Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 826: , Magic suppression!

"Mysterious Kuro card?" Zhang Xiang looked at the corrugated pattern on the outside, with a labyrinth in the middle, with a Kuro card with sun patterns on the top of the ripple, and couldn't help but say aloud. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

He was really curious about the Kuro cards created by Kurorido.

Some Kuro cards have very little power, or even can affect some specific things, and are used as supplies for pranks.

However, some Kuro cards are very powerful.

Just like the time Kuro card, it can achieve the effect of reversing time, although it can only reverse the time of one day.

However, the power that can involve time is always extremely powerful.

There are even Kuro cards that erase a person's existence out of thin air.

Moreover, that kind of erasure does not simply erase a person's existence physically, it even erases the traces of his past existence, and all the effects that he or she has made in people's memory.

From this, we can see that the Kuro card of'Nothing' is powerful.

In Zhang Xiang's original world, there is a legend.

According to the legend, when the land was just opened, there was a creature called Taotie (ancestor) that completely swallowed the existence of a race.

Since then, among the great powers, there is only the immortal, immortal saint who can remember the existence of this race.

And all the things that a race had done were either erased or corrected by a force in the dark.

Even the gluttony that swallowed the existence of that race, if you don't think about it, it can't remember what it swallowed. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

From this, we can see how powerful this ability is in its later stages.

But unfortunately, at this time, it is not a good time to observe this Kuro card.

Because, in front of him, there was a strong man with a solemn expression standing ready to take action.

However, it is only for Zhang Xiang who is in a normal state.

After all, the opponent was standing in front of Zhang Xiang, so he was able to accurately judge the strength of the opponent, not as strong as he had guessed.

Even the edge of the great magician was not touched.

"Sure enough, you know the Kuro card. You also came for the Kuro card? You came into contact with Sakura for this purpose, right?" Standing in front of Zhang Xiang, wearing a light blue shirt and light gray slacks Momoya Kinomoto looked at Zhang Xiang with a solemn expression on her face.

Especially when he heard the name of the Kuro card, deep vigilance and hostility flashed in his eyes.

In his opinion, Zhang Xiang must have a special purpose when approaching Sakura.

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence, Sakura would meet Zhang Xiang such a guy with such a powerful magic power in the crowd.

Moreover, he is still a guy who can recognize Kuro cards.

And listening to Momoa's words, Zhang Xiang didn't feel surprised, because he just didn't enter Sakura's house just now, just guessing that Momoa would think so.

"It's not like that." Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head.

"That's not the case? So, why did you approach Sakura? Do you still know about the Kuro card?!" Momoa obviously didn't believe Zhang Xiang's words, still using a vigilant look, even the magic in his body It is already agitated, and is always ready to strike.

However, in the next moment, his body could not move.

Even the release of magical power was restricted.

Because, while he was talking excitedly, Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and pointed it in his direction.

Then, in the next moment.

From Zhang Xiang's body, there was an incomparably powerful magic power like the sea, compared to his magic power like a small river.

If it was just like this, he would just be forced to retreat.

However, as the powerful magical power that was like the sea struck, this feeling was also transmitted from all directions.

That incomparable magical power, like a wave, hit his body one after another, completely locking his actions, and confining his magical power inside his body.

Furthermore, he could feel a force involving space acting on his surroundings.

If he resists fiercely, it will even cause him some harm.

"So, do you believe it...?" Zhang Xiang asked the other party with a smile on his face.

"What?" The trapped Momoji was a little unclear, so she still looked at Zhang Xiang with alert.

"Nothing, I just want to say that with my current strength, even if I don't rely on Kuro cards, I can do what most Kuro cards can do?" Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

If Zhang Xiang said it in peacetime, the other party would probably sneer.

However, at this moment, he felt the magic power that was as vast as the sea from Zhang Xiang's body, but he had to believe it.

Let alone, when Zhang Xiang said such a sentence.

He was also able to feel a great threat from Zhang Xiang's body, which proved that Zhang Xiang had another hole card that had not been displayed.

However, he still didn't believe it.

"Hmph, even if you have such strength, there is no guarantee that you have no covetous heart for Kuro cards!" Taoya stared at Zhang Xiang closely, not daring to relax at all.

He had already decided, if Zhang Xiang really did it, he would fight to death.

Because he would not just sit back and watch others do something to his sister.

Although he usually bullies his only sister, it does not mean that he does not like this sister.

On the contrary, because his sister had never seen his mother's experience, he felt even more pity.

He usually bullies his sister because he is not good at expressing his feelings.

Otherwise, he would not always show up to work where his sister appeared, silently protecting her.

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