Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 118: , Namek on the brink of destruction!

A minute later, the aura that accompanied the explosion in the middle zone had completely spread to the periphery, raging towards the entire planet. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

The sight of the ground in the center of the explosion finally appeared.

A huge pothole with a depth of several hundred meters appeared on this continent.

From the blast of smoke and dust above this pothole, we can vaguely see how big the diameter of this pothole is, but it is so exaggerated that it has hundreds of kilometers.

In addition, the place close to the middle zone has a depth of hundreds of meters.

If it looks from outer space now, it's like a green apple being lightly bitten.

This is Frieza’s horror in a state of full explosion. Even if he only wants to focus all his power on Zhang Xiang’s body, he does not intend to destroy Namek, but it has caused what can be called a A devastating blow.

For Namek, such a terrifying huge pit is enough to cause devastating problems in the ecosystem of this planet.

Not to mention the complicated chain reaction of vitality, that is, if the planet's self-regulation system is good, it has already suffered very serious damage.

I believe everyone should have heard of the term butterfly effect!

The so-called butterfly effect refers to the occasional vibration of the wings of a butterfly in the Amazon rainforest, which may cause a tornado in Texas in two weeks' time. This is a metaphor for a small problem, but after a complicated time of fermentation. , Is also an effect that can cause incalculable damage.

Although, this effect does not necessarily hold.

It can even be said that it is just bluffing.

But a little butterfly flapping its wings can't do such a thing.

But what if 10,000 or 10 million butterflies do this kind of thing together?

In the same way, the planet that is missing a corner now, the entire fragile ecosystem that had just begun to recover has already begun to collapse. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Because what Frieza destroyed was not within one kilometer or two kilometers!

It's exactly close to a continent!

Although the distance of the pothole is only a few hundred kilometers, the range of influence is more than two thousand kilometers.

Just like a nuclear bomb, when it explodes, at most, people and objects within a radius of a few kilometers are instantly destroyed.

However, the continuous radiation and other things can affect things within a range of hundreds of kilometers, and it is not impossible to spread thousands of kilometers away through things such as flowing water and flying birds.

Okay, let's get back to business.

Looking at the planet Namek that had been razed to the ground within the range of sight, Frieza's face couldn't help showing a cheerful expression.

"Haha... Die... Has it become something smaller than a fragment?! This is the end of Frieza's disrespect to me!" Frieza was laughing freely.

Although, he was still breathing heavily.

The powerful cold aura permeating his body has also been reduced a lot.

——After all, it keeps in the state of full power and full output one after another, it is simply unrealistic to want to continue to stay in the peak state.

Of course, this is not lacking because he thinks Zhang Xiang, Xiaoguang and others must be dead.

After all, he just tried his best for a few seconds.

The power of its attack is no different from the death bomb fired at full force.

Even if it was him, he couldn't hold it back from such a full-scale outbreak.

Therefore, he inevitably relaxes.

However, when the smoke continued to disperse, he still cast his cold gaze into the gradually dispersing smoke.

So, in the next moment, his face has completely changed.

"Impossible, impossible, you, why are you still alive. Shouldn't you have become fragments?!" Frieza's face suddenly changed, and even his face flashed past. A trace of panic came.

Because he saw something in the fading smoke.

"Golden, golden hair?!!! And golden gas?!!! Super Saiyan!!!" Frieza's face changed one after another, from the ugly face before to panic, and finally It turned into a look of horror.

This was not only the fear that Zhang Xiang could bear the attack he had just received, but it was even more because of the posture shown on Zhang Xiang's body.

Blond hair, pale green eyes, and golden aura permeated his body.

Of course, Frieza, who had no way to perceive his anger, did not feel that Zhang Xiang's combat effectiveness was already far beyond him.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't pay any attention to the other party.

Instead, he continued to heal Xiaoguang and others, even with a smile on his face.

"Look at it, didn't I say that there is nothing wrong?" Zhang Xiang smiled and said to Xiaoguang.

It's just that Xiao Guang looked sluggish at this time.

"Super, Super Saiyan?" Xiaoguang's face was full of curiosity and inquiring light, and he stretched out his left hand, which had just been connected to the bone, but could not forcefully, trying to stroke Zhang Xiang's hair.

However, before her hand reached normal, Zhang Xiang let go of the right hand that healed her body, grabbed her left hand in angrily and gently put it back on the ground.

"Yes, it's a Super Saiyan. Also, don't move. I just stabilized your injuries." Zhang Xiang said with some kindness.

"But, this is a super Saiyan that's rare in a thousand years! How come I have to look twice, and it's good to touch the breath of a super Saiyan!" Xiaoguang has a face of course. Like, said to Zhang Xiang.

Seeing Xiaoguang at least mentally regaining his spirit, Zhang Xiang couldn't help shaking his head.

"Okay, then, your injuries are almost good. Then, I should also start to calculate the general ledger." Zhang Xiang said to Xiaoguang with a figure that seemed to be ordinary.

However, when he stood up completely and turned his body around slightly, his voice had already become extremely cold.

Even the killing intent in his eyes is naked and uncovered!

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Guang was lying on the ground and cheering for Zhang Xiang.

"Come on, Father, you want to beat the other party full of minions!" Xiaoguang lay on the ground, barely raising his hand to cheer on Zhang Xiang.

At this time, not only did Zhang Xiang finally see Frieza's true face, Frieza also finally saw Zhang Xiang's appearance.

To be honest, Zhang Xiang's appearance was getting a little more handsome because of his deliberate approach to his previous life.

With the combination of the Nasaiyan's unique jet black fixed hair, the golden color that surrounds the whole body, and the light green pupils, it is even more handsome and a little more masculine.

As for Frieza, the opponent who had broken one arm and was still in full power, seemed to lose his tolerance.

In addition, about the assassination classroom, it seems that I can't continue writing. I just discovered that if I continue to write, the timeline will collapse and it will jump directly to the summer vacation. What is your opinion?

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