Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 141: , The race that once ruled the universe!

"Idiot, is it so arrogant to think that you can resurrect indefinitely through resentment? Don't you know that one thing is innate? Your resentment is just nourishment for my'Shadow Demon Blade'." Zhang Xiang swung his sword abruptly, and the sword wind swept over and swallowed all the black mist cleanly. .

A little bit of dark light circulated over the sword, as if cheering.

The "Shadow Demon Blade" was originally a demon knife, and the demon knife was born to kill ghosts.

What's more, it has evolved several times. Not only can blood be used as nutrients to absorb it cleanly, but even the soul can now be swallowed.

Let alone grievances.

As for the reason why this artifact-level "Shadow Demon Blade" can cross the boundary without being affected by this world, it is because Zhang Xiang has long used the third wish that the Mark Star Dragon had not made. , Let it eliminate the repulsive force from cross-border items such as'Shadow Demon Blade'.

Originally, Zhang Xiang wanted to allow his ontology to cross-boundary and enhance his combat effectiveness, but finally thought about it and gave up this idea.

Not to mention that his ontology came across boundaries, would it arouse the attention of this world consciousness?

That is to say, if his body fell in this world, his damage would be too great.

However, thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but think of the pitch-black giant hand.

"I don't know the origin of that dark giant hand. After the destruction of the dragon, all the clues to the third wish I made can be erased, so that the rebirth of the namek star cannot be The clue was found." Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, thinking.

He has already begun to investigate the hidden area through the side, which has a history of thousands of years.

In fact, he did get a lot of information.

For example, there is evidence that there was once a very powerful race in that hidden area, which was stronger than the current Frieza clan, and almost ruled the entire universe. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Yes, it is true, and not a nominal rule like Frieza.

One can imagine how powerful this ethnic group is.

Moreover, their clan once unified all units and languages ​​within its rule.

Therefore, this explains why the Monkey King and the others in the original work were able to speak unimpeded when they went to various places in the universe because of the black dragon ball.

But it is a pity that such a powerful ethnic group disappeared completely ten million years ago.

Even the central star field, which was once a few light minutes in size, was directly erased from this world on one day.

As for the history of that clan, Zhang Xiang only found it there, and the clues were all cut off.

Because some of his clues were learned from the remains of a planet that had been extinct for more than millions of years.

Moreover, by chance, it was obtained from a ruin buried deep underground.

From this point, Zhang Xiang had already judged it.

That hidden star field really hides deep secrets.

Even more, it is about the two great gods that manage this universe-the realm king gods and the destruction gods.

Because the races on that planet did not disappear naturally, but were erased by humans.

Among them, there is the handwriting of the **** of destruction in it.

"It's also fortunate that I dug into Frieza's mind that there is information about the **** of destruction, otherwise I still can't judge it." Zhang Xiang sighed.

However, Zhang Xiang only sighed with emotion.

Because, in the past few years, he has made a lot of preparations, unless it is the two major gods who are doing the front, or the owner of the dark giant hand is unscrupulous, otherwise he is now unscrupulous. To be afraid of.

"Okay, let's solve the immediate crisis first." Zhang Xiang looked at the clean black fog that had been absorbed by the "Shadow Demon Blade", and couldn't help nodding with satisfaction.

Now that a solution to these current crises has been found, the rest is simple.

As long as he uses the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand to chop off all the machines that produce black mist, and then absorb the black mist, isn't it all right?

I believe that the enemy should spend a lot of energy in producing these machines and collecting these grievances.

As long as this period of time has passed, the enemy will have only one choice.

That's the person behind it personally, or hiding again.

No matter which one, Zhang Xiang has the confidence to solve the people behind the scenes.

Don’t forget, the stagnant loop was laid out for a whole week. The supercomputer hidden deep in the ground was already photographed based on the traces of spatial fluctuations explored, and the stagnant loop in the distance. The blurred image of, began to calculate the place where the enemy sent things from.

As long as it is calculated, the opponent can't escape even if they want to escape.

It's just that when he used Teleport and hadn't solved a few machines that produced black fog, an emergency call for help rang.

"Did something happen again?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

Call for help, but it can only be activated when there is a major crisis.

What surprised Zhang Xiang even more was that the direction of the emergency call for help turned out to be from the direction of New Vegeta.

You know, the new planet Vegeta is a planet that he specifically chose to place them after he cloned enough Saiyans that is not much different from the original planet Vegeta.

But the key is not this. The key is that the characters who are currently managing the planet of New Vegeta are Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang who have the ability to transform into super Saiyans.

Moreover, the current Saiyan tribe are all Saiyan fighters who have been genetically adjusted and possess the potential of superior Saiyans!

It stands to reason that unless it is the famous beings in the universe that make the move, it is impossible for them to call for help urgently.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang quickly called out the content of the emergency call for help.

Amidst the violently shaking light screen, a figure with a severely injured body was lying in the middle of the street and shouting to Zhang Xiang: "Ask for help, urgently for help, there are super Saiyans attacking me... Ah... …"

It's just that he hasn't waited until he finished speaking.

A golden qigong cannon flashed past, and a building hundreds of stories high next to him was suddenly penetrated and collapsed, burying the person calling for help.

And the signal for help only went to this point, and then disappeared.

"Super Saiyan attack?!" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, and various possibilities flashed in his mind.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

"Could it be him?" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that no matter how much he guessed, it was just a guess, so he might as well take a look.

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