Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 95: , Extract memory!

And the next thing is self-evident. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Under Zhang Xiang's order, the warship that had temporarily preserved its vitality was retreated under his order, just like a hungry wolf encountering food, and they all attacked the forces of Kevela attacking this planet.

However, Kevlar’s ​​power is actually just a spaceship of the other party.

Under the volley of main guns from dozens of warships with a distance of several kilometers, Kevlar's spacecraft had already turned into dust in the universe.

After losing the existence of Kevela, a guy who could easily destroy planets and stars, and the mecha troops around him, the remaining guys were generally not high in combat power, and rarely had more than 100,000 combat power.

At least, within the range currently controlled by the opponent's invasion of the hidden star field, there is no guy with more than 100,000 combat power.

Therefore, after losing Kevila and his mecha unit, he was caught in an embarrassment.

In the past few years, Zhang Xiang has also found several uninhabited places where the spiritual tree can take root and sprout.

Therefore, he still has some strength under his men.

Especially the Saiyan copy army under his hand, after ten years of careful adjustment, finally a batch of reusable Saiyans appeared.

Existences with a combat power of more than half a million actually have more than a dozen, and those with more than one million have one.

Although, because of the Saiyan's natural character, it caused a lot of trouble.

However, on top of this kind of thing, they still played their nature and did a very good job.

Therefore, under Zhang Xiang's order, the counterattack began. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

More than a dozen batches of at least hundreds of warships and several Saiyan fleets are already heading towards the planet that was previously captured by Kevela, but they intend to calculate the total account.

Of course, to be on the safe side, the Saiyans who went with them all had a combat power of over 500,000.

And Zhang Xiang's order was not just to **** the captured planet back.

His goal is to take over all the forces currently under Kevila.

Of course, this process takes a lot of time.

It's just that after the battleship that developed the space jump, there is also the existence of Zhang Xiang, who has the ability to teleport. I believe that it will not take more than a year to receive the power of Kevlar.

Zhang Xiang did not intervene in the next matter.

In other words, when he gave the order, he already threw everything to his own hands.

Then, he himself turned around, and suddenly disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared in a huge metal hall.

This is a metal hall covering tens of thousands of square meters, but in this metal hall there are a large number of special petri dishes. The petri dishes are large and small, and the large ones are tens of meters in diameter. It is only half a meter in diameter.

But unsurprisingly, there are some weird things cultivated here.

Some are the results of research made by scientists here, and some are part of the bodies of cosmic monsters encountered in the past few years.

And in this hall, many scientists are passing by in dark colors, or are studying something.

This is the special storage hall in the research site established after the union of the old and the new humans.

In other words, this is a place where some special or dangerous creatures are publicly stored.

And Zhang Xiang's appearance has undoubtedly shocked many people.

Soon, the manager of this base, who was also one of the best scientists among the new and old humans, hurried over.

"Why are you here?" Wearing a white robe, he looks like he should be about fifty years old, but the dean of the Institute of Biology, who is already 80 years old, hurried to Zhang Xiang's a little anxiously. By his side, standing by his side respectfully asked Zhang Xiang.

Behind him was a series of scientists of various ages wearing white robes.

Moreover, these scientists now include not only new and old humans, but also scientists of many different races.

Many strange-looking people in the universe all looked curiously in the direction of Zhang Xiang who suddenly appeared.

They were a little curious about Zhang Xiang, who had only heard of it in the past ten years, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. What kind of existence is the actual master of the power that has conquered dozens of planets with intelligent races.

And listening to the words of his subordinates, Zhang Xiang didn't talk nonsense at all.

"I'll leave this to you, I don't care what method you use. Within a month, analyze its physical condition clearly, and also extract the memory in its memory center." Zhang Xiang Raising his hand slightly, a head flew out of his hand.

Seeing this scene, many cosmic people in the scene were shocked.

It's just that when someone saw what the head that was still vigorous looked like, someone couldn't help but scream.

"K, Kevlar! This is the Kevlar of the Frieza clan!" A cosmic man with an eggplant-like head, big eyes, and a green skin, saw Zhang Xiang throw it at Behind Kevera's head above the ground, he couldn't help but scream.

And listening to his words, the scene can't help but quiet down in an instant.

You know, the scientists here are not just new and old humans!

It is a mixture of scientists of many races. Most of these scientists who live outside the hidden star field come from some advanced technological environments and are closely related to other cosmic people.

Therefore, they have suppressed and destroyed countless planets and the notorious Frieza clan. They know it all!

Even the old and new humans who just came out of the hidden star field really felt the sense of oppression from the name of the universe emperor.

Knowing that if the Frieza clan, who has suppressed and destroyed countless planets and races, is angered, especially Frieza and Kevela, the ending will be reduced to a very tragic end.

And at the edge of the galaxy that is close to the rule of Kevela, the power of Kevela's name even reaches the point where it can stop children from crying.

From this, we can see how terrifying Kevela's name is.

If Kevela stood in front of them personally, I'm afraid they would have collapsed directly on the ground in shock.

However, what appeared in front of them now was more shocking and frightening to the scientists present than Kevera appeared in front of them.

Because what appeared in front of them turned out to be Kevela's head!

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