Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 136: , Being a person and doing things.

"The future is different from what you expected, and even the past has been modified?" Monkey King's face showed a dignified expression, and his pupils said with shrinking eyes. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, his voice is a bit loud, almost not equivalent to shouting.

At this point, Tenanx couldn't help being shocked. He turned his head and looked at the kitchen quickly, and he was relieved to see that Kiki was not unusual.

"Mr. Goku, don't speak so loudly. It would be bad if you let other people hear it." Ternanks whispered to Monkey King.

And listening to Ternanks' words, Wukong's face also showed an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, sorry, I was a little bit surprised because I was surprised for a while. Not next time." Wukong said embarrassedly.

"So, in other words, he is from the future, and he has returned to the past farther than you. I remember that he first appeared when Vegeta came to earth. At the time, I thought he was with Vegeta is a companion. Although the facts overthrew my guess later. But I just thought he was a Saiyan wandering outside. By the way, you can really be sure that he is the one from the future. Or, can you be sure that someone has returned from the future?" Monkey King asked with a serious expression on his face and asked Tenanks.

After all, it was about how they should react next.

However, after listening to Monkey King's words, Teranques had a wry smile on his face instead.

"Not sure. I'm not sure if he is from the future. But for now, he is the most suspicious one! As for whether someone has returned from the future, I think it must be someone from the future. He came back. Otherwise, how does he know my identity. It’s just that I don’t know whether he came back from my future, or the future after I came into this world and changed the history of this world Coming back..." Teranques said with a wry smile like a tongue twister.

But Monkey King still understood.

After all, Tenanx is back from the future. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

If he changes history, wouldn't the future Tenanques have not experienced the same experience as him, and will not come back to change history?

In this case, wouldn’t the future Ternanks where Monkey King died of a heart attack ceased to exist?

This formed an argument.

If he changes history, he will definitely not exist in the future. (The future here refers to the other party who has experienced certain things)

Then he no longer exists in the future, so how can he go back to the past and change history?

It's like you go back and kill the grandmother who hasn't given birth to your mother, whether you still have a general argument.

Therefore, since Tenanx appeared in this time and space, it proved that the future Tenanx should return to the present of this time and space from another time and space.

To describe it in simple, but somewhat inaccurate words, it would be a parallel universe.

Listening to the words of Tenanques, Monkey King couldn't help but condensed for a while, and finally he could speak.

"In short, everything is still unclear. Right now, our only way is to strengthen our own strength. Whether it is the crisis of artificial humans you mentioned, or another crisis that may occur, it requires strength. Can be resolved.

To be honest, I can feel the distance between me and him. So big that I might not be able to catch up with the other side even if I worked hard to cultivate. But what I can promise you is if he really does something bad. I will stand up for things that destroy the earth..." Monkey King's face was solemn, and he spoke his thoughts to Tenanques.

As for the "he" in Wukong's mouth, it naturally refers to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to Monkey King's words, Tenanx couldn't help feeling certain in his heart.

But immediately, he had some worries.

"But, if Aunt Kiki stops you in the future..." Tenanks showed some hesitation on his face.

After all, it's not good to say bad things about the elders.

Especially in front of the other's husband.

However, Wukong waved his hand.

"Don't worry, if I really make any decision. Even if she really complains, she won't stop me." A firm expression came out of Monkey King's face, and from his eyes A flash of tenderness.

And listening to Monkey King's words, Tenanx couldn't help feeling a warm heart.

"Thank you Mr. Goku." Tenanks said with some delight.

And then, after the two discussed something about the cyborg and Zhang Xiang, Ternanks left.

After all, he really didn't like the natural juice from Baozishan that Qiqi squeezed.

After Tenanx left, Kiki walked out with a glass of juice.

However, she was not surprised that Tenanx had left.

"Are you gone? Really, the cake hasn't been finished yet..." Although Qiqi's face was complaining, she sat on the sofa and sat beside Wukong.

Then, I started to talk to Wukong about the chores: "Oh, yes, Gohan's fast dragon seems to have grown a little bit more recently. Should we enlarge the house where it sleeps..."

And listening to Qiqi's words, Wukong's face showed an awkward expression.

"Don't you ask me what he just said?" Monkey King shifted his gaze to Qiqi's face.

However, Qiqi shook her head.

"There must be something about the Earth Defense Force or even that person, right? However, since you are the head of the family and you decide things, I will not ask for the time being. Only then, if you really do If anything, you must tell me in advance. Otherwise, I won't let you go." Qiqi curled her body slightly, hid in Wukong’s arms, and raised her own Fist said angrily.

"Kiki, you..." There was a look of surprise and apology on Wukong's face.

He didn't think Qiqi would think of so many things.

Of course, in addition to surprise, it is more apologetic.

Because he decided that perhaps the whole family would fall into the same situation before, and even the family might be involved.

However, before he finished speaking, Qiqi covered his mouth with her hand.

"Needless to say, haven't you noticed that I have been in the kitchen for too long? Just squeezing a glass of juice. I have been a housewife for so many years, and why does it take so long? Some things, I also know Yes. So, you don't have to apologize. Who told me to marry you!" Qiqi said with a beautiful glance at Monkey King.


The next thing is self-evident.

But what they didn't expect was that it was on a certain planet a few light years ago.

Looking at the big screen in front of him, Zhang Xiang couldn't help turning off the light screen hurriedly.

Because the things above are really inappropriate for children!

"Ahem... It seems that Wu Tian may have been born earlier..." Zhang Xiang pretended to clear his cough twice, and then looked around as if he was guilty of a ghost.

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