Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 78: , Go to earth!

"When the hidden darkness is broken, the distorted time and space will return to the right track, the origin will return, and the cost will eventually be repaid..." Zhang Xiang sitting in the spaceship looked at the floating in front of him. Slate muttered to himself. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"What does this mean? The hidden darkness, the twisted time and space, and the origin and cost..." Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

There are really too few clues in front of him. Relying on the words that can have thousands of explanations, Zhang Xiang can't guess what the real meaning is written on it.

Or it should be said that there are too many guesses he can choose, and he doesn't know which one to believe in.

However, the original word on it made him feel bright.

Because his purpose in coming to the Dragon Ball world was to find the origin of this world and plunder it into his own hands.

Originally, his purpose was to rely on the existence of Dragon Ball, which could even violate the law of causality to a certain extent, to contact the origin of the Dragon Ball world through Dragon Ball, so that he could gradually control this world.

At least, it is also necessary to find out how to reach the origin of this world.

And now, appearing on the mysterious stone slab hidden in the unknown place, there is such an inexplicable sentence, which also involves the word'origin,' how can he not let him notice it?

After all, this is the second source world, and it is possible that the source of the world is materialized.

Even Zhang Xiang had some doubts whether Dragon Ball was the manifestation of the origin of this world, or the existence of the origin of the dragon ball world.

Therefore, after arriving in the dragon ball world, he once wanted to find the dragon ball for the first time.

Except at that time, he needed to find Dragon Ball to help him become stronger, and more importantly, he wanted to test if Dragon Ball was at least communicating the origin of this world. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And now there are words about the origin again, which has to make him pay attention.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling that his head rose a little.

"Forget it, as long as you reach the earth, find the dragon ball, and summon the dragon, you can know it." Zhang Xiang shook his head, and threw the complicated thoughts in his mind behind his head.

Just like what he said, as long as he summons the dragon and asks directly, or uses his desire to find the place where the world is connected to the origin, or where the things are, everything will be clear.

The only doubt is, if Dragon Ball is not responsible for communicating the existence of the origin of this world, and can't answer his questions, what should he do.

After all, as far as the original work is concerned, the Dragon Ball greeted by the Dragon Ball can't do everything.

It can't do many things.

What's more, it's also amazing that the other party can even go backwards in time, but it can't make the artificial humans turn back into humans.

This caused Zhang Xiang to have some more worries.

In addition to this concern, Zhang Xiang still has many things he doesn't understand.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but look in the direction of his right hand.

Above his right hand, a dragon ball that was just able to be held by his right hand was undulating following the toss of his right hand.

A closer look revealed that it was a four-star dragon ball.

Yes, four-star dragon ball!

When it comes to the four-star dragon ball, you can't talk about Wukong, or the dragon ball that Kakarot often carried with him in his childhood.

The dragon ball that the opponent often carried on his body during his childhood was the four-star dragon ball.

But the magical thing is that as far as the plot he is currently in, that four-star dragon ball should definitely be on the earth, or in the hands of Monkey King!

However, it appeared in his hands now.

Moreover, this dragon ball was obtained in Hunter World.

This makes things more complicated.

Why did this four-star dragon ball appear in the Dark Continent of Hunter World with the Devil Fruit? It is extremely difficult to know that the World Tree secretly sends its seed clone to the other world.

It is simply impossible to get such an important Dragon Ball from a secondary source world like Dragon Ball.

So, how did this four-star dragon ball get to the Hunter World?

Moreover, if the four-star dragon ball in his hand can be explained by the fact that the four-star dragon ball on the earth belongs to a dragon ball made by the Nameks, it is different.

So, how can this dragon ball still maintain a certain power in other worlds?

Because, this four-star dragon ball once united with the devil fruit to form a huge monster that lived in the dark continent magma belt of Hunter World.

That means that this four-star dragon ball can generate power across borders and is not rejected.

This is an incredible ability!

What he was even more suspicious was that, as far as the results of his investigation were concerned, the huge monster that had survived in the hunter's dark continent magma belt had been there for thousands of years at least.

In other words, the four-star dragon ball fell on the dark continent of the Hunter World thousands of years ago.

And as we all know, even the lifespan of the Namekist is definitely not more than 800 years old.

Under the circumstances that the time lapse of the two worlds is actually not very different, the four-star dragon ball in his hand has existed for thousands of years, which can explain many problems.

If it wasn't for the Namek who made this dragon ball, who possessed special life-prolonging skills, it would be that the dragon ball he was looking for had a lot of tricks in it.

In the end, Zhang Xiang chose to temporarily bury these many doubts in his brain.

"Right now, I still set out to the earth of the solar system first. I believe that the earth, the place where everything originated, will definitely give me a satisfactory answer..." Zhang Xiang said this, but he leaned his body back and fell into In sleep.

And underneath his commanding room on the highest level, through the tempered glass that can only transmit light on one side, we can see hundreds of scientists wearing white robes, who are training around a series of Vessels are either walking around or discussing.

In those petri dishes, the Saiyans in their infancy are growing vigorously.

It's just that these are no longer the cheap, forcibly spawned Saiyan replicas, but some Saiyans that have been trained through normal channels and modulated genes.

'Occupy the body of the Saiyan, then let your family return to this universe, and it is worthy of a cause and effect...' Zhang Xiang, who was in deep sleep, flashed in his mind Such a thought.

And if we can put our sight to a more outside place.

We will find that a super giant ship with a length of tens of thousands of meters is gradually accelerating in the universe...

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