Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 115: , Help, my father!

In the next instant, Frieza's figure suddenly disappeared from Xiao Guang's sight.

Full of tyrannical evil atmosphere, suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Did you cut off my left hand? Then, I will smash you with one punch!" It was filled with a cold and evil feeling, and the feeling that people could not even move, instantly spread all over Xiao Guang's body.

A fist that seemed to be as heavy as ten thousand jun, carrying an aura that seemed to be able to penetrate the entire planet, rapidly enlarged directly in front of her eyes.

The little breath that radiated from this right hand was bound to her body by the air that moved the entire sky.

‘Are you going to die? ! It's a pity that I couldn't kill Frieza and avenge Xiaoyang! A trace of regret flashed in Xiao Guang's heart.

At this moment, a ray of orange light flashed through the corner of Xiao Guang's eyes.

‘Which one is? ! A fierce flash suddenly flashed in Xiao Guang's eyes.

"Even if you die, I will drag you to hell!" Xiaoguang suddenly burst out the last breath in his body, and his right hand slammed behind Frieza's back.

The Qi Yuanzhan that whirled toward her right hand, but changed its direction slightly, and ran directly on Frieza's back.

As for her, she opened her hands, intending to tie it down at the moment she was in Frieza's right punch, so that Frieza has nowhere to hide!

However, at this moment, Frieza unexpectedly let out a sneer.

"The same trick, do you want to work on me?! And, do you think I will really make you die so happy?!" Frieza's face flashed a vicious look, it could only be The punch that he launched and was difficult to withdraw turned out to be a sudden change of direction and bombarded behind him.

The right fist, which had accumulated a strong aura, hit the surface of the Qi Yuanzhan disc fiercely.

Facing Frieza's close-to-full blow, even if Xiaoguang's Qi Yuanzhan was formed by condensing most of the Qi in her body, it could not be stopped for a moment. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Frieza's right fist directly penetrated the Qi Yuan Zhan, and several cracks spread to the surface of the entire disc at a very fast speed.


The Qi Yuan cut that had just cut off Frieza's left hand, it was broken into dozens of fragments and scattered towards the surroundings.

'not good! However, even if he died, he still had to make him feel bad! Xiaoguang flew in the direction of Frieza suddenly, hugged Frieza's body from behind, and a tyrannical breath emerged from her body.

That is the remaining power in the body, which is being led by her to collide with each other, which is causing greater conflict.

——She actually wants to explode!

And a guy with millions of combat power blew himself up, I am afraid that even Frieza in a complete state will suffer a bit.

Let alone Frieza at this time.

"Really crazy!" Looking at this crazy scene, Frieza's face suddenly changed, but he judged Xiaoguang's thoughts in an instant.

Then, there was a fierceness on his face.

"It's impossible to let me die. Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me!" Frieza's left hand began to directly elbow the little light that hugged him.

At the first blow, Xiao Guang only felt a cramp in her abdomen.

In the second blow, she already felt that her ribs had been broken.

The third blow, accompanied by an evil aura, broke through her body protection aura, directly bombarding her body.

She already felt a colic in her internal organs and a wailing in her bones.

Even her consciousness was blurred.

However, there was only one thought left in her mind.

That is-don't let go!

This change, Xiao Guang's stubbornness, and the devastating aura gradually rising in her body couldn't help but make Frieza's face a panic expression.

"No, I can't just be killed by a Saiyan cub. Give it to me!" Frieza roared.

He lacked a left hand, although his strength was not as strong as that of the lack, it was almost the same.

However, Frieza is also worthy of Frieza. Before the cut-off, a small gap was opened by his brute force.

This small gap still has some distance for him to break free.

However, it was enough for his tail to be free.

So, in the next moment, Frieza’s freed tail turned into a violent blow for a short time, directly bombarding the small light that was about to explode, and slammed into the distant Xiaoyang and fell. Above that stone pillar, crashed through and sank into the earth, knocking out a big hole.

The stone pillar also collapsed, and the little Yang on it also fell down, hitting the ground hard and bounced a few times, spewing more blood from his mouth.

Although Saiyans are resistant to beating, they are not so tossed.

Not to mention, he is still seriously injured.

Feeling that the danger had disappeared, Frieza's panicked face showed a relieved expression.

It's just the next moment.

Frieza, who recovered his senses, showed an aura of extreme anger.

Perhaps because of the extreme rage, he didn't even cancel the full-power energy output, leaving the whole body to continue to maintain a bloated form, with blue veins emerging from his forehead, but his face showed coldness. Come with a smile.

Then, the whole person fell into the bottom of the little light that he fell.

In the bottom of the pit, Xiao Guang had completely lost the ability to act, the bones on his body were shattered, and the internal organs began to learn a lot, but only a little consciousness was still there.

However, Frieza, who fell into the bottom of the pit, didn't step on Xiaoguang immediately.

Instead, it fell to a place not far from her.

"Did you just want to avenge your companion? It's a real pity, it almost succeeded." Frieza's face showed a cold face, and the green veins that appeared on his forehead were extremely hideous.

"I'm lucky, you're lucky. Otherwise, you must be dead!" There was only a vaguely conscious little light, lying on the ground and spitting out blood directly towards Frieza.

Maybe it's the reduced flexibility at full power, or maybe it's simply unprepared.

That mouthful of blood turned out to directly confuse Frieza's face.

"Okay, it's really good!" The veins on Frieza's forehead rose straight, twisting like an earthworm.

But in the next moment, a fierce flash appeared on his face, and his right hand hooked to his back.


The hill of stone pillars that collapsed behind him suddenly cracked open, and a figure appeared from it.

"Then, I will first squeeze the guy you care about the most into pieces. Then, let you die slowly in regret!" Frieza pointed his right hand at the mid-air and was taken from the pile of rocks. The figure caught out turned out to be squeezed down severely.

And at this moment, Xiao Guang finally recovered a little sober consciousness, and through the dazzling light, he could see who the figure was.

The figure turned out to be a Xiaoyang who was almost dying, with a layer of blood mist over his body.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoguang suddenly woke up.

"No, Xiaoyang! Help, my father!"

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