Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 159: ,resurrection!

And on a barren planet tens of thousands of light years away.

To be precise, it was the underground of this barren planet, a certain base hidden in the depths.

This is a small base, covering an area of ​​only a few thousand square meters. In order to save energy, the lights in the base are also in a very dim state, so that people can only see fuzzy things.

But this base has only one duty, and that is to maintain the original state until the person kept at the center of the base "lives".

Maybe this one came alive and was not accurate.

Because that mature body floating in a petri dish is full of vitality and healthier than anyone else.

The reason why he is said to be ‘live’ is because this is just a body without a soul.

In other words, it's just the living dead!

But time passed quickly, and this base has been standing in this place for more than ten years.

During the period, the main computer of the base had only received several orders and adjusted the body in the petri dish, and there were no other actions.

On this barren planet, the situation seems to be maintained until a certain period of time, or the planet has a problem that causes the base to be destroyed, or the energy of the base is exhausted, and the power outage causes the entire base to go into silence. status.

Of course, this situation is negligible.

This base will be built on this planet, which already shows that the geological activities of this planet are very infrequent. It may take tens of thousands of years to have geological activities that can destroy the base. .

The base is also using permanent energy devices. If you want to consume light energy in this low-consumption state, it is better to expect the buildings of the base to automatically collapse over time.

Only at this time.

A bit of light suddenly flashed out from the depths of the base, directly submerged in this body.

A few seconds later, the body floating in the green culture liquid slowly opened his eyes that he had never opened.

"Very well, the body's adaptation efficiency has reached 98. Just wait a few days and you will be able to fully adapt." Zhang Xiang's slightly hoarse voice suddenly rang from the body.

However, in later words, his words returned more and more to their usual level.

And with the sound of his voice, the lights came on at the same time.

At this time, we were finally able to see his appearance clearly.

With short black hair, a slightly handsome face, and a familiar feeling, the person who appeared in the petri dish was undoubtedly Zhang Xiang.

And at the moment his voice just fell, the entire base seemed to be lit up, suddenly brightening from the center of the petri dish.

The transparent glass cover of the petri dish was also slowly rising, and the green nutrient solution poured down.

And Zhang Xiang is the first step in his body.

Unlike the previous body that was catalyzed by the catalyst to mature and had many defects, this body was developed on its own according to the normal Saiyan development process.

Therefore, this body is filled with an active feeling that the previous body did not have.

Every punch and every foot can feel the real power emerging.

"Yes, there are no hidden injuries in the body. And this kind of potential is not hindered, it is really beautiful!" As soon as Zhang Xiang's words fell, a huge breath emerged from his body. coming.

There was a ‘bang’, it was the sound of the rising glass cover breaking.

And the whole base also heard a harsh sound.

That is the alarm caused by the powerful pressure radiating from Zhang Xiang's body and stimulating the base's own defense devices.

Because, even at this moment, he did not transform, but the pressure radiating from his body was already close to the level of Super Saiyan II.

And this is because he hasn't gotten familiar with his body yet, and his full power has exploded.

"It's a pity, the great elder is already dead. Otherwise, let him guide the potential of this body. How strong it should be!" Zhang Xiang sighed with regret.

However, he immediately shook his head.

"You can't be too greedy. I'm very lucky to have such a strong body again. I can't ask for anything. Moreover, at this level. Although combat effectiveness is very important. But I feel the realm of God. The strength of this is the right way." A trace of determination flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

The so-called realm of gods seems to be very mysterious, but in fact it is only a realm.

There are two ways to reach the realm of gods.

One is to use external objects, or you find a kind of purest power, practice it, let yourself get close to the universe in this way, and use the power of the universe.

The other is to practice oneself, so that one can precisely control every bit of power in the body, transform oneself into a universe, and explode more powerful forces through the way that oneself, a small universe affects the big universe.

Through these two methods, it is possible to temporarily, even nearly semi-permanently, use a certain power in the universe of Dragon Ball to turn corruption into a magical power.

Zhang Xiang used the third method.

That is, both methods are methods of practice.

In the past few years, he traveled to nearly one-third of the galaxy and established his belief in him through violence, liberation, or even temptation of profit.

Although, the power of belief generated by these beliefs is not firm.

However, he has the power to deal with beliefs in other worlds, and he has become a **** in other worlds, but he already has a way to use this power of willingness from sentient beings to temporarily reach the realm of gods.

On the other hand, he is practicing arduously, trying his best to control every bit of power in the body, trying to achieve that every bit of power in the body is the result of his control.

Although, the results are not so good now.

However, he can already burst out of the power of Super Saiyan II under normal conditions, without having to carry out a transformation with a strong burden.

And the reason why he can use these impure powers of faith to reach the point of stepping into the realm of gods is not the reason why he does not use every bit of faith precisely to exclude impurities.

At this moment, a light screen suddenly became brighter in the restarted base.

"Is it possible to capture the situation on that side?" Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked in the direction of the light screen.

And the place where the light screen was mapped was not another place, but the place where he fought with the priest.

More precisely, he hadn't had time to take a closer look when he first came out, he had already forcibly exploded and destroyed everything.

At this time, the scene that was temporarily undetectable by the Milky Way Net because of his self-destruction was already revealed.

That unknown galaxy had disappeared completely under the light of his self-destruction.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly.

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