Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 174: , The history of the real dragon fist outbreak!

It's just that the Hildegang who originally appeared in front of Zhang Xiang is just an afterimage of the Hildegang summoned by certain dark magicians on the planet Konak. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Later, the body was already corrupted by priests, used to act as the body during action.

And Hildegang's real body has always been buried in this Konak planet.

Or it should be said that this entire planet is his body.

As for the true identity of Hildegang, I have to start talking about it 50 million years ago.

The so-called Hildegang is a strong man who survived the most primitive Demon Buu Rebellion, which was surrounded and suppressed by the Realm King God and Destruction God 50 million years ago.

However, his luck was not good.

Without the powerful pressure of the World King God and the Destruction God, the powerful men and races who were originally suppressed by the World King God and Destruction God so helplessly began to compete.

The specific process will not be mentioned.

The end result was that the lonely Hilde had just been killed.

His body was abandoned in the void, drifting all the time, and gradually colliding with other meteorites, gradually forming a planet.

During these tens of millions of years of evolution, Hildegang's body was completely buried.

And after a spaceship crash, this planet was human for the first time.

Then, the races on this planet began to multiply.

Moreover, this planet has its own name-Planet Konak!

However, even if the Demon God dies, his corpse can still affect many things.

During the long journey of time, some people gradually borrowed the power of Hildegang through various methods. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

And, a preliminary belief was established.

In the end, humans on the entire planet began to believe in Hilde. Surrounded by the power of faith, the corpse of the demon **** who had been dead for a long time had a peculiar reaction and possessed some self. The response consciousness.

And there is a category of people who can communicate with the self-consciousness born from the corpse of the demon god, and borrow a more powerful force.

The names of this type of people are called priests.

And in the long years, there are still generations of priests researching, they finally know that the planet under their feet is the truth about Hildegang.

And, I felt how powerful Hildegang was in his heyday.

As a result, a certain generation of priests suddenly had an idea.

That is, it would be great if he could control Hildegang's power and bring the opponent under his control!

At this time, several evil magicians appeared on the planet Konak.

After the exchange, they finally made this risky act of trying to summon Hildegang.

In the end, Hilde was naturally called out.

It's just that what they summoned out was only the corpse of the Demon God Hildegang, under the nourishment of the power of faith, it was just a trace of consciousness that they produced.

Moreover, since the incompleteness of consciousness is only the idea of ​​destruction, this ‘Hildegang’ was called out and began to be destroyed.

Even the priests can't control it!

In the end, the priest could only borrow the power of the real Hildegang to cut the ‘Hildegang’ formed by this illusory consciousness into two.

Then, the seal was placed on the bodies of the two Tapion brothers.

Moreover, in order to prevent the fact that he had joined forces with the evil magician from being revealed, he also sealed the two brothers Tapion into the music box and sent them to the two ends of the universe.

And later, because of the pressure of life limit.

The priest who had long had evil thoughts was the one who found the music box, killed the two Tapion brothers, and released ‘Hildegang’ again.

Moreover, this time with the help of his own preparation for a long time, as well as the strength of these years of practice, he successfully controlled the'Hildegang'.

Then, refining'Hildegang' into a clone of himself, using the power of the demon **** to force his life to continue.

Moreover, after successfully obtaining this point, he had another idea in his heart.

That is, he wants to control the real Hildegang, no, he wants to be the second Hildegang!

Therefore, since the beginning of a thousand years, the priest who has become less like humans and ghosts has begun to implement his related plans.

It was from that time that the humans on the planet Konak fell into a situation where humans are not like humans and ghosts are not like ghosts, and their hearts have been eroded by the dark power of the devil and become part of this planet. Part of it became a backup energy source for the power of faith for priests.

The reason for the conflict between the other party and Zhang Xiang is simple.

When Zhang Xiang confronted the owner of the pitch black giant palm, he felt the mysterious power of'One' from Zhang Xiang's body, and felt that this power could be useful to him.

At least, it can help him save thousands of years of waiting time.

Therefore, he started on Zhang Xiang.

It's a pity that he didn't expect Zhang Xiang's strength to progress so quickly!

Therefore, he finally lost his wife and broke down. He couldn't help but the body of the mixed soul that was about to be accommodated in his soul, which was merged with his soul and body, was shattered. His real body almost suffered a devastating blow.

Forcing him to sever his arm, and the dark life that he served as the source of the power of faith was turned into his own energy, so as to protect Hildegang's body from a devastating blow.

However, this devastating blow prompted him to make a dangerous decision...


And almost at the same time when the mutation happened, Zhang Xiang also received the scene transmitted from a far distance using special technology.

Looking at the body of Hildegang, who was as huge as a planet, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

You must know the planet Konak, but the Earth is several times larger!

One can imagine how huge the body of Hildegang who broke through from the planet Konak is.

I'm afraid that even the mysterious planet-level cosmic creatures that Zhang Xiang encountered before are not as good as it can be!

And the gap above the combat power, I'm afraid it's even worse!

"What the **** is he going to do?!" Zhang Xiang opened his eyes wide and looked at the image that was passed on in an incredible way.

Because he has a hunch.

If the opponent succeeds, then he is in danger.

After all, his previous self-destruction almost killed the opponent.

Zhang Xiang didn't believe that the enemy would not choose revenge after his strength soared.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang finally sealed the Demon Buu, making him a meaty egg again.

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