Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 90: , Occupy the earth!

In the sky that was supposed to be clear and clear, suddenly there appeared incomparably bright rays of light, like a rare meteor shower in a century, quickly passing through the sky and landing on the earth. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

In Guixianwu, Lan Qi, who was serving tea to everyone, raised her head in surprise.

"Is there a meteor shower today?" Lan Qi tilted her head in doubt, showing a little confused expression.

But immediately, she threw the matter behind her head.

"Everyone, don't be so nervous, and have some tea." The untransformed Lan Qi said with a gentle voice to the people in the room looking at the crystal ball of the divination mother.

However, she has not waited until her words are finished.

Everyone couldn't help but look a little strange or stood up angrily.

However, the object of their anger was not Lan Qi, but the scene in the crystal ball.

"What the **** is Wukong doing!"

"Yeah, I want to let them go!"

Because, just like in the original, Goku, whose head twitched, actually let go of Vegeta.

Even Napa plans to let go.

However, Vegeta gave up on the opponent, got into the egg-shaped spaceship a little embarrassedly, and left by herself.

After this interruption, Lan Qi originally wanted to ask, the idea of ​​what happened to so many meteor showers in the sky today could not help but disappear completely.

On this planet, I am afraid that the only person who noticed this was Monkey King.

It's just that when he looked up with a serious face and looked towards the sky.

But there was a doubtful expression on his face. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Hey, isn't it a Saiyan? The anger is very weak, only stronger, but only more than a thousand. It's really strange!" Monkey King scratched his head strangely.

However, before he finished speaking, Gohan and Klin next to him had already interrupted his thoughts.

They are all a little angry, why did Wukong let them go.

But when he was busy dealing with Gohan and Klin, as well as Qiqi, who came to call directly from overseas to talk about, Sun Wukong was so busy that he had forgotten everything.

After all, in his mind, the existence of a thousand combat power is not a threat at all.

Even if they had any intention to do something bad for the earth, he still had time to make another move.

Of course, more importantly, he felt that the opponent's combat effectiveness was too low, and he was not his opponent. He couldn't stand him at all. He felt that even if he went, he couldn't fight well before he didn't go.

In a quiet moment, the nature of the Monkey King Nasai has already begun to reveal.

However, just because of these kinds of coincidences, and when Wukong habitually only uses Qi as a measure of combat effectiveness, the earth's situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Those warships that rushed into the earth, without any hesitation, had already occupied all the major military districts on the earth, blocking all their viable forces.

Then, a large number of new and old human coalition forces began to directly land in the palace of the kingdom that ruled this planet, directly breaking through the new weapons and the Gundam offensive that could not be regarded as a defensive army. The entire palace was captured, and the king who had fought to the last moment but refused to escape was caught.

And the whole process only took less than half an hour.

And just after another half an hour, the vital power of all kingdoms on the earth was completely controlled.

If it weren't for unnecessary damage, or for large-scale damage to draw out Dragon Ball Warriors, then everything could have been done in just half an hour.

After all, even though Zhang Xiang's current strength is not afraid of Dragon Ball Warriors, even the most powerful Wukong is not as good as Zhang Xiang's men.

However, after all, the opponent has the advantage of geography and the protagonist. If it really clashes with Monkey King, I am afraid it will end in trouble.

In this kind of secondary source world, the protagonist's luck cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang specially ordered not to cause too much damage.

And the result is perfect.

Without the Dragon Ball Warrior noticing it, Zhang Xiang's power completely controlled the entire earth.

Moreover, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the controlled dog king had reluctantly held a national live broadcast, disbanding the kingdom and directly incorporated into the Earth Federation.

As for the dog king, he only retained the title of king, but other rights to participate in politics were deprived.

Then, taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Xiang's forces also began to penetrate into all aspects of the entire planet under his plan.

In the secret place, he searched for some people who Zhang Xiang secretly ordered to find.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang in Penguin Village also used the content in the live TV broadcast and used Yamabuki Riko as an excuse to successfully coax Dr. Zejuan into the Earth Federation and let him serve as the chief scientist. .

And the other party's first subject is undoubtedly a human being.

The cyborg chapter in the original book left a deep impression on Zhang Xiang, especially the appearance of the infinite energy furnace, which made Zhang Xiang eager to know where the limit of the cyborg was.

Not to mention, the cyborg is still a very powerful weapon.

Although, Zhang Xiang didn't know how Dr. Zejuan's talent above cyborgs was compared to Dr. Gro.

However, he doesn't mind giving it a try.

He also wanted to see what kind of new human beings could be created by Dr. Zejuan with the help of some special technological help from the new and old humans, as well as some high-tech help from the Academy City provided by Zhang Xiang. Come.

Because, in this nearly ten years.

With the help of Zhang Xiang's combination of new and old human technology, as well as some scientific and technological information about the Academy City, as well as some other planetary technologies he searched along the way, the scientific level of the new and old humans can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds.

At least, there have been great developments in computer computing and space jumping.

The biological supercomputer that can be put into use is already in use.

In terms of space jumping, small and medium-sized spacecraft can already achieve space jumping within a few light years, which can be said to be a great development.

Moreover, there have been great advances in artificial humans and cloning.

Both the old and the new mankind have already tried to integrate the benefits of different civilizations and sciences.

And under this situation, the super battleship that had been flying in the universe for so many years finally landed from space towards the earth.

——Scientists of the new and old humans, after learning that there are special capsules on the earth that can compress space, and the existence of new knowledge such as the existence of robots and artificial people, they can't wait to communicate with scientists on the earth.

That night, this super warship broke through the atmosphere, broke through a large hole on the ground that can be seen with the naked eye, and fell on the earth.

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