Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 443: , Cherry blossoms falling from the sky

However, at this moment, looking at Xiao Kong's somewhat embarrassed look, Zhang Xiang had to stand up.

"Okay, don't worry about this matter anymore. Miyu and Sakura, the 100-meter race of the two of you is about to begin. Shouldn't you two report first? And Xiao Hina, Do you know what the word'marry' means?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and hugged the young chick out of Meiyu's arms, and said somewhat irritably.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, whether it was Miyu or Sakura, they couldn't help but cried out ‘ah’.

Because, not far away, the official registration of the 100-meter race is beginning.

Seeing this, the two of them hurriedly bid farewell to Zhang Xiang and others, and ran over.

In Zhang Xiang's arms, the young bird frowned, thought for a while, then raised his head again.

"Uncle Uh, I don't know, I don't know," Xiao Xiao looked at Zhang Xiang with innocent eyes, with a puzzled expression in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, both Zhang Xiang and Xiao Kong were a little bit dumbfounded.

"I don't know anything, follow your sister Meiyu to make fun of" Zhang Xiang stretched out the fingers of his right hand, and lightly touched Xiao Chi's forehead, and said somewhat irritably.

"Uncle hee hee, don't click on Xiao Chi's head, be careful that Xiao Chi becomes stupid." Xiao Chi regarded Zhang Xiang's movements as a game, twisting in Zhang Xiang's arms a little restlessly, a pair of little hands blocking him Before his forehead, there was a smile like a silver bell in his mouth.

Watching this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but start playing around with the young chicks.

It was not until Xiaokong watched that the 100-meter race was really about to start, and he smiled and said a little bit grimly: "Don't play anymore, the match between Miwa and Sakura will begin. "It prevented the two from playing.

After listening to Xiao Kong's words, Zhang Xiang stopped playing with the young chicks and sat back on the sheet of the audience seat that was paved on the ground.

On the other side, Xiao Kong took out a small hand towel and carefully wiped off the forehead for Xiao Chi, because he was playing with Zhang Xiang, and a little bit of sweat leaked out.

And this scene happened to be filmed by Zhi Shi who was playing with the DV machine.

"Big Brother, Sister Xiaokong and Xiaochun, they really look like a family" Zhishi said with a gentle smile on his face.

Although this sound was not loud, it happened to be heard by Zhang Xiang and Xiaokong.

In an instant, the blush that had just sank on Xiao Kong's face appeared again, and he lowered his head slightly shyly.

Even the mood that I wanted to explain has disappeared magically.

I don't know why, when she heard Zhishi's words, she felt that her mind was sweet, and she didn't have the embarrassing appearance she had imagined.

However, Zhang Xiang smiled slightly after looking at the happy young chick and the shy Xiaokong.

At this time, the starting gunshots of the women's 100-meter race also sounded appropriately, attracting everyone's attention.

And just as they had said before, the faces of Miwa and Sakura were full of momentum.

At the beginning, he was already half a body ahead of the others, and gradually moved away from the second group behind.

And next, two people started chasing me, and the two people were catching up with each other within the first fifty meters.

After reaching fifty meters, the two began to go hand in hand.

Moreover, he has already opened a distance of more than three meters from the second group behind him.

However, this time the race is only a 100-meter race.

The two quickly rushed to the end, about ten meters away, and started the final battle.

Except at this time.

Whether it was Zhang Xiang sitting in the crowd, Sakura running, or the little wolf warming up for the men’s 100-meter race, they all raised their heads and looked at the teaching building with some surprise. Direction.

‘Kuro card? ! ’3

This idea flashed through the hearts of all three of them.

It was just such a slight distraction that made Sakura's acceleration a little bit slower, and in the end Miwa rushed past the end point with a few centimeters difference.

And Sakura got the second place.

At the same time, the magic fluctuating aura of the Kuro card suddenly disappeared.

This made both Sakura who was preparing to run to the teaching building or the little wolf who had already ran to the door of the teaching building stopped with a look of surprise.

However, Zhang Xiang was looking at the direction behind the teaching building.

Perhaps because it is too far away, other people have not found it yet.

However, the sharp-eyed Zhang Xiang has already discovered it.

Those cherry trees that didn't even have much green leaves began to sprout at a strange speed, and the pink cherry blossoms began to bloom.

Moreover, the affected area is getting bigger and bigger, spreading towards the teaching building.

Even the cherry blossoms began to fall in the air.

"Ah... it's cherry blossoms" among the crowd, a child pointed in the air in surprise.

At this time, everyone finally realized that they didn't know anything from the sky, and they began to fall into pink cherry blossoms.

The faint fragrance of cherry blossoms spread throughout the entire campus.

"Ah... what a beautiful cherry blossoms." Xiaokong looked at the pink cherry blossoms falling from the sky, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Her left hand was holding the little chick sitting in her arms, but her right hand was stretched out, holding the falling cherry blossoms in the palm of her hand, and leaning in front of her eyes, carefully observed, showing her face. Come with a smile.

"Ah Sakura Flower" Little Chin also stretched out a pair of delicate hands, trying to catch the cherry blossoms that fell from the sky, with a happy expression on his face.

The people behind Zhi Shi, Xiao Ai, Hua Huo Xiao Lori and others also showed expressions of wonder.

Only Xiao Ai was still wondering.

"How can there be cherry blossoms in this weather? Or did they fall from the sky?" Xiao Ai whispered suspiciously.

It's just that she is also a girl, and in such a romantic atmosphere, this kind of thought has surfaced in her mind.

However, she did not think of the reason, but just enjoyed these beautiful cherry blossoms.

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