Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 132: , Jianzhi!

And Zhang Xiang seemed to see through his inner thoughts. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Don't worry, I am not your enemy. On the contrary, I should be counted as your friend." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

However, it is not so easy for Conanx to believe Zhang Xiang's words.

"Friend?" Teranques grasped the'Brave Sword' tightly in his right hand, ready to pull it out at all times, staring at Zhang Xiang.

"Yes, my friend. Didn't you see? Under my intervention, the earth’s technological level has advanced a lot. Moreover, Monkey King has not wandered in the universe for a year. Even his body is also new on the earth. Under the treatment of the developed drugs, he has been cured before the disease develops." Zhang Xiang spread his hands and said.

"What are you talking about? Mr. Goku's heart disease was cured by you?!" Tenanks looked unbelievable.

You know, one of his goals in coming back from the future is to bring the medicine for treating heart disease to Monkey King, so that he can take it when he gets sick.

However, now Sun Wukong's heart attack had already been treated by Zhang Xiang before he had a heart attack.

How can this not surprise him? !

"Yes, it has been cured. Moreover, the strength has already broken through to the Super Saiyan. Such strength is already preliminary to the cyborgs, right? Let alone three years later, they even It is possible to break through to Super Saiyan II, right?" Zhang Xiang said slowly with a confident appearance.

"What? You said Super Saiyan II?!" Teranques had a shocked look in his eyes.

He was even shocked that he didn't even ask how Zhang Xiang knew about the human being.

Because, he never knew that Super Saiyan could break through to Super Saiyan II.

"Yes, Super Saiyan II. Watch 1 Woollen 3 Chinese Net" Zhang Xiang said in a decisive tone.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Tenantes's face was unpredictable.

In the end, after a few seconds, he finally made up his mind.

"Sorry, although what you are showing is kindness now. However, I still can't fully believe your words. Moreover, if you are really kind to us, you don't have to appear in front of me now, right? "Ternacks showed a wary expression.

Because Tenanques had already noticed that Zhang Xiang came here seems to have another purpose for him.

"Yes, I have some other purposes. I want to use your time machine to study for a while. Because I have some questions I want to figure out." Zhang Xiang expressed his plan to Teranques.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's plan, Tenanx's pupils suddenly shrank, and he immediately refused.

"No, this is my guarantee of going back to the future. I can't hand it over to others." Tenanques said firmly.

And of course, the real reason is naturally not as simple as what he showed.

His real reason was that he was afraid that Zhang Xiang would use the time machine to return to the far past and plot some deeper conspiracies.

He couldn't believe that Zhang Xiang would not keep it when he got his time machine.

At least, even if he didn't stay, I'm afraid he would imitate a time machine.

At the end of the day, everything was really out of his control.

But Zhang Xiang, who heard the potential meaning of Tenanques, sighed.

"It seems that I still need to do it. Although I still want to talk with you, let you know that I am really not what you think. However, there is no time." Zhang Xiang sighed.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Tenanques' vigilance immediately rose to the highest level, and the "Brave Sword" was pulled out from behind and stood in front of him.

The sharp breath erupted from the sword, and there was a feeling of tearing everything.

"Humph, let's do it!" Tenanks snorted coldly.

However, he regarded Zhang Xiang as a kind of person who could not say that he was about to take the arrogance.

However, in fact, what Zhang Xiang was doing was almost right as he thought.

"Then, let's start. I don't take advantage of you, just use the same strength as you to fight." Zhang Xiang said, while a huge breath rose from above his body until he The Super Saiyan that Tenanx showed was almost the same.

However, what made Tenanx’s pupils shrank was that Zhang Xiang did not turn into a Super Saiyan, but by relying on his usual state, he had already achieved his transformation into a Super Saiyan one. The power of it.

"How is this possible!" Tenanks exclaimed in shock.

Because he had already known that Zhang Xiang was also a Saiyan in the previous dialogue.

Moreover, he also saw Zhang Xiang's waist around his waist, symbolizing the Saiyan tail.

However, if the Saiyan wants to achieve the fighting power like his current Super Saiyan One, there should be no other way other than transforming.

However, now in front of his eyes, there was an exception.

How can this keep him from being shocked and confused? !

He even had some doubts whether Zhang Xiang used any special method to suppress the arrogance of Super Saiyan transformation.

And Zhang Xiang seemed to see through the shock and confusion in his heart.

"Don't doubt. I really haven't transformed. And my current strength is about the same as your Super Saiyan. As for why. I can remind you.

Although it is a good way to continue to develop the potential of Super Saiyans, after all, Super Saiyans strengthen their strength by squeezing their power to reach the limit output. Your own strength is the most important. Okay, we have almost talked, and I don't have much time. Let's start, look at the trick! "Zhang Xiangfeng lightly took a step forward, as if taking a step on flat ground.

But in fact, his figure was already in front of Tenanks in the next moment.

A sharp aura directly attacked his front door, making him instantly awake from Zhang Xiang's words containing a lot of information.

‘No, I’m distracted! 'Ternacks was suddenly frightened, and quickly raised the'Sword of the Brave' in his hand and blocked it in front of him.


A crisp sound rang out in the air.

It was Zhang Xiang's fingers, and they collided with Tenanques' "Sword of the Brave" and made a crisp sound.

However, although the sound was crisp, there was a wave of waves visible to the naked eye in the place where they struck each other.

Thus, it can be seen how terrifying the force of collisions is.

And feeling the terrifying power and sharp aura transmitted from the sword, Tenanx couldn't help feeling a shock.

'how is this possible. It's just a mortal body with Qi, how can it be so sharp, like a sword out of its sheath. Moreover, the strength is not inferior at all! 'Ternacks' face was full of shock.

And at this moment, something that puzzled him happened again.

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