Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 98: , Super Saiyan!

Qi, strong to the extreme, even tyrannical Qi burst out from his body quickly. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The golden light surrounds him, and the qi erupting from his body gathers together in high density, and it becomes easily visible with the naked eye.

I don't know when, the qi around his body has been continuously developing from the normal state to the golden yellow direction.

The pupils of his eyes began to turn light green, electric light continued to surround him, and the loose black hair also began to stand upside down, turning into pure golden yellow.

At the same time, the qi in his body also exploded with a multifold increase.


A sense of anger specially guided by Zhang Xiang poured out from his mouth unscrupulously.

Excitement, killing, and arrogance constantly emerged from the bottom of his heart, giving him a feeling of wanting to sabotage unscrupulously, or at least to fire several qigong cannons to destroy two planets to celebrate.

However, as soon as these feelings emerged from the bottom of his heart, he was immediately suppressed.

You should know that when he became a **** in the dark world, he was exposed to the power of faith that was contaminated with the beliefs of everyone, and the temptation of various special emotions that he has suffered is more than what has emerged from the bottom of his heart now. The mood of pure excitement and disdain is a thousand times stronger.

He was not controlled by those emotions at that time. Now that he knows that when he transforms into a Super Saiyan, his emotions will change towards excitement, madness, and arrogance. How can he be controlled by Saiyan instinct? !

The reason why he shouted out was just to vent the emotions in his heart.

"Not enough, not enough!" In Zhang Xiang's light green eyes, a deeper anger flashed.

Under the guidance of this anger that he deliberately led out, as expected, more powerful force emerged from his body, like a wooden gate opened with a crack, and then a gap was cut out. .

Under the traction of his bloodline power, a force far beyond the previous one burst out continuously, pushing the Qi in his body to a new level.

And in this situation of trying to explode, the golden thunder and lightning caused by the friction of the extremely dense Qi around him finally began to affect the surrounding space.

Just know that the world of Dragon Ball is still dominated by the earth after all.

Strong air transport converges on that point, and it can even be said that the entire world is spread out around the earth.

Therefore, the earth is under the envelope of luck, and only in the later stage is the warriors with more than 100 billion combat power fighting each other, and it is not destroyed by the random blow of the two warring parties.

In other words, the farther away you are from the earth, the more the intensity of the space decreases.

Although, after reaching a certain level, the intensity of the space will be smooth and unchanged in a special way.

However, Zhang Xiang, who understands the ability of teleportation, has some insights into the space of this world.

Under the full explosion, finally began to shake the ordinary void.

The golden aura continued to surround Zhang Xiang, and the continuous burst of golden thunder and lightning caused a trace of turbulence in the surrounding space.

And watching this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise in his heart.

"Sure enough!" Zhang Xiang said with some surprise.

It's just that he wasn't talking about the point that he could shake the space with his full burst.

More importantly, from the spatial fluctuations that flashed past, he saw a flash of sight that didn't look like nothingness.

If it is a normal space, being squeezed by his high-density aura, at best it will cause space turbulence, and there will definitely not be any scenes.

The mystery of this hidden star field is about to be revealed before his eyes, how can this not make him feel excited!

However, after the surprise, Zhang Xiang's brows wrinkled slightly.

‘Now, my strength has exploded to the point where it’s almost full. It is impossible to explode with greater strength in a short time. If this were the case, at best, it would only allow the scenes that flashed by to appear again, and it would definitely not abolish the power that hides the entire star field. Then, just do that! A trace of determination flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

Then, after he flipped over it casually, the dark ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ that had killed Kevlar appeared again on his right hand.

And after the last time he crossed over, he killed Kevila and attracted the attention of the world.

This time, when it first appeared, it had already triggered a vision.

In the void, a burst of purple thunder and lightning appeared unexpectedly, from the beginning, the strands rapidly expanded to the thickness of a bucket.

However, in the face of such a situation, Zhang Xiang had already expected it.

At the moment when the purple thunder and lightning was born, Zhang Xiang's whole body's qi was already poured into the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand, like a rushing, immortal Yellow River, all poured into the sword.

"Break open, Void!" Zhang Xiang's eyes are like swords like knives, and his light green eyes burst out like the rays of light intersecting swords, and burst out like the sun burst into the sky, and put the light in his hands. The Shadow Demon Blade slashed directly towards the front.

It sounded like the sound of silk being torn apart from the void.

At the same time, the purple thunder and lightning that had once again grown from the thickness of a bucket to enough to tear a planet apart, finally blasted over.

And how fast the lightning speed is, in the absence of obstructions in the void, it can even reach a level comparable to light.

There was not even a blink of an eye, and the purple thunder and lightning that was enough to submerge everything had already covered everything in front of Zhang Xiang.

And almost at the same time, Zhang Xiang looked at the purple thunder and lightning, and the crack in the space that was about to see everything halfway open, and sighed inaudibly.

"It's a pity!"

Then, he directly released the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand.

In the next instant, the purple thunder that soared to the sky really drowned everything in front of Zhang Xiang.

The ‘Shadow Demon Blade’, which was called a ‘divine tool’, just persisted for less than two seconds, and was completely assimilated by the purple thunder.

However, Zhang Xiang's face was just a look of regret, but he did not feel any anxiety.

After half a second, the purple light of thunder and lightning burst out suddenly, shaking his body like a comfortable client, and dissipating somewhat unwillingly.

"Is it really destroyed? Fortunately, this is just a projection of the'Shadow Demon Blade'." Zhang Xiang's voice sounded with some sigh.

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