very little time to complete it!

And Zhang Xiang, who rushed to the front of the super warship, looked at the super warship that suddenly increased in speed, as well as the transfer armor whose surface was flashing with energy overflowing light.

Zhang Xiang knew that the other party was already planning to crush it directly!

"Okay! In that case, don't blame me!" Zhang Xiang took a deep breath, but stopped continuing to retreat along with the super battleship.

His hands were placed in front of him, and he made a move to block something.

Yes, what he wants to stop now is the super warship that doesn't know tens of millions of tons, or even the billion tons.

As for why the qigong guns are not used, he knew that ordinary qigong guns could not attack this entire super battleship equipped with transfer armor, while the high-power qigong guns could easily destroy the entire super battleship. Detonated.

In that case, wouldn't his plan to get those genetic and biological experts be ruined?

If so, you can only stop it!

And just after Zhang Xiang stopped for a second, the shadow cast by the light was already a super battleship the length of a mountain range, and it had already arrived in front of Zhang Xiang.

And, it slammed into it directly at a speed of kilometers per second!

"Ha! Stop it for me!" Zhang Xiang yelled abruptly, and his body suddenly exploded, resisting his hands against the hull of a super battleship the size of a mountain.


A huge and incomparable roar dissipated towards the surroundings.

The shock wave caused by the sound alone was already the support surrounding the entire underground base, and it began to tremble.

The ceiling of the huge underground space of a secret base unexpectedly made a few creaking sounds.

Obviously, the huge sound shock wave produced a huge reverberation effect in this close to confined space, causing the metal around the underground base to begin to deform.

And even more obvious, maybe a channel opening opened by the side of this asteroid, after the huge roar echoed, a strong shock wave formed by sound waves erupted!

Just this shock wave had already broken away the dozens of Gundams guarding the entrance of the passage, causing them to collide with each other.

Even most of the drivers in Gundam were shattered to death in this kind of sound wave!

Who told them to be surrounded in front of the passageway that was overflowing with a lot of air!

Therefore, it is normal that the sound wave shook them to death.

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