Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 848: , Conquer the Hua Kuro card!

Feeling the vastness like the ocean, and the magic power in the middle as heavy as the mountains, whether it is Sakura or Coyote, the eyes are full of shock.

Because they have never felt such a powerful erosion of magic.

Even Xiao Ke, the creative creature who had stayed beside Kurorido, was stunned at this time.

Because even it rarely perceives such a powerful magic power on Kurorido.

Even, because it was many years later, I felt the magic power of this intensity again.

It also has a magical power released by Zhang Xiang, which is stronger than the magical power of Kuroli.

As a result, their eyes were constantly attracted by Zhang Xiang's outstretched right hand.

Under the pressure of such a powerful magic power, everyone felt that time seemed to have stopped.

In the world in their eyes, the big hand, which is not very special, seemed to be the only thing still in motion in this seemingly static world.

His right hand slowly penetrated the pink cherry blossoms still in the air, and came to the cherry blossom pile that looked like the surrounding cherry blossoms.

Then, his right hand gently covered it.

Then, the magic power that resembled a thick mountain range shrank away.

At the same time, a burst of bright light also brightened up.

When the light in Zhang Xiang's hand disappeared, a Kuro card with two hands folded in front of him, with curly hair and a fluffy skirt, appeared on Zhang Xiang's right hand. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

At this time, everyone suddenly noticed that the pink cherry blossoms that had been fixed in the air had once again landed.

However, after this wave of landing was completed, there were no more pink cherry blossoms, which fell endlessly from the sky.

And at this moment, the shocked expression on the face of the little wolf who was standing on the side gradually receded.

However, when he looked at the Kuro card in Zhang Xiang's hand, his eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

On the other side, the shock on Kozakura's face gradually faded, instead she showed an expression of admiration.

"It's amazing...Big brother..." Sakura looked at Zhang Xiang as if effortlessly, and she stretched out and grabbed the captured Hua Kuro card, her face couldn't help showing surprise and admiration.

"It's not much powerful, it's just this Kuro card, not a deck of four elements. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so relaxed." Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head, facing Sakura Said.

"No, the magic reserves of my elder brother just now really shocked me. The magic reserves of my elder brother are many, many times that of mine." Kozakura opened her hands and gestured.

"Although the quantity is large, the quality is not as high as Sakura's," Zhang Xiang smiled and said to Sakura.

"Really?" Sakura's eyes lit up and asked Zhang Xiang with a hint of suspicion.

"Yes, although my magic power reserve is more than ten times that of yours, the quality is still slightly inferior to you because of reasons I haven't sorted out before," Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Kozakura cheered for herself in the dark.

However, she didn't notice that Zhang Xiang just said it was before.

Not necessarily in the future!

And after rejoicing for Zhang Xiang's appreciation for a while, Xiao Sakura also recalled her purpose this time under the reminder of Xiao Ke next to her.

"By the way, big brother... I don't know... I don't know what you want to do with those Kuro cards?" Sakura ignored Xiao Ke's persuasion next to her, and after hesitating for a while, she directly asked Zhang Xiang.

And listening to Sakura's words, the little wolf who had been on the alert next to him became even more nervous.

However, what he did not expect was that Zhang Xiang was not angry because of this incident.

"Research...I want to study how Kurorido made these Kuro cards. By the way, I also plan to study the magic attached to these Kuro cards..." Zhang Xiang did not hesitate. Explained clearly to Sakura.

"Research?" After hearing Zhang Xiang's explanation, Sakura couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Zhang Xiang doesn't plan to use it to do bad things, that's fine.

However, after a sigh of relief, Sakura was even more troubled.

Because she can only seal it up again after finding all the Kuro cards.

As long as there are other cards left out, the seal cannot be completed again.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang seemed to understand Sakura's tangled thoughts and spoke.

"Don't worry, I know exactly what you want to do to collect the Kuro card. After I do something with this Kuro card, I will give it to you again." Zhang Xiang While speaking, he walked forward two steps, habitually stretched out his hand, and rubbed Kozakura's head.

And it was Zhang Xiang's move that made Sakura blush slightly.

"Thank you, big brother..." Sakura lowered her head slightly, and said to Zhang Xiang with some enjoyment.

I didn't pay any attention, I was already jumping around, yelling that Zhang Xiang was untrustworthy, and he needed careful words.

Then, as Zhang Xiang's right hand bent and flicked, the irritable voice quickly disappeared.

Of course, Xiao Ke, who was yelling in the air, turned his body upside down for a few times, and put his hands on his head, stopped after flying upside down for several meters.

However, this time, it did not dare to speak.

"Okay, let's not be polite. After I run out in a few days, I will send it to you. Now, don't you have another round of the game? Now it is almost time to start. Let's go out quickly. , Or you will be abstained." Zhang Xiang put one hand on Sakura's shoulder, while touching Sakura's smooth dark brown hair with the other.

Not knowing whether Sakura likes to be touched by someone or for another reason, a blush appeared on her face.

And, there was a soft ‘um’ back.

On the other side, Little Wolf had already left wisely without knowing when...

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