Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 170: , An absolute defense system!

And watching Vegeta's movements, Zhang Xiang didn't set out to stop it either.

After all, it was his choice.

Zhang Xiang's eyes wandered around, locked in one direction.

That's the direction where Babidy is hiding.

"Then, I'll leave it to you first. Let me deal with some things first." Zhang Xiang said directly to the Monkey King and the others next to him.

But Monkey King nodded.

"No problem, just leave it to me. If there is something, I will take action." Monkey King said with a hint of excitement.

However, Zhang Xiang was not surprised at all.

After all, Saiyans are all fighters.

This is true even if it is Saiyan who has lived on the earth since childhood.

Vegeta wants to fight against the devil Buu, but what about Monkey King?

For Sun Wukong, who has dealt with too many young men in the Earth Defense Forces, but has never encountered an opponent who can make him do his best, he has long been looking forward to this martial arts meeting to have a hearty experience. The battle is over.

Seeing that Monkey King had already agreed, Zhang Xiang moved directly behind him in an instant.

However, Babidi was looking excitedly at the demon Buu who appeared in the distance, and did not notice Zhang Xiang's arrival at all.

Therefore, without expending any effort, Zhang Xiang directly pinched the opponent's neck, grabbed the opponent directly, and turned the opponent's front.

"Babidi, right? We can finally have a quiet talk." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face, following Babidi who was lifted up by him.

"You, is it you?" Babidi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He will never forget the first time he missed his magic.

In his mind, Zhang Xiang has become the person he needs to be vigilant the most. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, he did not expect that he had just escaped with the help of chaos, but he was found immediately.

"Yes, it's me. Was it surprising?" Zhang Xiang said to him as if he had a lot of time.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Babidi couldn't help screaming.

"Buu, Majin Buu, come and save me soon..." Babidi couldn't help struggling fiercely, and yelled.

It's just that before he finished speaking, he was completely unable to speak.

Because Zhang Xiang had already pinched the opponent's throat, making the opponent completely unable to speak.

In the distance, although Majin Buu heard Babidi's words, he pretended not to hear them at all.

After all, for Majin Buu, Babidi, who had once sealed a spell, was a very troublesome existence.

Now, someone helped him deal with the other party, but he couldn't be more willing.

On this side, looking at the demon Buu in the distance, there was no response at all, and Babidi's movements couldn't help but become bigger.

" me...ah..." Babidy's intermittent voice rang from his mouth.

It's just that Zhang Xiang's right hand is harder in return.

"Shhh, don't make it too loud, it will affect our quiet conversation, it's not very good." Zhang Xiang pretended to say to Babidi, whose face was flushed.

However, at this moment.

A qigong bomb fell not far from Zhang Xiang, causing an explosion into the sky.

——That is the qigong bomb launched by Vegeta.

Because the battle between Vegeta and Majin Buu has already begun.

"Really, it's so shameless. Forget it, let's change to a quieter place." Zhang Xiang said to Babidi who was about to pass out.

Then, he immediately moved away from the place in an instant.

And the place where he appeared again was not somewhere else, but the place where the photon computer was buried deep underground.

"Turn on the absolute defense system, and implement absolute defense when I look at my memory!" Zhang Xiang directly issued an order to the photon computer.

"The order has been received, turn on the absolute defense system!"

As the sound of the photon computer fell, a series of illusory light began to flicker through this space, enveloping everything in.

This is what the absolute defense system is covering this space.

The so-called absolute defense system is a semi-technical and semi-energy defense method that Zhang Xiang uses a photon computer to calculate and improve based on the technology of the three worlds.

The specific principle is very complicated, but the effect is very simple and powerful.

That is to directly transform this place shrouded by the absolute defense system into an illusory existence to resist all attacks.

Even those who step into the realm of gods, without understanding, will definitely miss the first attack.

After watching the absolute defense system unfold, Zhang Xiang directly brought Babidi to his eyes.

A mysterious light shot from Zhang Xiang's eyes into Babiedi's eyes, directly controlling him.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's mental power, which was like a substance, also spread out like a spider web, and began to connect with Babidi's brain.

The memories extracted by the machine are always somewhat chaotic and subjectively missing.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang intends to directly invade Babidi's brain subconscious this time and directly steal all the other's memories.

Originally, the first guy he planned to start was Majin Buu's.

However, in order to practice his hands and get the spell of Sealing Demon Buu, he only started on Babidi.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's mental power invaded the deepest part of Babidi's memory.

It was like being pulled into a giant 3D movie theater, and the massive scene began to flash past at an incredible speed.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiang had already prepared everything.

To ordinary people, it was just a fleeting sight, but to Zhang Xiang it seemed like being on the scene.

In this case, although Babidi's memory is very long, it only took Zhang Xiang less than a few minutes to read it completely.

It was just as Zhang Xiang had expected.

There is not much useful memory from Babidi's brain.

The most useful thing is probably the spell that seals Demon Buu, and some spells with magical effects.

"It seems that although Babidi's name is big. But he still knows too little." Zhang Xiang said with a sigh.

Only at this time.

Zhang Xiang suddenly seemed to have discovered something.

"Hey, what is this one? This memory area is actually sealed up!" Zhang Xiang's mental power originally planned to withdraw, suddenly touched a mysterious place, and suddenly discovered something wrong.

"Could it be that the real secrets that Babidy knows are hidden here?!" Zhang Xiang suddenly felt his eyes shine.

Afterwards, he began to try to crack the relevant seal.

In the end, Zhang Xiang's approach was violent destruction.

The sealed memory finally began to show up in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang was surprised that this was not the memory of Babedi, but the memory of his father Bibidi!

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