Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 108: , The power of cause and effect!

And listening to the grand elder's slow narration, everyone in the room seemed to have returned to the past, following the other party's sad past.

There are some older existences, the Namekians born shortly after the Cataclysm, and even sad expressions appear on their faces.

Because they experienced it personally in the days after the cataclysm.

As for Zhang Xiang, although he was also in the words of the great elder, full of vicissitudes and time precipitation, he seemed to have experienced these things with the other party.

But at the same time, a lot of doubts emerged in his heart.

It's just that, looking at the grand elder's immersion in the past, it might be the last memory if he couldn't bear to interrupt him.

After all, the opponent's life is only half a day away.

And soon, this story was finished in the quiet passing of time.

And Zhang Xiang also took advantage of this opportunity to speak.

"What is the mysterious power that you have been mentioning during this process? Also, why don't you use Dragon Ball to eliminate that power, or even restore the planet Namek to its original state? ......" Zhang Xiang immediately asked the question in his heart.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the Great Elder sighed.

"That mysterious power is the power of cause and effect. As for the reason why we didn't use Dragon Ball, it's not that we don't want to use it, but we can't use it." There was a bit of bitterness on the face of the elder.

"Can't use it?" someone in the room exclaimed.

However, it wasn't that Zhang Xiang was exclaiming, but a Namek star kid in the house exclaimed.

It was a Namek who looked like he was only about seven or eight years old and not too old.

The other Namek in the room also showed a surprised expression.

Obviously, this matter, even some of their pure Namekians did not know.

"Yes, it can't be used. I didn't tell you about this before. I thought that this situation would never happen again. But it seems that it is not possible now." The elder sighed.

As for Zhang Xiang listening to the words of the great elder, he thought of many things.

For example, in Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball has also encountered a situation where it cannot be used. That is, due to multiple uses of Dragon Ball, the positive and negative energies of the universe are out of balance. The evil negative energy erodes the Dragon Ball and makes it impossible. Continue to use it.

Moreover, these dragon **** that were over-eroded in the end were transformed by evil negative energy into evil dragons trying to destroy the universe.

Had it not been for Wukong's own sacrifice to gather the vitality of the entire universe and form a positive vitality bomb to destroy the evil dragon, I am afraid that the entire universe would be destroyed by the evil dragon and be riddled with holes.

However, Zhang Xiang doesn't have much clue about the power of cause and effect.

Regarding the power of cause and effect, it has already touched something immortal.

Although Zhang Xiang, who was once powerful in his life, may have been in contact, he still does not have the ability to contact such power.

At this moment, someone in the room couldn't help but ask another question.

"Elder, then why can't it be used?" The short boy named that Mecca asked the elder.

"Because, after summoning the Shenlong, we sensed the source of that mysterious causal power, which is from Dragon Ball..." The elder said another news that shocked everyone in the house.

"how is this possible?!"

"Why does the **** of dreams do what?!" (The dragon of Namek, Polunga means "God of Dreams")

Even the other Namek people who had been keeping calm, exclaimed.

And the great elder is slowly telling the truth.

"I also asked Polunga about this question. It also answered my question. The answer is not that it uses the power of causation to punish us, but that the entire universe is transmitting the power of cause and effect through Dragon Ball. So. , It can't do anything about it. And those causal powers are derived from the wishes we once made, which distorted the real world.

And it also reminds us that even though we can use the power of Dragon Ball to restore Namek Star once again. However, the distorted cause and effect has accumulated to a certain extent. Even if it distorts reality again, the distortion will accumulate to a more powerful degree one day, and it will be fed back into reality again. "The great elder slowly explained the inside story.

And the whole room was completely silent at this time, and everyone was digesting some shocking news.

As for Zhang Xiang, although he was shocked.

However, he soon calmed down.

"Now, do you understand what I want to remind you?" The Grand Elder General cast a kindly cloudy gaze towards Zhang Xiang.

After Zhang Xiang took a deep breath, he also nodded.

"I understand. You are trying to say that the more difficult the wish I made, and the more distorted reality, the deeper the accumulated cause and effect. To a certain extent, not only the wish achieved through Dragon Ball will be corrected back As it is, it will get worse. Right?" Zhang Xiang seriously handed over his answer to the elder.

"Yes, this is what I want to say. If you can understand, that is the best thing." With a kind smile on his face, the elder nodded towards Zhang Xiang and said.

"Thank you, elder. Although, I know that elder admonished me like this for my own good. However, this time the Dragon Ball, for some reason, I am sure to win. So, sorry, elder." Zhang With apologies on Xiang's face, he bowed to the elder.

After all, the great elder can disregard his recollection of the pain, and use his own experience to exhort Zhang Xiang.

This is a very rare thing.

No matter what, the other party deserves Zhang Xiang's bow.

This bow was not because the other party agreed to hand over the Dragon Ball to him, but because the other party really thought about him.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the Great Elder sighed slightly.

"Since you have already made a decision, then I won't force you. I just hope you won't regret it in the future. Then, follow the agreement and gather together, Dragon Ball!" The elder raised his right hand and moved forward. Slightly.

A mysterious power was transmitted from his right hand, toward the entire planet.

A burst of bright light began to flash on the seven dragon **** on the planet.

Accompanied by a dragon ball depicting a star, floating from the seat behind the elder, the dragon ball that was originally hidden in the various positions of Namike star turned into rays of light and directly impacted in this direction. .

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