Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 126: , Remake the planet!

And that process was naturally carried out in a tug of war.

It's just that, in the process of being seriously injured by the dark energy and then being resisted by the potential developed by the great elder, let Dandy's ability heal.

The potential of Monkey King was constantly aroused, the tyrannical Saiyan bloodline regained the upper hand, and the fighting power continued to soar.

In the end, under the cover of another death threat, he broke through the limits of Saiyan and became a Super Saiyan.

Moreover, at the last moment of life and death, the gathering of the power of the three super Saiyans can be regarded as breaking this life and death crisis.

However, although they successfully passed the life and death crisis.

However, the three of them floated in the air in silence.

Because the scene in front of them in the distance is really shocking.

They just tried to escape, and they haven't found it yet, but now they came out of the spacecraft and looked in the direction of Namk, everyone was silent.

Because, a new planet appeared above the original Namek star position.

Yes, new planet!

It's just that this planet is a little weird!

The whole body is pitch black, and there is a strange pitch black flame burning.

But more importantly, the size of this newly emerged planet is only one-tenth of its original size.

You know, the fragments thrown out by the planet's big bang just now were shrouded by the pitch-black giant hand that exploded several times at the moment it exploded.

Therefore, the material lost by the planet’s big bang just now can be said to be minimal.

However, the size of the recreated planet was only one-tenth of the original size. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

What does this mean?

This means that the other party has compressed the density of all the matter on the planet ten times!

What is this concept? !

We can use machines to compress air more than ten times.

But who can use human power to compress soil, even diamonds, ten times? ? ?

Let alone an entire planet!

It can’t be done with the current ability, no matter how high technology or other ability is.

Therefore, everyone is so silent.

At the same time, watching this scene, everyone has no hope for the fate of Zhang Xiang, who is now unclear about his life and death alone while carrying the black giant palm attack.

However, everyone has already given up.

However, Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang did not give up.

"Brother, let's go! Father, you will be fine!" Xiaoguang said with anguish in his heart, looking at the planet that was shrouded in dark flames in the distance.

Before the voice fell, she was already rushing towards the direction of Namek, regardless of the suffocation that she had begun to feel the lack of oxygen.

And behind her, Xiao Yang also followed unconditionally in silence.

Because, he knew that Xiaoguang's heart was now blaming her for why she had to fight Frieza at the time.

She felt that if she did not agree to fight, but chose to escape.

Well, now that Zhang Xiang may have made his wish a long time ago, and then left, he would never encounter such a thing.

The reason why Xiao Yang knew Xiao Guang's mood at this time was because he was also suffering from this kind of suffering in his heart at this time.

Because he was the first one to shoot at that time!

Looking at the two silent figures rushing out, even though Monkey King stretched out his right hand to stop them, he still did not speak.

Because he could feel the mood of the two of them, knowing that even if he speaks himself, it is of no use.

However, before he turned around and returned to the hull, he planned to let Boma drive the spaceship near the two of them.

Xiao Yang and Xiao Guang, who had been halfway there, suddenly showed surprise on their faces.

Then, the two of them couldn't help but looked around.

Unfortunately, they did not see any signs.

However, the look of surprise on their two faces did not fade in the slightest.

Because Zhang Xiang's voice is still appearing in their minds one after another.

"You... go back first... I... avoid... there is no danger... go back..." Zhang Xiang's voice intermittently passed into their minds.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's voice, Xiao Yang and Xiao Guang looked at each other.

Although there was still worry in their eyes, they finally made a decision.

"Go back!" Xiaoguang said.

"Ok... uh, there is no air... I'm about to breathe... go back soon..." Xiao Yang wanted to respond handsomely.

However, because of relaxation, the feeling of suffocation that had been overlooked because of anger and self-blame, suddenly surged, making him swim and drown in mid-air, with his limbs in mid-air. Randomly in the middle.

However, compared to those drowning people, he was a little different.

That is he is still awake.

Because, at the next moment.

He was already in a panic, rushing towards the spaceship like a wild dog chasing him behind him.

And looking at Xiao Yang's embarrassed look, Xiao Guang, who originally planned to laugh at the other party, also felt this under Xiao Yang's reminder.

Although it felt a little lighter than Xiao Yang, it was almost reaching its limit.

Therefore, behind one embarrassing light, another embarrassing light also followed behind and rushed towards the spaceship.

Then, half a minute later, when they broke into the isolated air chamber of the spacecraft as if they were drowning and escaped to land and filled the entire air chamber with air, it was considered a breath.

Then, under the suggestion of both of them.

Although Buma and others don’t know the details, but in the end because of the control of the shadow of death twice before and the influence of the unknown flame burning on a new planet that turned into a death star not far away, Buma Finally, people flew away in the direction of the earth in the spacecraft.

But let us turn our attention back to Zhang Xiang.

At the moment when he exploded the center of the planet Namek, let it explode to prop up the black giant palm, and the space constraints were untied, Zhang Xiang immediately used teleportation to move himself to the point On a planet with living things outside of light.

However, he had no intention of stopping at all, but at the moment he appeared, he re-searched for another planet with living things, and Teng Nuo moved over.

And then, when the qi in his body was consumed to the bottom, he was considered to be re-transferred to the vicinity of the exploding Namek, using his spirit to connect to the planet near Namek, and continuously After contacting Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang, they told their plans.

In the end, he was transferred to a relatively deserted planet, waiting for the dark palm to continue tracking, or to make his injury slightly better.

Fortunately, due to various reasons, the pitch-black giant palm did not pursue it anymore, and Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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