Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 67: , Conquer two hundred thousand!

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, take a look at the trash belt behind him full of his own battleship, Gundam and the corpses of his companions, and then look at the alarm sounded by his hull. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Most of the captains wisely chose to surrender after being silent for a while.

Of course, it's not that it is hard to carry to the end.

But they were all cleared under the next round of precision strikes from the orange qigong cannon.

Then, Zhang Xiang took the surrendered less than 5,000 warships, and about 200,000 Gundams, and began the search and rescue work.

Yes, search and rescue work!

Although Zhang Xiang said that he wanted to consume the opponent's vital power as much as possible, but now he not only won the battle, but also successfully defeated this fleet of old and new humans.

At least, in a short time there will be no rebellious heart.

Then, it is undoubtedly a very beneficial thing to rescue the humans who survived among the downed battleships and Gundam, and increase the population that one can manipulate.

You know, because of the lack of resources and subordinates, he used to slow down the research process, I don't know how much!

Therefore, the larger the number of defeated old and new humans he gathered, the more favorable he was for his future development.

Not to mention, he already regarded the entire old and new human beings as his next power.

Although it is inevitable that there will be some loss in the process of conquering, it is also a very good thing to be able to reduce the loss to a lower level.

And just after about a day of search and rescue, and most of the old and new humans who had survived were rescued, Zhang Xiang issued another order.

"Stop the search and rescue, follow me!" Zhang Xiang's command rang through the ordinary communication channel again.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, and thinking about the possible fate of disobeying the order, most of the battleships (Gundam was gathered into the battleship) wisely chose to obey the order.

However, it's not that they didn't worry about their companions, and the warships that tried to delay time continued to stay in place.

Faced with these warships that were still delaying time, Zhang Xiang gave the final notice.

"Hmph, I want to drag it, waiting for your rescue to arrive?! Don't think about it, your support needs to arrive in one day at the earliest. So, I will give you one last choice, to follow up within a minute, and Or die!" Zhang Xiang's cold voice full of murderous intent echoed above the stalled battleship.

As for whether or not to kill the warships that just wanted to save their companions, Zhang Xiang said it didn't matter.

I would rather kill a thousand mistakes than let one go!

The accuracy of time is the key to the successful implementation of his plan next!

The time Zhang Xiang gave them to consider was also very kind, and one minute was enough for them to make a decision.

Under Zhang Xiang's death notice, nearly half of the warships staying in place chose to follow, while the other half chose to stay in place, while others fled directly into the distance.

No matter what choice they made, Zhang Xiang didn't stop it.

Seeing this scene, there were even guys with cramps in their heads. After choosing to keep up, they went in circles and wanted to escape.

Moreover, he wisely took advantage of the previous search and rescue and the convenience of being close to the wreckage of some warships, hiding behind the wreckage, intending to avoid the powerful qigong gun.

But when one minute arrived, the orange light once again penetrated the entire void.

In addition, some orange-yellow qigong guns also performed the technique of turning, penetrating through some warships hiding behind the wreckage, triggering a new round of explosions like fireworks when they were wiped out.

The whole group of human surrenders, old and new, who were a little tempted by the escape of their companions, felt a chill in their hearts and never dared to give birth to any thoughts of defying orders.

But Zhang Xiang, through his mental perception, felt the fear and emotion of the personnel in the warship who had accepted his orders and leaned on his side and unloaded their weapons, and he couldn't help but nodded.

"It seems that the beating is about the same! So, first go back to rest and arrange, and then give a sweet date to almost guarantee that they will not resist at all within the planned time." Zhang Xiang touched his chin. Said.

And then, Zhang Xiang took the remaining warship and headed for the old planet of the old man.

Of course, Zhang Xiang went in a lot of circles on the road to ensure that the enemy's support would not find the old planet so quickly before bringing the fleet to the old planet.

It is also fortunate that the old humans have not deployed much power here. Some have also been infiltrated by him within the past two years, and some special methods have been used.

Otherwise, the difference between the two planets of the old humans (inhabited before but was destroyed, so they all moved away, that is, this old planet, and the new planet that was found to be inhabited after the old planet was destroyed) Only millions of kilometers away, it's easy to find.

And just after docking the warship outside the old human planet and ordering the personnel on the old planetary base to accept the self-detonation key on the five thousand warships, Zhang Xiang ordered the ships on these warships Long and the main personnel followed him to the secret base on the old planet.

However, the number of captains and main personnel alone is almost 150,000.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiang had prepared for this day for a long time.

He ordered his men to collect all their weapons and rushed to an underground space large enough to hold 150,000, before closing the door tightly.

The battleship that came down from the battleship rushed to a room in a research room.

"How about it, the machine has been adjusted?" Zhang Xiang directly asked the one standing in front of the dozen or so researchers in white robe in the research room.

"Yes, master, that biological machine has all been adjusted. According to calculations, it can enhance the special hypnotic fluctuations released by the owner by about 170, and the following room is based on those special hypnotic fluctuations. The characteristics of wave transmission can be set up to ensure that the special hypnotic wave can find the whole audience. Moreover, if it is combined with the release of special hypnotic gas, the effect will be enhanced..." The scientist who stood in the forefront of this project , Looked at Zhang Xiang with respect and enthusiasm in his eyes.

And Zhang Xiang nodded at the right time, expressing his satisfaction.

As for the scientist who was plundered by Zhang Xiang, how could he be so respectful and fanatical to Zhang Xiang.

This is the result of Zhang Xiang's continuous use of illusions over the past two years.

If you tell a lie a thousand times, you might believe it for yourself, let alone a memory of illusion that is constantly reinforced!

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